Influencer Ashley Stock’s 3-Year-Old Daughter Stevie Passes Away a Little Over One Month After Learning About Rare Fatal Brain Tumor

Instagram influencer and mom of three Ashley Stock is grieving the death of her 3-year-old daughter Stevie, who lost her battle with brain cancer on May 27. She was diagnosed with the tumor in April and according to Ashley, was given a zero-percent chance at survival.

As the mom explained in an early post, the family learned about the tumor when they took Stevie to the emergency room due to “rapidly declining motor function.” It was that same night that the 3-year-old received her DIPG diagnosis.

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On Instagram, Ashley described her little Stevie Lynn as a “Seed Planter. Miracle Maker. Light Giver. Heart Healer. Blue-eyed, dimpled smile, curly-haired forever baby girl.”

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How do you put worst case scenario into words? That’s what I’m sitting here trying to figure out, in between holding my baby and hyperventilating with my head between my knees. Today we learned the news that Stevie’s tumor is a form of cancer called DIPG (diffuse intrinsic pontine glioma). And it has a 0% survival rate. We are shattered. Broken. Gutted. Somehow my body continues to produce tears and ugly crying has become my only release. We will be spending the rest of the week in the hospital to discuss treatments that will make the rest of her life more comfortable. Then we will be headed home where she can be comfortable with her brothers and puppies and we can cherish our sweet girl and heal as a family. I won’t pretend to understand why we have to go through this or what Gods purpose is in this pain, but my faith in Him is the only constant i have right now and I’m holding to it with every ounce of strength i posses. He knows our pain and He carries it with us. I know many of you love her dearly and this is ripping you in half too, and your instinct will be to fight and to push and to advocate and to try to save her—i know because those are our instincts too. But the reality of her prognosis is real. We have literally consulted and met with dozens of the top pediatric neurologists, neurosurgeons and oncologists. We would go to the ends of the earth to save her if we could. For all those who have been praying for a miracle with us, keep praying, but please know that Stevie’s miracle, our miracle may not come in the way you’re praying. But God is good and it WILL come and one day we will all understand the purpose in this pain. But for now we surrender. We surrender to her prognosis and that which we can’t control. We give her the best of everything she needs to be happy and pain free and we teach ourselves and our children how to make these final memories happy ones, ones we can hold onto and cherish, memories that make us smile even if we’re smiling through tears. #dipg

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According to the mom, her baby girl took her last breath while snuggled in the arms of her parents at 1:05 p.m. on May 27. Attached to a photo of Stevie’s manicured hand holding a star-shaped crystal, Ashley wrote that the 3-year-old was also an “adored little sister, daughter, and friend.”

“There have been many miracles and countless God moments that I’ll put into words when my heart has strength. For now, I’m overwhelmed with relief that she’s at peace but I’m also feeling crushed by a pain so intense I can’t put it into words.”

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????Stevie Lynn Stock ???? 3 years old. Seed Planter. Miracle Maker. Light Giver. Heart Healer. Blue eyed, dimpled smile, curly haired forever baby girl. Adored little sister, daughter and friend. At 1:05pm on May 27th, Stevie took her final breath in our arms. There have been many miracles and countless God moments that I’ll put into words when my heart has strength. For now, I’m overwhelmed with relief that she’s at peace but I’m also feeling crushed by a pain so intense i can’t put it into words. I let it out a bit at a time, like when you gently twist the lid off a liter soda bottle…releasing the built up pressure little by little to keep it from exploding all over the place. I guess it’s like that. I’m twisting the lid on my grief gently. Because if i release it all at once, i don’t see how i could possibly survive. Gentleness has been my most effective approach on grief these last months, gentleness for myself and for all the beloved mourners by my side. We have complete faith in there being a greater purpose of this tragedy (and it’s already unfolding through your stories of renewed hope), but unfortunately, faith is not a “get out of pain free” card, and that’s okay. I don’t know how to do this, so for now we’ll continue one day at a time held by the grace of God, the support of loved ones and the prayers of strangers who have become friends. #stevielynnstock #dipg #starsforstevie

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Ashley then shared how she’s been dealing with the grief of losing her child, comparing her process to a liter bottle of soda.

“I let it out a bit at a time, like when you gently twist the lid off a liter soda bottle…releasing the built-up pressure little by little to keep it from exploding all over the place. I guess it’s like that. I’m twisting the lid on my grief gently. Because if I release it all at once, I don’t see how I could possibly survive. Gentleness has been my most effective approach on grief these last months, gentleness for myself and for all the beloved mourners by my side.”

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Heading into Friday like… #stevielynnstock #alsokoala

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Ashley went on to write that she has “complete faith” that there is a “greater purpose” to the tragedy of losing Stevie to cancer at the age of three. However, Ashley gets honest by saying “faith is not a ‘get out of pain-free’ card.”

“We have complete faith in there being a greater purpose of this tragedy (and it’s already unfolding through your stories of renewed hope),” Ashley continued. “But, unfortunately, faith is not a ‘get out of pain-free’ card, and that’s okay. I don’t know how to do this, so, for now, we’ll continue one day at a time held by the grace of God, the support of loved ones, and the prayers of strangers who have become friends.”

Stevie Celebrated Her Third Birthday Just 12 Days Before Her Passing.

Several days after her initial post, Ashley wrote another post dedicated to Stevie. It was posted the same day they had to lay the 3-year-old to rest.

“Dear Stevie, I bought a new rug the week before you passed. It was a grief purchase. Certainly, we needed it after a month of failed potty training with your sweet puppy. But I didn’t buy it because we needed it, I bought it so I would feel anything else besides the pain of watching you leave us.
Today we bury you.”

And as Ashley wrote, Stevie’s dad was doing the same thing. “And in that same attempt to feel anything else besides the pain, your dad is on his hands and knees vacuuming up all the shedding wool from that rug this morning. I can hear the loud hum of the shop-vac through the open kitchen window as I sit in the backyard arranging flowers for your casket.”

“And I can also hear Sawyer. Sitting at the kitchen counter while your Dad vacuums, with a bowl full of cereal, loudly humming along to the sound of the vacuum. It’s a sound that probably would have aggravated me months ago and I may have even asked him to stop. But today I don’t want him to ever stop. His hum fills your silence. His hum comforts me as I tie tiny bows around your flowers and prayerfully select the stems that will make you smile most.”

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So much of what I’m grieving is because of my relationship with this woman right here, my own mama. I think of all the moments and milestones she and i have shared together as mother and daughter, moments I’ve been giddy with excitement to experience with my own sweet Stevie. And so when my mom holds and comforts me now, i can’t help but think about how that’s no longer my story too. Having her here has given me permission to break open in ways that only a mother can pull out of you. Her comfort, the way she makes sandwiches, her familiar smell and her soft back scratching have always been a comfort to my aching soul. This video is from a couple days ago, Stevie saving a rare lucid moment to welcome her grandma—she had been waiting for her. Today, Stevie is non responsive but still breathing. We are huddling close to her and filling her with endless love and affirmations that she is cherished, that she will be at peace, that she will be pain free, that we will miss her but we will celebrate her every day for the rest of our lives until we are with her again. #stevielynnstock #starsforstevie #dipg

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Ashley concluded that it is her son’s hums that “reminds me why I must gather all my strength and keep going.”

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