Mamas Uncut

AITA For Not Live Streaming My Birth?

One mother is asking Reddit if she is the a****** for not live-streaming her birth for friends and family.

“I am currently 16 weeks pregnant with my first little boy and my husband and I are over the moon excited. However, at every turn, COVID puts a stop to family being involved as much as they would have before the pandemic began.”

AITA For Not Live Streaming My Birth?
Image via Shutterstock

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“Not that we mind, we’re more private and don’t want too much interference from other people. Our hospital is not allowing visitors for the foreseeable future, and while our families are heartbroken, my mother has taken it the hardest.”

“Today while on the phone with her, she asked that we live stream/zoom the birth of our son. She made it clear she didn’t wanna see…everything…just enough to see our faces and hear his first cry etc. however, this moment is incredibly intimate and my husband and I don’t want to have [to] worry about our families on zoom while bringing our son into the world.”

“It seems very personal to me, and I don’t like the idea of them watching me push, potentially hearing if there are complications, watching him be put on my chest etc.”

Image via Shutterstock

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One user said: “Yeah I had a baby 8 weeks ago and first of all, no. It’s a private moment of adding another person to your family unit, it’s not for public consumption no matter how much they love you. Second of all, you and your husband are pretty damn busy with birthing that baby. Ain’t nobody got time to play cameraman.”

“Third of all, the hospital might have a problem with this plan. Fourth of all, God forbid something go wrong and your whole family is watching in real time. That’s just a recipe for disaster. And there are very common, low key things that are nonetheless stressful that can go wrong, like the baby I having meconium. You really want your mom watching if they have to take baby to the nicu because he breathed in his poops? You’re just going to hang up on her and everyone awful be freaking tf out and mad later.”

While another commented: “Might be easiest right now but it would probably be better in the long run if the family learns about “no means no”. Thou shalt not JADE with overbearing family.”

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