Mamas Uncut

AITA For Not Letting My Friend Use My Wedding Photographer For Engagement Shoots?

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One user is asking Reddit if they are the a**hole for not permitting their wedding photographer to take engagement photos of her friends.

“I got married last weekend. The day before my wedding, one of my bridesmaids got engaged. I was super happy for her and told her I was so excited for her wedding,” the OP (Original Poster) begins.

AITA For Not Letting My Friend Use My Wedding Photographer For Engagement Shoots?
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“Then the next day, my friend kept saying she wanted her engagement photos done and since I already had a photographer, could she and her finacé just ‘borrow’ her for 40 minutes. She didn’t even ask me first, rather went right to the photographer.”

The situation continued to escalate and the request was cringe-worthy to say the least.

“The photographer told me one, we didn’t have the time if I wanted to stick to her documenting the pre-wedding stuff and two, if I did decide to sacrifice some of that time, she’d require more money as she was paid for one specific event and engagement shoots are another.”

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“I really didn’t want to have her miss me getting a first look of myself in my dress and hair and makeup, so I told my friend no. She got really upset and kept bringing it up. The photographer did say she could take a nice picture of them at the reception but didn’t have time for a shoot.”

But the friend did not take ‘no’ for an answer.

“After the ceremony, I was off with my husband having a few minutes as a breather before our reception. When I returned, the photographer was annoyed and said that again, my friend had accosted her for an engagement shoot since ‘she wasn’t doing anything.’ I told my friend to cut it out and she told me I was being a bridezilla. At that point, I walked away and asked my maid of honor to tell her she needed to leave because I was on the brink of tears.”

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“In the week since my ‘friend’ has posted on social media when she’s a bride, she hopes she doesn’t forget who her true friends are. A part of me wonders if I should’ve just caved and let her have the 40 minutes at some point and told her to pay for it. AITA?”

One user said: “And on top of all that she is cheap as hell. NTA.”

While another commented: “NTA. Congratulations on your wedding. That girl is not your friend. She didn’t respect you, your wedding photographer, or your wedding. She’s immature and feels the need to post passive-aggressive messages on social media. I’m glad you didn’t cave because you shouldn’t have to sacrifice your time for your big day. Friendships aren’t forever and may be think of letting this one go. You weren’t a bridezilla. She is a friendzilla! Congrats again! You did nothing wrong!!”

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