20 Baby Names Inspired by the End of the World

The lyric, “It’s the end of the world as we know it and I feel fine” from R.E.M. feel eerily relevant right now. As we’re all digesting and absorbing bad news on the daily, our brains might veer into some dark recesses. We’re leaning into it!

Let’s take a moment to think of our impending doom a little more with some baby names to mark this occasion. As the world smolders around us and we look to our offspring in the hopes they’ll save us, let’s impart names to our little babies that capture the direness of the time they’ve been born into.

After all, this could be the end times we were warned about and your little one just might be the embodiment of the antichrist before the great war between good and evil takes us all. The Encylopedia Britannica describes the apocalypse as a situation in which “kings of the earth under demonic leadership [potentially your baby!!!] will wage war on the forces of God at the end of history.”

Here are 20 baby names inspired by civilization’s demise!

20. Anpu

20 Baby Names Inspired by the End of the World

Pronounced “an-poo,” Anpu is a baby name for boys that comes from Egypt. The name means “God of Death” or “God of the Dead.” Beautiful!

19. Azrail

20 Baby Names Inspired by the End of the World

Azrail has a certain sinister ring to it! Pronounced “Izrah-eel” this name is very old and has roots in both Arabic and Hebrew. The name means “Angel of Death.” Although the name is associated with the Archangel of Death in folklore, the name doesn’t appear in any holy texts. That’s how you know it’s the real (evil) deal!

18. Claeg

20 Baby Names Inspired by the End of the World

The English name Claeg rhymes with keg and has an absolutely charming meaning. The name means “One who is Subjected to Death.” If Claeg doesn’t roll off your tongue, you can also go with its other form Clay. Clay has a slightly different meaning, “One who is Subjected to Death at Any Moment of His Life.”

17. Dabria

20 Baby Names Inspired by the End of the World

Finally! A name for your evil daughter! The name Dabria comes from Latin and is again inspired by mortality. Dabria means “An Angel of Death.” Look at it this way: she’s your little angel.

16. Dearil

20 Baby Names Inspired by the End of the World

Dearil is an unpopular German name that means “Call of Death.” When you call his name, you’ll be literally summoning slaughter.

15. Desdemona

20 Baby Names Inspired by the End of the World

The name Desdemona was made famous by Shakespeare’s play Othello. But, Desdemona isn’t as trivial as a tragedy! Oh no! Desdemona is a Greek name that means “From the Devil” and is associated with misery and terrible luck. Why even take that gamble?

14. Ernaline

20 Baby Names Inspired by the End of the World

Ernaline is a Norweigan name with a couple of weak meanings: “Capable” and “Serious.” We’re not here for all that! The one meaning of this girl’s name that counts is “Battle to the Death.” An Ernaline will shut it down.

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13. Erysichthon

20 Baby Names Inspired by the End of the World

Pronounced “Era-stitch-ton,” Erysichthon is a name from Greek mythology. This mouthful of a name is a mouthful for a reason! The name for boys means “Someone Who has Been Cursed with an Insatiable Hunger which Finally Leads to His Death.” This baby will eat you out of house and home.

12. Freyja

20 Baby Names Inspired by the End of the World

Another drop-dead gorgeous name for a girl, Freyja also comes from mythology. The name comes from the Norse goddess! Freyja was the goddess of love, beauty, and death. The “J” is silent and the name is pronounced “Fray-yuh.” It will be the last name you hear.

11. Ilamatecuhtli

20 Baby Names Inspired by the End of the World

Another name from the gods, Ilamatecuhtli is the name of an Aztec goddess of fertility and drumroll… death! The goddess and her spooky ways are thought to have inspired La Llorona popularized in Mexican folklore.

10. Jeevak

20 Baby Names Inspired by the End of the World

Jeevak is an Indian name that’s pronounced “Jeev-ahk.” The name sounds so playful! It means “The Period of Time from the Present Until Death.” There’s really no time like the present. A baby named Jeevak will encourage you to ‘be in the moment’ because the other option is, well…

9. Kalakuta

20 Baby Names Inspired by the End of the World

The name Kalakuta has a certain percussive nature to it. The name is pronounced “kala-kuta.” It’s spelled phonetically, how convenient. The Sanskrit name for boys means “Potion of Death.” Make it a double!

8. Lorelai

20 Baby Names Inspired by the End of the World

The girl’s name Lorelai comes from German and means “Ambush Cliff,” but there’s more to this name’s story. According to German folklore, Lorelai was the name of a Siren who used her song to lure sailors to their deaths. This is a beautiful name but we do not encourage you to allow your baby Lorelai to cry. It could be the end of you.

7. Methuselah

20 Baby Names Inspired by the End of the World

Methuselah is a Hebrew name that means “Death Bringer.” The character of Methuselah is mentioned in Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. According to some calculations he lived for 969 years. That’s a lot of years to bring a lot of death. Bring it on little Methie.

6. Morrigan

20 Baby Names Inspired by the End of the World

You might find the name Morrigan a beguiling. The Irish name means “Phantom Queen” and according to mythology Morrigan was a goddess of war and was symbolized by a black crow. Tales of a Morrigan monster are prevalent as well. She was a monster concealed in a female form. Invite a monstrous ghost queen into your home!

5. Omisha

20 Baby Names Inspired by the End of the World

Omisha is a beautiful name for a little girl. It’s a Hindu name that comes from the goddess of both birth and death. Traditionally, the name connotes reliability and you better believe you can rely on an Omisha to end it all.

4. Persefoni

20 Baby Names Inspired by the End of the World

The name Persefoni is a variation of Persephone. That name might be familiar to you because she was the goddess of the underworld in Greek mythology. Yes, she ruled over the dead and was in charge of all things bread. If there was a grain shortage and people began to starve, it was Persephone’s fault. The Persefoni means “Bringer of Death.”

3. Runihara

20 Baby Names Inspired by the End of the World

We’ve all heard of or experience horrifying diaper blowouts. A little baby boy named Runihara will certainly treat you to many of them. The Egyptian name means “Destroyer.”

2. Sephtis

20 Baby Names Inspired by the End of the World

Sephtis rhymes with sepsis and comes from Persian. Its delightful meaning bolsters this name’s desirability. Septhis means “Eternal Death.” Because a finite death is never enough, you want that long-lasting eternal kind!

1. Thana

20 Baby Names Inspired by the End of the World

Thana is a fantastic name for a little girl. The name comes from Arabic and means “The Death.” Not just any death, the death. Thana brings death to end all death. We’re here for it.

There you have it! 20 names to bestow to your world-ending newborn. If you’re in the market for a bleak name for your baby, bookmark this! You can return to it again and again for inspiring names for your malevolent liter.

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