You’ll Always Be Her Baby: 11 Funny Texts from Moms

Nothing hits quite like a random mom text, am I right? We’ve seen them all… the alarmist mom text, the random thoughts mom text, and even the, “Oh she just discovered emojis” mom text. When it’s your own mom, these sudden bursts of thought blowing up your phone may make you anxious, but it it’s someone else’s #textsfrommom, then they are truly hilarious.

We’ve rounded up the most hilarious, ridiculous, and endearing texts from mothers on the internet. Take a moment to enjoy and maybe send your mom an “I love you” text after checking these out.

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11 Hilarious Examples That Prove Mom Texts Are The Absolute Best

Mama Doesn’t Play

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@mytalesfromthecrib (Source)

This mom is proving that you better respond to her texts or she will be forced to get savage.

Sage Advice

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@moviestar2b86 (Source)

What’s better than an unsolicited piece of advice from your mother?

Try Again, Please

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@dwheatleydesigns (Source)

Mom has been hitting the emojis a little too hard.

Spell Check Emergency

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@liza_meowlli (Source)

Apparently she meant “squirrels” and we are here for this mistake.

A Little Vitamin D

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@magdalenejean (Source)

Umm, we wouldn’t want to be the ones to explain this to our mother.

Need Some Context

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@averycnesbitt (Source)

We’re pretty sure this is one of the most haunting texts one could receive from a parent.

Voice Dictation Driving

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@yourcrazyfamily (Source)

We cannot stop laughing at this visual!

Oh So Talented

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@yourcrazyfamily (Source)

How adorable is this mama’s enthusiasm for talented emojis?

Breaking News

What mom doesn’t love some Justin Timberlake?

Single Valentine

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@scott_backman (Source)

Mama is throwing some major shade.

Morning Text Stream

Books, Netflix, and social media censorship! Thanks, Mom!

About Mamas Uncut

Mamas Uncut is THE online place for moms. We cover the latest about motherhood, parenting, and entertainment as well – all with a mom-focused twist. So if you're looking for parenting advice from real parents, we have plenty of it, all for moms from moms, and also experts. Because, at the end of the day, our mission is focused solely on empowering moms and moms-to-be with the knowledge and answers they’re looking for in one safe space.


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