Mamas Uncut

Mom and Dad of 2-Year-Old Found Alone Following Highland Park Shooting Gave Their Lives to Save Him


Among those who attended the Fourth of July parade in Highland Park, Illinois was the McCarthy family. According to CBS News, Kevin McCarthy, Irina McCarthy, and their 2-year-old son Aiden attended the parade as a family when they found themselves in the crosshairs of a high-powered rifle. 

Kevin and Irina had no choice but to give their lives to save their young son. According to CBS Chicago reporter, Marissa Parra, a witness who found the young boy alone was trapped beneath his father’s lifeless body.

Mom and Dad of 2-Year-Old Aiden McCarthy Found Alone Following Highland Park Shooting Gave Their Lives to Save Him

The witness who found the boy told Parra that they “found the father’s body slumped over his little body.” Miraculously, the child was uninjured.

As CBS News reports, the couple who took the boy to a local fire department did so because they weren’t sure where to take him. Thankfully, while in the hands of a Highland Park detective, Aiden has since been reunited with his grandparents. 

A GoFundMe has since been created to raise money to support the young boy. By July 6, the fundraising as garnered more than $2 million.

Mom and Dad of 2-Year-Old Aiden McCarthy Found Alone Following Highland Park Shooting Gave Their Lives to Save Him

The GoFundMe was set up by the couple who took Aiden McCarthy to safety. As Irina Colon wrote on the page, Aiden “needs more of our help. His parents Irina and Kevin were killed during the July 4 shooting. At two years old, Aiden is left in the unthinkable position; to grow up without his parents.”

As the description continues it reads, “Aiden will be cared for by his loving family and he will have a long road ahead to heal, find stability, and ultimately navigate life as an orphan. He is surrounded by a community of friends and extended family that will embrace him with love, and any means available to ensure he has everything he needs as he grows.”

“On behalf of his family, and with their permission, I am establishing this fundraiser to support him and the caregivers who will be tasked with raising, caring for, and supporting Aiden as he and his support system embark on this unexpected journey.”

Seven total people lost their lives after the gunman opened fire on parade-goers. At least 26 more were injured. Six of the seven deceased victims have been identified. You can read their names below:

RELATED: Grandfather Who Just Moved to America Identified as One of the Victims in Highland Park Shooting: ‘He Didn’t Want to Attend the Parade’

Bobby Crimo has since been charged with seven counts of first-degree murder with more charges suspected to come about in the future.

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