15 Moms Who Shared Why They’re Voting This Year

If you’re reading this, we hope you’re voting this year. You are, right?

Leave it to moms to inspire, motivate, and make history during this important presidential election season. With the future of their kiddos on the line, these moms are not taking their civic duty lightly and want you to show up right along with them this November at the polls.

Whatever your political leanings or personal passions, these mamas are here to remind you why it’s so important to rock the vote this year. They’re campaigning, writing postcards, rocking t-shirts, and sharing inspiring messages all in an effort to get out the vote. We’ve rounded up 15 unstoppable moms who are sharing with the world exactly why they are voting this election season.

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15 Moms Share Why They’re Voting in the 2020 Election

Suburban Mamas Unite

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I’m about as #suburbanmom as you can possibly get. Here is my minivan that I can never find in a parking lot because there are a million just like them, there are three other houses on my street that look identical to mine, and I have an entire closet in my house dedicated to seasonal decorations. I live on coffee, my hair is 90% dry shampoo, and I can tell you the location of every Target within a 20-mile radius off the top of my head. I am a suburban millennial mom, and I am voting for @joebiden and @kamalaharris.⁠⠀ ⁠⠀ There are many reasons I’m voting for Joe Biden. Here are a few that I think mean the most to suburban families like mine:⁠⠀ ✔️ He will get a hold of this pandemic and is committed to teachers and children going back to school safely with the proper support, availability to testing, and PPE⁠⠀ ✔️A $5,000 tax break for unpaid caregivers- hello, SAHM’s finally getting a little credit!!⁠⠀ ✔️ Universal preschool for 3 and 4-year-olds (How much money would that be back in your pocket each month? It would be $300+ for my family!)⁠⠀ ✔️ Tax credits to help pay for daycare⁠⠀ ✔️ Living wages for caregivers and early childhood educators so our most vulnerable populations have quality care⁠⠀ ✔️He’s committed to clean energy innovation, which helps keep that blue sky above us from turning a toxic, sticky orange during Fire Season in California ⁠⠀ ✔️ Expansion of employment opportunities for individuals with disabilities include people with disabilities in policy development, and enforce the civil rights for all living with disabilities (Super important to me as I am raising a child with #autism)⁠⠀ ⁠⠀ There are so many reasons, and I encourage you to read more at www.joebiden.com. It really is well laid out and gives explicit, concrete examples of what his administration will do. ⁠⠀ ⁠⠀ There are many people sharing their reasons for voting for Biden/Harris. If you are undecided, I encourage you to read more following #thisiswhy2020. The reasons might surprise you, and the people you'll find aren't just "radical progressive liberals", promise.⁠⠀ ⁠⠀ What is your reason for voting for Biden Harris 2020?

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This mini-van driving, Target-loving mama is voting for her children’s future, the promise of tax breaks, and universal preschool.

The Feminist Vote

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This upcoming election is the most important one in my lifetime and possibly in history. When I vote this year, I'm thinking about candidates and policies that ARE THE BETTER CHOICE in regards to being anti-racist, anti-homophobic, feminist, anchoring their beliefs in science and environmentally conscious. I consider my work to be a form of resistance itself: helping womxn and all patients feel more in control of and comfortable in their bodies. I also think that "not letting politics" into my business is not possible, because the lives and rights of my patients are at stake. Donald Trump cannot lead our country for 4 more years. Even if Biden/Harris is not your "ideal" ticket, remember that not voting is a vote for more bigotry, hate and a loss of decency at the forefront of our country. I also know that many of you might unfollow after this post. If you do, I truly hope you know that I want to be here for the issues going on in your body that made you follow me in the first place. The stakes are just too high and my children are counting on me to make the world a better place for them to stay silent right now. Thanks to @nevergiveuporg for the epic shirt! If you don't already follow them, they are one of the main reasons some of the first effective treatments for SMA (a deadly disease that is essentially ALS in babies/kids) exist. In addition to great advocacy work, funding research and directly helping families with SMA, they are also building an accessible playground in Santa Barbara that I'm excited to take my kids too in the future. This is all done in honor of their daughter Gwendolyn who bravely thrived with SMA, living longer than most thought possible. SHE will be an inspiration forever to fight bravely for all humans to have the best lives possible.

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This mama is voting and honoring her favorite org dedicated to helping families with Spinal Muscular Atrophy (SMA).

Voting for Equality

This mom is encouraging you to vote for equality, the future of our planet, and women’s rights.

Cast Your Ballot

Shoutout to this Atlanta-based mom for reminding us to research deadlines and requirements in our state to ensure our vote counts.

For Those Before Us

Natasha casts her ballot for her family and for those who came before her and fought for her right to vote.

Local Officials

This Texas-mama is reminding you of the importance of local elections and how they affect you and your family.

For Future Voters

Kudos to this mama for showing her sleepy kiddos how you rock the vote at the polls.

The Latina Vote

This mom is sharing sweet treats and civic duties with her kids by voting early this year.

What’s Your Why?

In partnership with MomsRising, this mama wants to know what issues matter to you this election season.

Final Countdown

We’re feeling motivated by this mama’s enthusiasm to vote in-person for the first time ever!

Vote Like a Mother

Jenn shares that she is voting like a mother so that her children have access to high-quality education, healthcare, and economic opportunity.

Your Personal Why

This mom is reminding you that your voice and your vote matter.

For Those Who Can’t Vote

This mom is honoring those who have lost their lives during this pandemic with her vote.

Voting for Racial Disparities

We’re here for this mom who is voting because her skin color is not a crime.

Using Her Voice


Thanks for the reminder to use our voice and vote for the change we want to see, mama!

About Mamas Uncut

Mamas Uncut is THE online place for moms. We cover the latest about motherhood, parenting, and entertainment as well – all with a mom-focused twist. So if you're looking for parenting advice from real parents, we have plenty of it, all for moms from moms, and also experts. Because, at the end of the day, our mission is focused solely on empowering moms and moms-to-be with the knowledge and answers they’re looking for in one safe space.


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