Mamas Uncut

Wife Always Shared Photos With Friends on Facebook. Husband Decided to Punish Her for Every ‘Like’

Adolfina Camelli Ortigoza, a 21-year-old wife, became a prisoner in her own home thanks to her husband’s jealous rage over social media photos.

Like many young women, Ortigoza liked to share selfies on Facebook for her friends to see, according to the Daily Mail.

But her husband, 32-year-old Pedro Heriberto Galeano, didn’t approve.

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Adolfina Camelli Ortigoza: Wife Always Shared Photos With Friends on Facebook. Husband Decided to Punish Her for Every 'Like'

Galeano started subjecting her to intense beatings out of jealousy, kicking and punching her every time she received a “like” or reactions from a friend on one of the photos, reports the Daily Mirror.

He eventually took control of her Facebook himself and posted photos of her, only to beat her when her friends responded.

Her lawyer, Arnaldo Martinez, told the Daily Mail:

“He controlled the victim’s social networking sites, he controlled the messages and photos, and for every ‘like’ she received from her friends, the woman received a beating because he accused her of having a relationship with them.”

Her friends and family had no idea that every time they reacted to her photos, she would receive a worse beating.

The lawyer said she was eventually beaten so badly that skin was hanging off her:

Daily Mail

Galeano’s own father was horrified by the beatings and soon reported his son to the police.

And last week, she was finally rescued from her home in Nemby, Paraguay, according to the International Business Times.

She was taken to a hospital, where she had to undergo reconstructive surgery on her face to fix the damage caused by her husband’s severe beatings.

Galeano has since been arrested and charged with attempted femicide and deprivation of liberty and coercion, the International Business Times reported.

The wife’s family said they didn’t know the beatings were going on but were worried when they couldn’t contact her for a long period of time.

Her husband could face up to 30 years in prison, if convicted.

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