
Featuring parenting and relationship questions (and answers!) from our community of real moms, this content features advice on a wide range of important topics. For the best advice from real moms, this is where you want to be.

Best Strollers for Twins

The Best Double Strollers (and Other Products) for Twins

A newly-expectant mom just learned she’s in for the ride of a lifetime: TWINS! She wants to know what the best double stroller options are (and is also taking advice on any other products parents of twins should have). Over on the Mamas Uncut Facebook page, our robust community of moms is always having a conversation about topics that matter. We like to highlight those conversations from time to time. Important mom questions. Thoughtful mom answers. Let’s hear from the community! A member of the Mamas Uncut Facebook community asks: So big news just came to my family… We’re having twins! Our first! Lol. Anyway, I was wondering if anyone has recommendations for the best double strollers? Also taking suggestions for ANY products moms of twins should have, but especially looking to lock down a good stroller for twins. (BTW, we live in a big city, so the smaller/more portable the better.) Thank you! – Mamas Uncut Community Member And with that, the community rushed in with some great recommendations! Recommended Double Strollers for Twins Baby Trend Expedition Double Jogger ($167.36 on Amazon) “I always use the Baby Trend Jogger. Granted, they are kinda bulky, but I love the fact that they are bicycle

The Best Double Strollers (and Other Products) for Twins Read More »

Potty Training: How to Get Rid of Pee Smell?

Potty Training: How Do You Get the Smell of Pee Out of Carpets?

A mom just began potty training her daughter, and though things are going well, she wants to know how to get rid of the pee smell that lingers after accidents. Over on the Mamas Uncut Facebook page, our robust community of moms is always having a conversation about topics that matter. We like to highlight those conversations from time to time. Important mom questions. Thoughtful mom answers. Let’s hear from the community! A member of the Mamas Uncut Facebook community asks: We are on day four of potty training with only 3 accidents so far and are so excited!! However, I am INCREDIBLY bad at getting the smell of pee pee out of the carpet from the accidents that she did have, lol. What can I use???!! I used a disinfectant spray and it helped a little… but it definitely still smells??? – Mamas Uncut Community Member As always, the Mamas Uncut community was there with some great potential solutions. Try a New Cleaning Product “OdoBan is the best stuff I’ve found for stubborn odors.” “Get an enzyme cleaner. Follow directions on the bottle.” “Try the pet urine remover sprays with enzymes in them. And definitely get or rent a carpet scrubber.” “I use

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Mom Suffering Through Postpartum Depression

I Have Postpartum Depression, and My Medication Isn’t Helping. What Should I Do?

A mom struggling through postpartum depression is worried that the medication prescribed to her isn’t working. She wants to know if other moms have gone through the same situation, and if so, what they did to battle through the depression. Over on the Mamas Uncut Facebook page, our robust community of moms is always having a conversation about topics that matter. We like to highlight those conversations from time to time. Important mom questions. Thoughtful mom answers. Let’s hear from the community! A member of the Mamas Uncut Facebook community asks: “I’m 2 weeks postpartum and have been diagnosed with postpartum depression. I’ve been prescribed Celexa, but it doesn’t seem to be helping at all. I’ve been on it for a week. I’m so nervous I can not care for my baby. I am having my mother and grandmother do most of the care for her. What else can I do to help with this intense fear and anxiety?” – Mamas Uncut Community Member Members of the community swooped in with some very good advice to consider. Take a look at a few of the suggestions below. Give the Medication More Time “Give it a little more time. It takes a few weeks

I Have Postpartum Depression, and My Medication Isn’t Helping. What Should I Do? Read More »

How to Explain Autism to Kids

How Do I Explain Autism and Autistic Behavior to My 10-Year-Old Daughter?

A mom suspects that her two-year-old nephew may be on the autism spectrum and wants to know the best way to explain this to her 10-year-old daughter. Over on the Mamas Uncut Facebook page, our robust community of moms is always having a conversation about topics that matter. We like to highlight those conversations from time to time. Important mom questions. Thoughtful mom answers. Let’s hear from the community! A member of our community asks: My nephew is 2, and we’re all pretty sure he is on the spectrum of being autistic. He will be tested soon so we will know for sure then, but I have a child who is 10 and I would like any advice on how I can explain to her what is going on with him. I just want to be able to explain it the best I can to where she will understand what’s going on. I have tried to talk to her some, but I don’t think she is really understanding it. I have raised her with the mindset of “I don’t care how different someone is, you are always to be nice and never make fun of anyone,” but I just want her to know that,

How Do I Explain Autism and Autistic Behavior to My 10-Year-Old Daughter? Read More »

Single Mom Starts Dating Again

What’s the Best Way for a Single Mom to Meet a Potential New Partner?

A single mom-of-three needs help to figure out the best ways to start dating with a goal of meeting a trustworthy and honest partner. Over on the Mamas Uncut Facebook page, our robust community of moms is always having a conversation about topics that matter. We like to highlight those conversations from time to time. Important questions. Thoughtful answers. This is our Community Questions feature! A member of our community asks: I’m a single mom of three girls. Their dad has nothing to do with them, and I don’t get much child support. Maybe 3 payments per year. I work a full-time job and a part-time job, both jobs I basically work alone. I have my own house and car. I have everything I should have to be happy except for a partner. I want someone supportive and positive. My kids’ dad was abusive and neglectful. My ex of 3 years was controlling and angry. My question is: What are some good ways to socialize with a potential honest and trustworthy date with having a busy schedule like mine? – Mamas Uncut Community Member The Mamas Uncut Facebook community responded with some really insightful advice! Here are some answers to consider. Find Some

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Grandma Said Something Mean to Grandchild

My Grandma-in-Law Made an Offensive Comment to My Six-Year-Old Daughter, and I Don’t Know What to Do

A Mamas Uncut community member needs advice about how to handle a tricky situation involving her grandmother-in-law making an offensive remark towards a six-year-old girl. Over on the Mamas Uncut Facebook page, our robust community of moms is always having a conversation about topics that matter. We like to highlight those conversations from time to time. Important questions. Thoughtful answers. This is our Community Questions feature! A member of our community asks: So, tonight we brought dinner to my husband’s grandmother’s house for Easter. She has a mirrored wall next to her table. While we were eating, my 6-year-old daughter was staring at the mirror and making silly faces. My husband’s grandma asked my 6-year-old why she was staring into the mirror. My daughter answered, “because I’m beautiful!” My husband’s grandmother’s said, “You’re lying. I’m looking at you and you’re not.” I was honestly so shocked, and my poor little girl just got quiet and looked at her plate. I looked at my husband and let him know he needed to handle it, because I knew I would be mean if I had to address her since I had already had to tell her earlier in the day to stop harassing my daughter about

My Grandma-in-Law Made an Offensive Comment to My Six-Year-Old Daughter, and I Don’t Know What to Do Read More »

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