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AITA For Kicking My Step-Son Out To His Mother’s?

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One user is asking Reddit if they are the a****** for kicking out their step-son to his mother’s house.

“My first husband died when my biological son (14M) ‘Chris‘ was 7,” the OP or Original Poster said. “I kept a box of precious mementos including his class ring that I gave to Chris. It means a lot to him and he always wears it on [a] necklace only taking it off at night to sleep.. I eventually remarried when Chris was 10 to his stepdad ‘Martin‘ and he gained a [brother]’Torin‘ (16M).”

AITA For Kicking My Step-Son Out To His Mother's?
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“Martin has joint custody with his ex , but Torin spent more time with us after the marriage. Now me and Torin don’t have the best relationship. Try as I might he’s never taken to me and has never really liked me and he’s told me to my face that I can’t replace his mom and sometimes he’s rude to me.”

“Things aren’t that great between him and Chris either as [they’re] always arguing and Torin likes to pick on Chris. There’s also been a few times Torin was supposed to make sure Chris got home from football practice,but instead ‘forgot’ and left Chris stranded without telling anyone and he’s been forced to walk home a few times because of it (luckily we don’t [live too] far from the school, but its still almost an hour and a half walk) A lot of the times Martin lets these things slide and tells me it’s just a normal brother’s thing or that Torin is still getting used to me and I usually leave it alone [until] recently.”

“In the last week, Chris lost his dad’s ring. We looked for it everywhere and couldn’t find it. Chris has been in literal tears since he lost it. Today after school Torin and his boyfriend [were] hanging out outside and it was getting late so I went outside to tell him it was time for his boyfriend to go home. Torin looked shocked when I came outside and I immediately noticed why. Torin’s boyfriend was wearing my late husband’s ring (Torin has apparently stolen it and given it to his boyfriend). What I confronted them his boyfriend didn’t even know it wasn’t Tories and Torin had told him it was his dad’s.”

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“P***** I couldn’t deal with this any longer and since his dad [wasn’t] home to deal with him (Martin’s away on a business trip) I told him to pack his things and I dropped him off at his mom’s house. His dad called an hour ago saying I was being [too] hard on him and his mom thinks I’m overstepping and doing more than necessary, AITA?”

One user said: “NTA. I don’t think this is an overreaction at all. His almost adult son has told you that he doesn’t look at you as his stepmother or authority figure. You took him to someone who he does see that way.”

Followed by: “I don’t think you went far enough. I would have gotten the police involved. P.S. please keep that box of precious mementos secure in a safety deposit box or something, in case Torin decides to ‘retaliate’”

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