
Featuring parenting and relationship questions (and answers!) from our community of real moms, this content features advice on a wide range of important topics. For the best advice from real moms, this is where you want to be.

Can I Get a Restraining Order Against My Mother-in-Law?

Can I Take Out a Restraining Order Against My Mother-in-Law?

A mom writes in asking for advice. She wants to know if it would be possible to get a restraining order against her mother-in-law, who, she says, continues to make unnecessary threats against her family. Over on the Mamas Uncut Facebook page, our robust community of moms is always having a conversation about topics that matter. We like to highlight those conversations from time to time. Important mom questions. Thoughtful mom answers. Let’s hear from the community! YOU MAY ALSO LIKE: My Mother-in-Law Threatened to Call CPS Because My Daughter Wore Mismatched Socks: Any Advice? A member of the community asks: “Can I put a restraining order against my mother-in law to keep her from my daughter? Or is there anything I can do legally to keep her away? She keeps threatening to call the authorities over dumb stuff and threatening to call Child Protective Services when she doesn’t get her way. She’s done this mutiple times. I’m just fed up with it.” – Mamas Uncut Community Member Here’s what the community had to say. A Restraining Order Against Your Mother-in-Law May Not Be a Valid Legal Option via GIPHY “Without solid proof that your daughter is in serious physical danger, no, a

Can I Take Out a Restraining Order Against My Mother-in-Law? Read More »

Schizophrenic Sister

Is It a Bad Idea to Let My Fiancé’s Schizophrenic Sister Live With Us and Our 7-Year-Old Daughter?

A mom writes in asking about a tricky family situation. Should she let her fiancé’s schizophrenic sister, who is described as “very mentally ill,” live with her family, including her 7-year-old daughter?

Is It a Bad Idea to Let My Fiancé’s Schizophrenic Sister Live With Us and Our 7-Year-Old Daughter? Read More »

Overrated Parenting Advice

Real Moms Share the Most Overrated Parenting Advice They Wish They’d Never Received

Good parenting advice is shockingly hard to come by. There’s just so much of it out there. It can come from anyone or anything: a family member, a friend, a book, a commenter on the internet. What can be trusted? What do you do if certain sworn-by advice doesn’t work for your family? We know what advice moms wish they’d been given before having babies, but what about the advice moms wish they hadn’t received? It’s time to put stop sharing these kinds of overrated parenting advice. A member of the Mamas Uncut Facebook community asks: What is the most overrated piece of advice given to moms? Looking back on your experience as a mom, what do you wish people would have *stopped* telling you either because it was too obvious or actually unhelpful? – Mamas Uncut Facebook Community Member Now, let’s turn things over to the community, who responded with the parenting advice they hated receiving. Retire These Phrases From Your Parenting Advice Vocabulary via GIPHY “Sleep when baby sleeps.” [Editor’s Note: “Sleep when baby sleeps” was far the most common response to the prompt, so let’s definitely retire that one!] “It only gets worse from here.” “Wait till

Real Moms Share the Most Overrated Parenting Advice They Wish They’d Never Received Read More »

Moms Share Parenting Advice

Real Moms Share the One Piece of Parenting Advice They Wish They’d Been Given Before Having Kids

When you’re a mom, or about to become a mom, advice comes with the territory. Good advice, unsolicited advice, advice from unexpected people. But not all advice is equal, and some of the best advice somehow manages to elude the moms who need it most. So we ask: What is the one piece of parenting advice you wish you’d been given before having kids? Over on the Mamas Uncut Facebook page, we turned to the robust community of commenters to ask that very question. What is the ONE thing you wish you’d known before you had your first baby? That thing that is like, “Why did no one tell me THIS?” – Mamas Uncut Facebook Page The Mamas Uncut community responded in turn with all kinds of advice they wish they’d been giving before becoming moms for the first time. Let’s get into it! Pregnancy and Labor Advice via GIPHY “That giant list of what you and baby need for the hospital is silly. I only used like 1/5 of what I packed.” “That I could wear Depends instead of those gigantic pads, that you can get the shakes during labor from hormones, that back labor is very real and

Real Moms Share the One Piece of Parenting Advice They Wish They’d Been Given Before Having Kids Read More »

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