First Trimester
Congratulations! You’re 5 weeks pregnant and likely just received the news yourself!
You are now well into your second month of pregnancy, and you and your baby are continuing to develop!
Depending on if you experience morning sickness or not, you have likely noticed some weight gain or weight loss at this point in your pregnancy, American Pregnancy reports.
At this point, you have roughly 32 more weeks until you meet your little one!
Your baby’s heartbeat can start being detected anywhere from week 8 to week 12! How exciting is that?
At this point in your pregnancy, you will have the choice to decide whether or not you’ll want to have a NIPT blood test completed.
While your baby’s head may be oversized at this point of the process, they are also developing tooth buds and facial features.
Your baby is growing like a weed, and you only have 28 more weeks to go!
This is the last week of your first trimester! How exciting is that?