I’m Scared to Give Birth During the Coronavirus Pandemic: Advice?

A mom writes in asking for advice about giving birth during the ongoing novel Coronavirus pandemic. This mom-to-be-says she has a C-section scheduled for November, and she is terrified. She is terrified that her husband will not be allowed to be in the delivery room with her and that she will be alone during the birth. She wants to hear from other moms who have given or are planning to give birth during the pandemic for advice and support.

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A member of the community asks:

“Any other mamas scared to give birth during the pandemic?

Is there any other mommy terrified to give birth during this pandemic? I have a scheduled C-section in November, and I’m so scared I’ll have to do it alone without my husband. What are the regulations in your state like? Tell me about your experiences or your worries.”

– Mamas Uncut Community Member

Community Advice for This Mom Who Is Scared to Give Birth During the Pandemic

To see what advice the Mamas Uncut Facebook community has for this mom in need, read the comments of the post embedded below.

Fan QuestionAny other mama's scared to give birth during the pandemic?Is there any other mommy terrified to give…

Posted by Mamas Uncut on Saturday, June 27, 2020

Advice Summary

I'm Scared to Give Birth During the Coronavirus Pandemic: Advice?

The community offered this mom in need a lot of great advice. Read some of their responses below.

“I was super nervous. I was only allowed one person and I wanted two people. My mom and my SO, but unfortunately my mom couldn’t be there. My experience wasn’t bad. I had cried to my SO because I wanted my mom. It was my first baby and I was scared. One of my nurses heard me crying, and she took excellent care of me. She let me cry on her while I was getting the epidural, she held my other hand while I pushed, she would come in periodically to make sure I was okay, and after her shift had ended she stayed longer with me in my room to make sure I was okay.”

“I gave birth yesterday and it was great! Although there is only 1 support person allowed and no visitors, it’s actually quite nice just being us… the amount of staff and nurses has been cut down also. We have to wear masks if we leave the room and, of course, all the staff are wearing them at all times. Overall it has been a great experience!”

“Yes, I’m due in less than a month now and just praying my man can be there with me but who knows with all the spikes if they’ll put regulations back in place… Also silly but I’m not happy to wear a mask through contractions and pushing and all of that lmfao.”

“Yes, I’m nervous! Trying to keep my brave face on. Due in a few weeks and have a toddler that my parents will be watching when I’m in the hospital for delivery. My sister is planning to be my support but with her being in a remote community and takes a day to travel in. Crossing my fingers hoping she’s here by the time everything happens naturally (or inducing)…

… If not, (hopefully not) I may have to go alone to deliver. A bit more nervous now that time is coming closer! Lol but all in all, I just pray that it’s a safe delivery and we are protected from this and get home to the little/big brother waiting at home for Mom and his new little baby sister.”

“I’m due August 10th, and I’m pretty nervous. I was still going to be by myself regardless of the pandemic, but it’s scary especially with all of the regulations. I don’t think we’re going to be allowed visitors either so I’m sure I’ll be by myself the whole time. But I’m trying to think of it as a good time to really get to know baby.”

“Gave birth in AL in April and it was a great experience. I was super nervous myself, but it was actually pretty nice. My husband was the only allowed (1 support person) and he could go outside to the car, just couldn’t actually leave the campus. It made us so much closer because we were totally dependent on each other in such a vulnerable time! Not only that, the nurses made it such a good experience for us too! We just took a cooler with some extra drinks and snacks and made it home for the 3 days we were there.”

“I’m worried about the same thing! I’m due in December and also have to have a C-section. My husband has not been able to go to any of the appointments even with a mask. I’m having the gender ultrasound in a few weeks and I’m worried he won’t even be able to go back with me… I hope things get back to normal soon. Mama’s shouldn’t have to stress this much having a baby.”

Do you have any advice for this mom? Leave a comment to help another mom out!

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