The CDC Recommends Everyone Wear Cloth Masks in Public, So Here’s How to Make One Without Needing a Needle and Thread

On April 3, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention announced to the public that they recommend if a person goes out in public, regardless of their health, they should wear a cloth mask in public settings.

During his briefing on Friday, the President of the United States, Donald J. Trump said during the press conference that “the CDC is advising the use of nonmedical cloth face covering as a voluntary health measure. It is voluntary.” However, as Trump also clarified that “the CDC is not recommending the use of medical-grade or surgical grade masks,” as N95 respirators need to be saved for medical professionals.

The CDC Recommends Everyone Wear Cloth Masks in Public, So Here's How to Make One Without Needing a Needle and Thread
Mamas Uncut

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Here’s How to Make a Mask Without Needing a Needle and Thread

So, as a result of making sure we protect ourselves and our medical community, we are sharing a very easy way to make your own mask with things you already have laying around your home.

Step 1: Grab a Handkerchief and Two Rubber Bands

The CDC Recommends Everyone Wear Cloth Masks in Public, So Here's How to Make One Without Needing a Needle and Thread
Mamas Uncut

You can also use any square of cotton-based fabric and two hair ties if you don’t have any rubber bands.

Step 2: Fold the Handkerchief into Threes

The CDC Recommends Everyone Wear Cloth Masks in Public, So Here's How to Make One Without Needing a Needle and Thread | During his briefing on Friday, the President of the United States, Donald J. Trump said during the press conference that "the CDC is advising the use of nonmedical cloth face covering as a voluntary health measure.
Mamas Uncut
The CDC Recommends Everyone Wear Cloth Masks in Public, So Here's How to Make One Without Needing a Needle and Thread | During his briefing on Friday, the President of the United States, Donald J. Trump said during the press conference that "the CDC is advising the use of nonmedical cloth face covering as a voluntary health measure.
Mamas Uncut

Step 3: Fold the Handkerchief into Three Again

The CDC Recommends Everyone Wear Cloth Masks in Public, So Here's How to Make One Without Needing a Needle and Thread | During his briefing on Friday, the President of the United States, Donald J. Trump said during the press conference that "the CDC is advising the use of nonmedical cloth face covering as a voluntary health measure.
Mamas Uncut
The CDC Recommends Everyone Wear Cloth Masks in Public, So Here's How to Make One Without Needing a Needle and Thread

Step 4: Grab Two Rubber Bands

The CDC Recommends Everyone Wear Cloth Masks in Public, So Here's How to Make One Without Needing a Needle and Thread | During his briefing on Friday, the President of the United States, Donald J. Trump said during the press conference that "the CDC is advising the use of nonmedical cloth face covering as a voluntary health measure.

Step 5: Take One Rubber Band and Put It a Third of the Way Down on One Side

The CDC Recommends Everyone Wear Cloth Masks in Public, So Here's How to Make One Without Needing a Needle and Thread | During his briefing on Friday, the President of the United States, Donald J. Trump said during the press conference that "the CDC is advising the use of nonmedical cloth face covering as a voluntary health measure.
Mamas Uncut
The CDC Recommends Everyone Wear Cloth Masks in Public, So Here's How to Make One Without Needing a Needle and Thread | During his briefing on Friday, the President of the United States, Donald J. Trump said during the press conference that "the CDC is advising the use of nonmedical cloth face covering as a voluntary health measure.
Mamas Uncut

Step 6: Take the Other Rubber Band and Put It a Third of the Way Down on the Other Side

The CDC Recommends Everyone Wear Cloth Masks in Public, So Here's How to Make One Without Needing a Needle and Thread | During his briefing on Friday, the President of the United States, Donald J. Trump said during the press conference that "the CDC is advising the use of nonmedical cloth face covering as a voluntary health measure.
Mamas Uncut

Step 7: Fold the Remaining Fabric Over the Rubber Band

The CDC Recommends Everyone Wear Cloth Masks in Public, So Here's How to Make One Without Needing a Needle and Thread | During his briefing on Friday, the President of the United States, Donald J. Trump said during the press conference that "the CDC is advising the use of nonmedical cloth face covering as a voluntary health measure.
Mamas Uncut

Step 8: Put the Fabric Over Your Face and the Rubber Bands Over Your Ears

The CDC Recommends Everyone Wear Cloth Masks in Public, So Here's How to Make One Without Needing a Needle and Thread | During his briefing on Friday, the President of the United States, Donald J. Trump said during the press conference that "the CDC is advising the use of nonmedical cloth face covering as a voluntary health measure.
Mamas Uncut

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And there you have it! A homemade mask to keep you safe during those quick trips to the grocery store.

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1 thought on “The CDC Recommends Everyone Wear Cloth Masks in Public, So Here’s How to Make One Without Needing a Needle and Thread”

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