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AITA For Not Canceling A Trip After My Girlfriend Told Me She Was Pregnant?

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One user is asking Reddit if they are the a****** for not canceling a trip after finding out their significant other was pregnant.

“Recently my girlfriend went to the hospital for something unrelated and discovered she was 1-2 weeks pregnant. She wants an abortion (obviously 100% her decision) and since it was found out early she’ll be able to take the pills,” the OP (Original Poster) began.

AITA For Not Canceling A Trip After My GF Told Me She Was Pregnant?
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“Recently my parents moved across the country and (weeks before) paid for a trip to have me to come out and help with moving into their new house for 4 days. I should also add that I’m only 21, and had been living with them prior to a week ago when they moved. This trip happened to fall just two days after the GF found out the news.”

The OP then offered to cancel the trip but the GF declined.

“I told her I’d be there with her through all of it and would cancel my trip if she needs me around for emotional support. My mom even told me it would be fine to cancel when I broke the news to her. My GF told me that I shouldn’t cancel and assured me that she’d be okay. We also couldn’t even get any of the abortion appointments booked until a week after when I’d be back.”

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“The day I left to the airport, she got super emotional and has been having meltdowns on me since, saying that I should’ve canceled regardless of what she said and that I essentially abandoned her for this. I’ve been telling her multiple times that I can leave and book a flight back early but she won’t even acknowledge it and keeps going off about how selfish I am. She’s now telling people that I got her pregnant then abandoned her. Am I an a****** for leaving for this trip?” the OP asked.

One user said: “I thought the same thing when I read the post. But as much as I can guess how the gf feels, I still think she’s the AH for telling people he got her pregnant and abandoned her. When he’s been supportive enough to offer to reschedule multiple times, the least she could do is not spread misinformation. Fear and confusion isn’t an excuse to smear someone else’s name.”

While another commented: “NTA, but as someone who’s been in her position and had to do it alone [I understand] her fears. Until the morning of my procedure I was cool and calm and I just kept telling everyone it’s just a pill it’s not a big deal. I told my parents I was gonna be fine, just be ready to pick me up when I call. Then the morning of, before my mom went to work she stopped and asked me if I was sure I was ok doing this by myself? And I broke, I didn’t even realize how much I needed support until the gravity hit me. So I say talk to your gf, she may have truly felt it was ok at first but felt unsupported when the reality of the situation hit her. If her mental state is anything like mines was during that time period then she is confused af.”

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