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AITA For Telling My Son He Needs To Pay For His Own Lunch While He’s At Work?

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One user is asking Reddit if they are the a****** for telling their son they need to budget for his own lunch while at work.

“My 15yo son is going to his first day at his first job tomorrow. He’ll be working 7 hours and earning $56 every day for a week, free and clear of any taxes. He already has $40.”

AITA For Telling My Son He Needs To Pay For His Own Lunch While He's At Work?
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“Before going to bed he told me he needed money to go to lunch. I told him to make a sandwich and take it with him. He balked, saying it’s their custom to go out. I told him to use his own money, and that we weren’t paying for his meals at work, and that’s just a part of working he needed to get used to.”

The OP went on to reveal how they never expected that when they were a teen themselves.

“I never would have expected someone to pay for my fast-food lunch during my shift when I was earning my own money as a teen. AITA for this nudge into adulthood, or is this a thing now?”

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One user commented:

“Plenty of people don’t learn this lesson until much later. I knew adults who would complain about never having money but would go out to lunch every day instead of bringing lunch from home,” the commenter began.

“In the kid’s case, lunch from home is entirely free. My kids are 17 and 16. Both have summer jobs and bring lunch from home every day. For them, it is more of a preference (17-year-old is a vegetarian and16 year old has anaphylactic food allergies so it is easier to bring their own food) but my younger one has gotten his fellow camp counselors to start bringing their own food. His argument was that it is cheaper and they get more time to chill for their break if they don’t have to run out and wait in line for fast food,” they concluded.

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While another said: “My monthly expenses were recently getting out of hand, and it was dramatically improved when I realized how much takeout was adding up. I have now cut back dramatically. I think it’s good parenting letting him learn now how expansive it can get to eat out regularly. That’s also a hit to the parent’s budget when they already provide him food at home he can take along for free.”

Followed by: “I have taken lunch into work with me most days but many of my colleagues just got some from our canteen. With C19 most of my colleagues are realizing just how much money they were spending on lunches, coffees etc. I think when we go back there may be more home lunches in the fridge!”

What do you THINK?

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