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Son Asks AITA for Not Letting His Dad Get Married to His Adult Stepdaughter

After a 36-year-old son married a “wonderful” 45-year-old mother of a 23-year-old, all was well. However, it was recently revealed that during their first year of marriage, his 23-year-old stepdaughter fell in love with his 55-year-old dad.

As the son wrote on Reddit, during he and his new wife’s first year of marriage, he treated his stepdaughter as if she was his own, even though she was already a grown adult. And has since legally adopted her. “Apparently my daughter has always liked older men and their ability to provide for her,” the man added.

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According to the Reddit post, the 23-year-old is an aspiring comedian and YouTuber with a small following that is growing. “She had always wanted a man to be able to take care of her while she pursued her dreams,” the Redditor wrote. “And well, she chose my dad.”

Son Asks AITA for Not Letting Dad Get Married to Stepdaughter

Allegedly, the stepdaughter and her stepgrandfather kept their relationship a secret at first until the daughter accidentally texted her mom a message that was meant for her best friend. “I found out about 3 months ago that they had run off to a chapel to have a secret wedding when my wife got a text from her daughter meant for her best friend asking to be a witness.”

As the son wrote, he reacted quickly enough to the information that he was able to get to the chapel before the wedding took place to stop it. “He couldn’t marry my daughter,” he told his dad. “It was weird and then my daughter would somehow be like a mother to me. He said that he was in love and while them getting married wasn’t up for discussion he did decide to postpone until I got used to the idea.”

“I talked with my daughter and explained that it was a weird situation and she said that she agreed it was weird but she wanted a provider and he promised to provide for her. She said that she wouldn’t act like a mother to me at all but really wished that I would accept this.”

Nonetheless, the Redditor still finds the whole wedding ridiculous. But now he’s wondering if he’s the a**hole for stopping the wedding. And there were a lot of mixed reactions.

“It’s an awkward dynamic but you can’t stop them from doing what they want, they’re both adults,” one commenter wrote. “On the other hand, it sounds like she’s marrying him for the wrong reasons…”


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“If he’s legally adopted the daughter per his comments, is it even legal for his father to then marry her?” another commenter question. “NTA but he’s voiced his concerns and needs to let this go,” someone added. “Both of them are adults and THINK they know what they’re doing. And if the dad is being used, consider it the tax for being nasty. Don’t stress over something you can’t change.”

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