All about oil: The benefits of oil pulling and adding healthy oils in your routine

If you keep up with the latest trends in holistic health, chances are you have heard something about oil pulling. Although recently gaining popularity, this natural wellness practice has been around for thousands of years, originating in India and southern Asia, where it was believed to purify the body of toxins. 

If we’re still talking about it today, there must be possible benefits worth looking into. 

oil pulling

Read on to learn exactly what oil pulling is, how to do it safely, and the positive effects it can have. Plus, discover how incorporating other healthy oils like olive oil can do wonders for your body and health.

The real health benefits of oil pulling

The connection between overall health and oral hygiene is stronger than you might realize. The mouth is mostly full of good bacteria, but it can also be the entry point for bad bacteria into your respiratory system and digestive tract. As a mom, you’re probably always looking for new ways to stop sickness from making its way into your house — and prevention can start with protecting your oral health. 

Benefits of adding oil pulling as an extra step in your routine can include reducing levels of harmful toxins, plaque buildup and gum inflammation in the mouth — all of which lead to fresher breath and a more balanced microbiome. Some practitioners even suggest that coconut oil in particular whitens the teeth, although there is no scientific evidence to support this claim. You’ll just have to find out for yourself!

How oil pulling works

The action of oil pulling is pretty simple — place a tablespoon of oil in your mouth, swish it around for a while then spit it out. But in order to get the most out of this habit, if you choose to try it, there are other factors to consider. 

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Choosing the right oil

First, the type of oil you use is key. The most popular choice is coconut oil, not only because of the pleasant taste but also because of its proven antibacterial and antifungal properties. Extra-virgin olive oil and sesame oil are also good options. Of course, keep allergies and sensitivities in mind when you choose.

Tips for adding oil pulling into a busy morning routine

If you do want to start oil pulling, it should be done in the morning, on an empty stomach and before you brush your teeth. Try swishing for five minutes at first and then eventually work your way up to 15-20. This probably sounds like a long time, but mornings are typically busy for moms anyway. 

oil pulling

Habit-stacking can come in handy — oil pull at the same time you complete another daily task. It could be folding laundry, putting on a pot of coffee, or taking your dog outside. Before you know it, time will be up and you’ll have accomplished twice as much. 

Be sure not to swallow the oil, as it now contains tons of bacteria that you don’t want to recirculate back into your body. Brush your teeth after you’re done, and that’s that. 

Healthy oils have other advantages too

Beyond oil pulling, there are other easy ways you can incorporate oils into your lifestyle. There’s some debate over what oils to include and which to avoid, but high-quality olive oil and avocado oil both have generally agreed upon health benefits. 

They are rich in healthy fats and antioxidants, as well as vitamins E and K, which support your heart, skin and body’s ability to absorb nutrients. So, next time you’re cooking or baking, swap in one of these options instead of vegetable oil or margarine. You can also easily add a tablespoon of oil to a smoothie or if you find yourself with a few extra minutes in the kitchen, make a homemade oil-based salad dressing with just a few ingredients you probably already have. 

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Oils as all-natural skincare

If you want to hydrate your skin and hair, incorporating oils like olive oil, coconut oil, argan oil and jojoba oil into your beauty routine can be a game-changer. The same antioxidants and vitamin E in olive oil we mentioned previously also protect and moisturize your skin. 

Coconut oil’s anti-inflammatory properties make it ideal for repairing dry skin, while jojoba oil closely mimics natural sebum, making it an amazing moisturizer too. You can use these oils on their own or add a few drops to your regular products. 

Plus, if you have a kiddo with sensitive skin and are looking for all-natural soothing products, oils are great to try. Just be sure to chat with your doctor’s office and do a patch test before starting. Oils are also ideal for a growing baby bump, helping to maintain skin elasticity and comfort as you progress. 

Embracing oils for holistic wellness

oil pulling

From oral care to skin care, it’s pretty clear that oils are a versatile addition to any holistic health routine. We hope this article inspires you to explore the unique wellness benefits they can offer you. 

This article contains general health information. Please always consult with your doctor or healthcare professional before making any health or medical related changes.

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