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A Woman Read Confusing DNA Test Results That Uncovered A Life-Altering Part Of Her Past

A Woman Read Confusing DNA Test Results That Uncovered A Life-Altering Part Of Her Past

We can only imagine how Molly Sinert felt the day her DNA test results arrived. Did her jaw drop when she saw what it said? Based on her unusual findings, the extreme surprise would be an understandable response! The only reason Molly Sinert was curious about her DNA at all was because a recent health issue had reminded her that she knew little of her background. She had no idea that hundreds of miles away, someone else was curious about their own genetic history. too. And their stories would end up intertwining in a way neither of them ever expected.

Good Morning America/YouTube

A Woman Read Confusing DNA Test Results That Uncovered A Life-Altering Part Of Her Past

Meeting Molly

It’s a pretty amazing story, folks, so we hope you’re ready! Molly was welcomed into the world on March 29, 1985, in South Korea. Following her arrival, she found herself in foster care. Thankfully, a significant moment in her life wasn’t far ahead. Yes, a couple from the United States named Marla and Merill Sinert looked to adopt the youngster.

Good Morning America/YouTube

A new home

Residents of Winter Park, Florida, Marla and Merill didn’t have any kids of their own, but they were hoping to change that. So, after showing their intent to welcome Molly into their family, the baby was booked on a flight to America. As for what happened next, she went into more detail while chatting with Good Morning America.

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“Just in awe”

Molly said, “I was adopted [by] a Jewish family. My parents drove up from Florida [and] picked me up right off the plane. They tell me that I looked at my mom’s hair, because she has blonde hair, and I was just in awe. I couldn’t stop staring at it!” How sweet!

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Thinking about the past?

From there, Florida became Molly’s permanent home. After spending her younger years around Winter Park, she now has a house close to Palm Beach, where she resides with her hubby Stephen Ellis. But during all that time in the Sunshine State, did the adoptee ever think about her birth parents?

Molly Renee/Instagram

“No real interest”

Well, Molly was pretty blunt about that during an interview with People in June 2021. She told the publication’s website, “I knew I was adopted, but I had no real interest in finding my Korean family. I grew up going to synagogue, this Jewish girl who was Korean, and I was a happy kid.”

Good Morning America/YouTube

The change

As we noted earlier, though, Molly’s mindset eventually changed. Yep, after experiencing a worrying health issue, she wanted to learn more about her biological family in South Korea. Specifically, the Florida resident was eager to see if they had a history of “genetic” ailments. Makes sense, wouldn’t you agree?

Molly Renee/Instagram

Taking the test

So, Molly underwent a DNA test via 23andMe. Would she get the answers she craved? Meanwhile, a different woman in America followed suit at roughly the same time. Her name is Emily Bushnell, and her story has many similarities to the lady living near Palm Beach. Seriously, it’s pretty wild!


Emily’s story

Much like Molly, Emily was also delivered in South Korea, before a Jewish family from Yardley, Pennsylvania, welcomed her into their clan. Yes, Christopher Bushnell and Sandy Schwartz Klein took her in, and she joined their three sons at home. The youngster was only a few weeks old at the time.

Emily Bushnell/nstagram

A similar trajectory

Anyway, as Emily grew up, her trajectory seemingly mirrored that of Molly’s, though they both lived separate lives hundreds of miles apart. For instance, the pair both developed an interest in dancing from a young age and signed up for lessons. Then, as they entered their teenage years, the duo got barista jobs as well. And it didn’t stop there.

Guido Mieth/Getty Images

Switch in mindset

You see, for the longest time, Emily showed very little interest in diving into her South Korean family history, too. So, what changed? Well, unlike Molly, it wasn’t for health reasons. Instead, she was pushed into investigating her past by her young daughter Izzy, who she parents along with her ex Shawn DeAngelo.

Jon Flobrant/Unsplash

“Wanted to find out if I had more family”

Speaking to Good Morning America, Izzy said, “I wanted to do the DNA test because [my mom] was adopted. I wanted to find out if I had more family on her side.” On that note, Emily’s daughter connected to 23andMe, as the Pennsylvania resident was still pretty reluctant to do it herself.

Good Morning America/YouTube

Strange twist

Regardless of her own personal feelings, though, Emily looked to help Izzy in her quest for answers. So, she sent off her little girl’s DNA test. Talk about stepping up, right? Mind you, no one could’ve predicted what happened next. A seemingly confusing twist came to light in March 2021.

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Molly’s test results

And that brings us back to Molly. During that period, 23andMe shared some information about her DNA test, but it looked to be completely wrong. It left her in a state of pure bewilderment at the time. She went on to disclose the confusing details while speaking to Good Morning America.

Molly Renee/Instagram

“I didn’t understand it”

Molly recalled, “I clicked on the ‘close relative’ [link], and I didn’t understand it. [It said], ‘You share 49.96 percent DNA with this person. And we predict that she’s your daughter.’ Like, this is obviously not right because I’ve never gone into labor! I don’t have children.” So who was the girl in question?

Good Morning America/YouTube

“A scam”

We won’t leave you in suspense, folks — it was Izzy. How bizarre! Molly even admitted to People, “I thought the test was a scam at first.” You can hardly blame her for making that assessment. After all, this was a pretty major error. But once the initial dust cleared, the Florida resident thought about it a little more.

Emily Bushnell/Instagram

Reaching out

While Izzy clearly wasn’t Molly’s daughter, there must’ve been another connection between the pair, given how high the DNA match was. With that in mind, she then reached out to the youngster and shared a few details about her background. The adoptee included the place and year of her birth.

Priscilla Du Preez/Unsplash

The same birthday…

In response, Izzy revealed that her mom was also delivered in South Korea. Then, she dropped a major bombshell: Incredibly, Emily arrived on March 29, 1985, too. Yep, she shared the same birthday as Molly. Surely this couldn’t just be a crazy coincidence? We bet you’ve figured this mystery out by now!

Good Morning America/YouTube

More research

Emily was aware of Izzy’s correspondence by this point, and started to do some digging of her own. After searching for Molly on social media, she stumbled across a video clip that included her, allowing the mom to get a better look. To say she was surprised by what she saw would be a huge understatement!

mikoto.raw Photographer/Pexels

“Complete shock”

Emily told People, “It was like watching myself. I was in complete shock.” At that stage, the explanation seemed clear as day — she and Molly were identical twins. And by a stroke of amazing fortune, they’d found each other again after getting separated at birth all those years ago. Unbelievable stuff, right?

Good Morning America/YouTube

Emily’s reaction

So what happened next? Well, after picking up her jaw from the floor, Emily provided a bit more information regarding her reaction to the discovery while chatting with Good Morning America. According to the mom, she finally felt whole again, despite building a great life for herself prior to all this.

Emily Bushnell/Instagram

“A feeling of disconnection”

“A hole was immediately filled in my heart,” Emily said. “Although I have [a] family who love me and adore me, and have been absolutely wonderful, there was always a feeling of disconnection. Finding out that I had an identical twin sister just made everything so clear. It all makes sense!”

Good Morning America/YouTube

Exchanging messages

Anyway, Emily and Molly began to exchange messages with each other soon after, sharing old photographs as well. The twins quickly noted that they were rocking the same hairstyles in many of the images, which was another strange coincidence. But one shot in particular really caught their attention, as we’re about to find out.

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Prom shot

Emily told Good Morning America, “[It was] our senior prom picture, where we’re both wearing a beaded dress with a strapless style, and our hair was exactly the same. I realized that this is probably one of many twin moments that we’ll discover!” As they continued to bond, talk of a face-to-face meeting soon emerged.

Photo by mark peterson/Corbis via Getty Images

Birthday reunion

In the end, Molly and Emily opted to come together in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. This reunion was just too big for a simple FaceTime conversation! Plus, the date was significant, too. Yes, they arranged it for March 29, 2021. Quite the birthday present, right? So, the Pennsylvania resident and her daughter made their way down to the Sunshine State.

Eduardo Velazco Guart/Unsplash

The meeting

Emily and Izzy waited patiently for Molly. All of them were no doubt racked with nerves! How would the big moment go? Whatever anxiety they felt quickly washed away, though, as the Floridian arrived. She and her twin went on to share the most heartwarming of hugs, bursting into tears in an instant.

Good Morning America/YouTube

“Happiest moment of my life”

Does anyone else need a tissue, or is it just us? It was such a beautiful scene! Emily recalled to People, “I felt every emotion under the sun. All I wanted to do was hug [Molly].” She also admitted to Good Morning America, “It was the happiest moment of my life. I can honestly say that.”

Good Morning America/YouTube

Looking ahead

As for Molly, she immediately looked ahead to the future. Emily’s sister told the publication, “We have so much to learn about the lives we’ve lived. But I feel like [she knows] me better than anyone.” As happy as the twins were after finding each other, a mystery continued to hang over them.

Good Morning America/YouTube

Why did this happen?

Yes, the big question remained: why did Molly and Emily’s birth parents decide to split the pair up in South Korea in 1985? Unsurprisingly, they both had thoughts on the situation, pondering what might’ve been if they’d stayed together. Molly shared her words first in the Good Morning America interview.

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“Could’ve been best friends”

Molly said, “I’m not sure why we were separated at birth. I would just ask [our biological parents], ‘Why?’ We could’ve been best friends, we could’ve done these things together. But at this point, I think we just only have great things to look forward to.” Her sister concurred with that sentiment.

Emily Bushnell/Instagram

“I was robbed”

“I was robbed of the last 36 years of a life I could’ve had with my twin,” Emily said. “But at the same time, I’m very grateful and excited for what lies ahead.” So, what came next for the reunited siblings? Did they have any clear plans for the future?

Emily Bushnell/Instagram

Moving forward

You bet! Following that first get-together, Molly and Emily maintained contact through daily messages, before organizing a big event in May 2021. In their eyes, it was time for their adoptive clans to get to know each other. On that note, they all gathered in Pennsylvania. And they had a few more surprises in store during a different trip.

Molly Renee/Instagram


Emily’s family traveled down to Florida to spend a holiday with Molly, as their relationship continued to grow. Meanwhile, a film crew based out of South Korea were also involved at that point, documenting everything for a special program on the Seoul Broadcasting System. The sisters were eager to explore and embrace their roots.

Emily Bushnell/Instagram

Wearing “hanbok”

For instance, ahead of a family dinner, Molly and Emily donned “hanbok” — aka, traditional Korean clothing. Izzy joined them, too! From there, the trio headed down to meet their loved ones, who all started to snap pics. It was a really nice moment, but one relative in particular was especially happy.

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“Really special”

Sandy Schwartz Klein, Emily’s adoptive mom, shared her thoughts to the SBS cameras. She said, “The whole culture of Korea, I want them to be a part of that. And seeing them like this is just really special.” The twins had additional plans to carry out alongside the celebration of their heritage.

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Parent search

With the film crew around them, Molly and Emily wanted to take advantage of the situation to try and find their biological parents. They just hoped to receive some answers for what happened. In the end, the twins did discover a few tidbits about their parents’ current status, such as their home address.

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“No real hard feelings”

A message was fired off, but at the time of filming a response wasn’t received. Touching on their mindset, Molly said, “[There’s] no real hard feelings or resentment to anyone involved. We also lived amazing lives. The universe looked out for us. So, [we’re] just [looking for] answers to complete the story.”

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An old connection

While it didn’t look like they’d get them, though, Molly and Emily received a message from someone else close to the story. Yep, the lady who operated the maternity clinic they arrived in back in 1985 came forward. She also wasn’t sure why the sisters were split, as the records made no note of it.

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“I’m so happy”

In a video clip sent to Emily and Molly, the woman said, “Thank you so much for growing up so well. I’m so happy that the two of you met [after] 36 years and I wish you all the best. I’m the one who assisted the delivery of the two of you. Your mother and father are probably living well, so live happy and stay healthy.”

SBS NOW / SBS 공식 채널/YouTube

Hope for the future?

Lovely stuff, right? Molly and Emily certainly seemed to appreciate it. But going back to their folks, the Florida resident had one last thing to say. She said, “I’m sure our parents are good people. I think seeing us, hearing our story, maybe it’ll bring us together.” It’d be the perfect end to an already incredible tale.

Molly Renee/Instagram

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