Chrissy Teigen shares valuable Tooth Fairy mom hack: ‘If you forget, I always do.’

Chrissy Teigen is sharing the parenting hack she uses when she forgets to slip a couple bucks under her kids’ pillow when they lose a tooth.

Parents wear many hats. They are caretakers, personal chefs, chauffeurs, Santa Claus (if you celebrate), the Tooth Fairy, and so much more.

And with all those titles, you are bound to forget a thing or two.

And as Teigen admitted to fellow momm actress Mindy Kaling, she’s always forgetting about her Tooth Fairy duties.

On Instagram, Mindy Kaling shared a photo of a note her daughter Kit wrote for the Tooth Fairy after losing a tooth. “Dear ToothFairy, Please take my tooth! Love Kit,” the note, dated Aug. 4, reads.

In the comments, Teigen shared her hack with Kaling and other moms taking note.

“If you forget, and I always do, there is a sweet letter online where she talks about how busy she was the night before lol,” she admits as other moms joined in with their hacks.

One mom shared that “messy rooms were a boundary that the Tooth Fairy would not cross in our house.”

“In our house, the tooth fairy starts her rounds at 5pm, so if you lose a tooth after that, you’re on the next day’s rotation,” another mom shared.

“So many teeth on so many children,” Kaling a mom of three said in response to Teigen, who is a mom of four.

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