15 Most Jaw-Dropping Parenting Oopsies We’ve Ever Heard

Parenting is one of the most challenging and rewarding jobs in the world. But let’s be honest, no matter how much you prepare and plan, there are bound to be some oopsies along the way. From forgetting to pick up your child from school to accidentally leaving them at a gas station, parenting mishaps can range from minor mistakes to major errors that can leave parents feeling embarrassed, guilty, and even traumatized.

In this blog post, we’re going to share some of the most jaw-dropping parenting oopsies we’ve ever heard. These stories will make you cringe, laugh, and maybe even shed a tear. Whether you’re a new parent or have been raising kids for years, these tales will remind you that no one is perfect and that sometimes the best thing you can do is just laugh it off and move on. So, buckle up and get ready for some hilarious, heartwarming, and downright shocking stories about the trials and tribulations of parenting.

My 6-year-old caught my husband and I in the act…what do I say?

15 Most Jaw-Dropping Parenting Oopsies We've Ever Heard
MU Community Forum

Best Replies:

  • Don’t beat yourself up about it! It happens a lot more than u think. And Yes it’s embarrassing knowing u got caught In the act. But U need to sit down and talk about it. And be honest about what was going on. (of course in an age appropriate way). Kids nowadays know alot more than we know even at that age.
  • I’ve heard and seen things at a much older age. Like “home videos” that will mentally haunt me. Needless to say almost EVERY friend I have, has a similar story to tell. He’ll either forget or laugh about it with his friends one day. Don’t stress over it. You’re not a terrible parent just learn from this.
  • 1st of all ignore anyone that makes you feel too bad about it, it happens. I say it’s safe to say almost every couple has that happen at least once if they have kids. Secondly, don’t make a huge deal out of it or make it weird. If he asks the what’s or why’s then explain it further. Otherwise, he will probably be ok. However maybe going on a family outing to get his mind onto other memories wouldn’t hurt. (Examine zoo, museums, day at the lake, arcade, ect).

We are struggling to parent our teen who is also a parent

15 Most Jaw-Dropping Parenting Oopsies We've Ever Heard
MU Community Forum

Best Replies:

  • Your treating her like a regular sixteen year old… she isn’t. Let her learn the hard way. She wanted to grow up fast and be a parent. Let her see how hard it is.
  • My daughter is 16 and bought her own $500 phone. Best believe I’m taking it when she ain’t acting right. If you are grounded from electronics it don’t matter who paid for the damn thing it’s gone. I would turn the wifi off because she can’t use it without the wifi unless it’s hooked up to a phone plan. But like I said I’d take it. And give her no option. Tell her to get her shit together and until she does so she can’t see/talk to the boyfriend. Homework first.
  • I’m sorry but you can’t treat a mom like a child.
  • What a tough situation. Im sorry, you’re going through this. If it was my house my rules would be followed. If the rules aren’t followed… Time to move out, get a job, and pay their own bills while they still know everything.

I know I have made mistakes and I already have a ton of guilt so telling me how wrong I have been is not helpful

15 Most Jaw-Dropping Parenting Oopsies We've Ever Heard
MU Community Forum

Best Replies:

  • Make rules explain the consequences to them and Follow Through! Example: pick up toys and put them away. If they don’t with one reminder then you put the toys in a plastic bag and put in the trunk of your car . Even if they beg. Do this with all their things. No arguing, no raised voice. Rules, consequences action. Then it’s up to them. Keep all snacks out of the house. Make it a special treat that they have to eat before they get home. God bless you.
  • We sat our kids down and talked about rules and consequences. Then we asked them to help come up with a list of what their consequences would be and reward chart.
  • 100% against spanking. As parents we are learning too and at least you recognized that it’s wrong. My boys are the same exact age and I know the frustration you must be going though. For us time outs work and gives them time to cool off on their own. Also, keeping your kids busy with activities really helps. Have them wash dishes, fix your pantry, make you dinner with play doh, play doctor, etc…I have tons of free ideas and activities you can do. Every day my boys are doing something to keep them busy and avoids them fighting with each other. Also, I’ve learned that with power struggles it’s best to negotiate to give them a voice too. Feel free to PM me, I’d love to share my experiences.

What can I do about this situation?

15 Most Jaw-Dropping Parenting Oopsies We've Ever Heard
MU Community Forum

Best Replies:

  • Are you sure it’s anxiety? Could she just be trying to sort out what different emotions look like? My son asks those questions sometimes but he certainly doesn’t walk on eggshells around me.
  • It was one time. She’s gonna have to learn that these things happen. You can’t shelter her forever.
  • You’re human. It’s fine. All you can do is your best.
  • Just try not to have it happen again in front of her. But she’s got to learn that feelings like the one you had are normal. When she asks these questions try play therapy give her some crayons or markers and paper and have her draw out how she’s feeling about why she’s feeling you’re upset or angry and go from there. Have her explain the picture to you after it’s done. And like I said before try not to have it happen again in front of her.

I lied to my daughter to protect her and now she hates me

15 Most Jaw-Dropping Parenting Oopsies We've Ever Heard
MU Community Forum

Best Replies:

  • I don’t think she hates you she a teenager she’s going to go thru a lot changes…n plz momma talk to her about eating disorder she cold very well have one a lot of girls try and hid it… she’s prob just getting caught up with the wrong people I would try to really have a convo with her or have a close family members talk to her someone she can trust maybe even talk to her bio dad and have him try and see what’s going on.
  • Shes projecting. She was lied to and missed out on her dad. So she’s seeking that attention from other guys. She needs therapy. All of you do. I dont believe she truly hates you but does hate what you did and its mentally hitting her. Don’t put this on her. Its all on you and while I understand why you hid this from her I do believe you should have been honest. The truth always come out. Good luck!
  • Well, as a mother with a deadbeat baby daddy, with a deadbeat family to match? I would have done the same thing if I was given the chance. ???? To each his own.
  • Finding out she’s “been living a lie” her whole life, is going to affect her mental and emotional state immensely. She needs therapy to process this. ASAP.

How do I become a better mom?

15 Most Jaw-Dropping Parenting Oopsies We've Ever Heard
MU Community Forum

Best Replies:

  • I totally understand how you feel. I’m pregnant as well and sometimes it just very overwhelming. Maybe ask your mom or husband to watch them for a little bit on a weekend day so you can just relax. Take deep breaths. Write things down. Ask your husband to help more around the house so you have a little more down time.
  • Your a grown up woman now. Your actions are all on you not momma and dad. Change. Do better than them for your children.
  • You don’t have to be the mom that yells! Look into gentle parenting. There are so many great resources nowadays to help with that.

How can I parent my 6-year-old son?

15 Most Jaw-Dropping Parenting Oopsies We've Ever Heard
MU Community Forum

Best Replies:

  • There is so much to touch on but the main thing I want to say is it is never to late to start a routine but make sure you are able to stick to the main focus of it and be consistent. He is going to see what buttons he can push and for how long he can before you are done. My youngest is just turned 8 and oh boy does he like to test my limits but he also knows when I have had enough and he will go back on task. For time outs I use a corner where I can see him but he can’t see things like the tv or other kids playing. He will fidget a lot but as long as he stays in the timeout I have let him do it. Good luck momma you got this.
  • You are the boss stop letting him have that power.
  • Maybe he needs therapy, he might be having trouble processing why he only has a mom when his friends might have both parents. It’s never too late to teach him respect, if possible, get him involved in a sport. This way he can gain more discipline from being in a sport and have that strong presence of the coach. Be sure he knows that you love him and that the choices the adults have made have nothing to do with him.

My mom called my daughter big to her face: Advice?

15 Most Jaw-Dropping Parenting Oopsies We've Ever Heard
MU Community Forum

Best Replies:

  • NOPE, NOPE, NOPE!!! “Grown people” do not need to bully 6 year Olds! There’s a right way to go about things and this wasn’t it!
  • You just tell her. Everyday. But you also need to teach her about staying healthy I think.
  • PUT HER IN HER PLACE RIGHT NOW. My grandmother did this to me and no one ever called her out on it. I’ve been screwed up over body image ever since.
  • I’d be finding a different option. Ain’t no way would I let my child continue to go through this.

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My 16-year-old will wants nothing to do with me

15 Most Jaw-Dropping Parenting Oopsies We've Ever Heard
MU Community Forum

Best Replies:

  • Honestly, you brought this on yourself. Smh.
  • I’d move out too. You definitely do not sound like someone I’d be comfortable being around.
  • You made your bed. Get cozy.
  • Wow. At least he has his grandparents.
  • Learn how to respect him then… smh the last step you should have taken was getting police involved you can play that like you were concerned all you want but we Alllll know that was another control move and a really weird one towards your 16 year old child at that.

Should You Snoop Through Your Child’s Things?

15 Most Jaw-Dropping Parenting Oopsies We've Ever Heard
MU Community Forum

Best Replies:

  • That child, regardless of age, deserves respect and privacy. You go through that kids stuff, you’re creating a sneaky and rebellious child.
  • Nope. I don’t even go in my kid’s room without knocking first. I don’t go in unless they say it’s okay. I do come through regularly and make sure rooms are clean, but otherwise I mind my own business. My son let’s me in and out of his, he keeps his door open. My daughter, no. She likes her privacy. I expect the kids to knock if my door is shut and wait for a response, don’t go messing around in my room etc., so I give them the same courtesy. It goes both ways and it definitely works wonders!
  • They dont just need, they deserve privacy. Your husband is mistaken if he doesnt want to think they need privacy. How are kids suppose to learn self respect or their worth if they arent shown trust.

What can I expect with CPS?

15 Most Jaw-Dropping Parenting Oopsies We've Ever Heard
MU Community Forum

Best Replies:

  • They will do a home inspection ask everyone in the house questions including him alone. Might want drs records. Ive spanked my kid but never used a belt and honestly they arent gonna like that and you might have an abuse case because of it.
  • You beat your child with a belt and now you’re worried about what CPS might do. YIKES. Surely there’s other methods of parenting but you literally chose violence and now there’s consequences borne of your choices.
  • Well you beat him with a belt its not like you smacked his butt a couple times. So no I doubt cps will share your mindset.
  • Spanking isn’t ok in the first place. Studies show nothing but negative effects from it…and you used a belt. You may be in a little trouble but they will probably just make sure the house is ok and may make you do parenting classes or something.

How to control my anger and stop the cycle?

15 Most Jaw-Dropping Parenting Oopsies We've Ever Heard
MU Community Forum

Best Replies:

  • Therapy. Therapists are trained to get to the bottom of these things.
  • Or it could be an anxiety issue manifesting as anger. Please talk to your Dr.
  • You have acknowledged the problem… you need therapy to break that cycle now… because by the time you break it yourself…your child will be grown and the damage done and the cycle continues.
  • A chance. You have a chance to be a good mother and new beginnings. Forget the past that hurt you and create new happy and peaceful memories.

Feeling like a defeated single mom

15 Most Jaw-Dropping Parenting Oopsies We've Ever Heard
MU Community Forum

Best Replies:

  • Just take a breather. Being overwhelmed & stressed is just a part of motherhood & it’s good you realized your actions. Tomorrow I would sit down with him and apologize…let him know you’re sorry & you’re sorry if you scared him. You were just tired & you know your actions weren’t okay so you want to apologize. It’s tough when your child is tired, & adding your own tiredness on top of that doesn’t help. Taking you time as a mom is essential, I know it’s hard when you’re used to having them at your hip but even just going to get a pedicure or go to the store by yourself can really help. Take care xx.
  • Being a single mother is hard.Try not to feel guilty, your emotions are perfectly valid. Your son is unlikely to remember, so try not to worry.
  • It happens. As parents we ARE allowed to lose our shit once in a while. We are human.

Am I wrong to not going to my daughters graduation because her dad is there?

15 Most Jaw-Dropping Parenting Oopsies We've Ever Heard
MU Community Forum

Best Replies:

  • Wow! If you’re willing to miss one of the biggest days of her life bc u cant put differences aside for a couple of hours then you honestly dont even deserve to go. You sound so selfish. That is your daughter and you are making her choose between you two.
  • That’s your babies graduation you’re supposed to be there. Doesn’t matter how you feel about her father. This is selfish :unamused: you both are two grown adults act like it. She needs love and support she’s going out into the world the right thing is to set the example and go and be happy you have the opportunity to watch your baby cross that stage.
  • You are definitely in the wrong. It’s not about you and your drama with her father, it’s about HER. That is a huge milestone for a child.
  • You are absolutely wrong. This is about your daughter, who worked hard m, did the right thing and is being acknowledged for her accomplishment. It has nothing to do with your feelings toward her dad. This day is all about her. If you love her, then you show up and support her and do not make her choose between her parents.

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My kids told me they don’t want to come home: Advice?

15 Most Jaw-Dropping Parenting Oopsies We've Ever Heard
MU Community Forum

Best Replies:

  • Let them, the other side isn’t always greener and they’ll find out for themselves. Reassure them you live them no matter what and take the time to work on yourself, I have a feeling you probably have neglected yourself for quite sometime. Prayers for you.
  • They are old enough let them decide where they want to stay.
  • Kids tend to prefer the Disneyland Dad, especially teenagers. The grass always looks greener for them but once their dad starts treating them like a nuisance, they will eventually come around. It isn’t an instant process but adult children of divorced parents have a way of seeing which adults prioritized them and which ones didn’t.
  • I’m so sorry you’re in this situation. The kids are just teenagers though and they don’t fully understand, they just want to be where they have more material things available to them. Prayers to you.

Parenting is a journey filled with ups and downs, twists and turns, and plenty of oopsies. But what makes it all worth it are the moments of love, joy, and connection that we share with our children. So, the next time you make a mistake as a parent, remember that you’re not alone. We’ve all been there, and we’ll all make mistakes again. But by sharing our stories and supporting each other, we can learn, grow, and become better parents for our kids. And who knows, maybe someday we’ll even look back on our biggest oopsies and laugh about them too.

For even more parenting content from our community, keep reading. We have the wildest parenting questions ever asked to share with you.

Parenting Question: Why is my toddler eating his poop?

15 Most Unbelievable Questions Ever Asked on Our Community Forum
MU Community Forum

Best Replies:

  • Prayers for your son in Jesus mighty name Amen.
  • Oooo we had a kid at our center like this and he was vitamin deficient! He got some therapy and treatment and was all better in 4ish months. You are so brave and such a good mom for asking for help!
  • Maybe a vitamin deficiency? Or there’s a thing called pica where people crave non food items.
  • As a mental health professional I promise at this age it’s not that unusual. Usually it means he has a vitamin deficiency or is getting comfort in some way. It like kids who pick their nose and eat it.

Parenting Question: What do you do when you are in your car and your child has to pee?

15 Most Unbelievable Questions Ever Asked on Our Community Forum
MU Community Forum

Best Replies:

  • I’m not judging but…why didn’t you just go inside?
  • It’s called pull into a parking spot and take them inside to use the restroom. It’s not that hard to do.
  • They have little mini potty toilets that collapse and you store in a bag on Amazon. You just put a bag on the inside of it if and then throw it away. Works great for the car!
  • I just pull over and tell her it’s only emergencies to squat…I just open the passenger front door and the back door to make a little enclosed area to feel covered.

Parenting Question: Anyone else have a child that will not stop talking?

15 Most Unbelievable Questions Ever Asked on Our Community Forum
MU Community Forum

Best Replies:

  • Possible meds? Put in ear buds, white noise on headphones, can you leave him alone and go somewhere quiet? Chewing gum or teething beads or singing lessons or learning to play an instrument you have to blow into to keep his mouth occupied? Maybe steer him towards a job as a DJ? Has he always been this way or is puberty exacerbating this?
  • Mine is 4 but the same way. Sometimes she talks so fast she makes up words and sounds to fill the middle of her sentences. Its a lot.
  • I put on his noise canceling headphones.
  • Mine is 24 and autistic. With his OCD he says yeah and I know literally at least a 1000 times a day but won’t rest until you repeat it. At least you don’t have to deal with that. Its exhausting. But you really should be grateful they can speak at all. For years I waited for mine to speak and I keep reminding myself of that.

Parenting Question: Should we allow our kids to play with kids of a different faith?

15 Most Unbelievable Questions Ever Asked on Our Community Forum
MU Community Forum

Best Replies:

  • You open your minds and let your kids play with other kids.
  • IF this is not a troll…why wouldn’t you? Perfect time to teach acceptance of other’s despite differences.
  • Your kids are going to experience other religions throughout there life. You can’t keep your children from everyone who doesn’t have the same beliefs as you unless you lock them in your basement.
  • They will be exposed to different religions in school on the playground. Sadly you can’t shelter your kids from everything that’s different.
  • This… this is like, a late April Fool’s joke, right? If not, OP, PLEASE, make yourself some friends outside of your cult, because, dang.

Parenting Question: Is my little girl too old for this?

15 Most Jaw-Dropping Parenting Oopsies We've Ever Heard | We all make mistakes, but some parenting mishaps take the cake. See the wildest ways parents have messed up so badly that they desperately needed advice.

Best Replies:

  • As long as she is socially okay with real life friends, I don’t really think it’s a problem. If it makes her happy & comfortable then there’s no harm. & just because your sister doesn’t agree with it doesn’t mean she needs to act like that.
  • My youngest daughter will be 27 this year. She is educated, has a very good full time job, a very active and full social life, is engaged to a wonderful man, and has carried a stuffed Pluto everywhere with her since birth. He is about 3ft, or used to be before the multiple “life saving stitches”. He counts as her carry on when flying, he is just a part of her life. Your daughter will be fine. Let her be, and tell her Aunt to stay out of it.
  • My 13 year old still has this panda that was her daddy’s too and she is just fine lol she might even take it to college if it makes it that long.

Parenting Question: Should I force my daughter to shave her legs and armpits?

15 Most Jaw-Dropping Parenting Oopsies We've Ever Heard | We all make mistakes, but some parenting mishaps take the cake. See the wildest ways parents have messed up so badly that they desperately needed advice.

Best Replies:

  • My daughter is the same way . She hates shaving . She is twenty now and still doesn’t shave like she should . Just walks around with hairy legs. Lol Drives me crazy but I guess she isn’t bothering anyone . Lol I guess we can’t force them. I’ve told her over and over but just stopped saying anything cause she gets mad at me. Good luck!
  • As someone who started out shaving because my mom shaved her legs everyday, I now shave once ever couple months, nothing wrong with body hair and its a pain in the butt to keep it all off so id let her do whatever she wants because hair really doesn’t matter.
  • You said it yourself. She’s independent. She’s smart. And it seems like she’s fully aware and in tune with herself and body. Why “force” her? Because society has told us body hair on women is “not ladylike”? Break the cycle. Let her be. And I’m sure if someone was going to make fun of her it seems she’d be able to handle herself

Parenting Question: At what age should a your son no longer see you naked?

15 Most Jaw-Dropping Parenting Oopsies We've Ever Heard | We all make mistakes, but some parenting mishaps take the cake. See the wildest ways parents have messed up so badly that they desperately needed advice.

Best Replies:

  • Seriously it is absolutely normal and nudity is only wrong if you make it wrong. Plenty of tribes around the world still aren’t completely clothed. She is making a big deal about nothing. I prefer no clothes as did my mother and a few of my children. When in the privacy of your home it is fine. And it isn’t her place to tell the more what to do.
  • Just my opinion but no, I dont think he should. I believe that children that can understand what they are seeing shouldn’t see that anymore.
  • Seems to me that you and your husband are sexualizing what shouldn’t be sexualized.
  • I think children growing up exposed to nudity in a non sexual way is healthy, and will help fix all this objectification in our society.

Parenting Question: My teen asked me to buy her an adult toy: Thoughts?

Teens Say the Darnedest Things: 15 Times Parents of Teens Were Totally at a Loss
MU Community Forum

Best Replies:

  • I would be so happy my child came to me. I would talk to her about how to clean them and about sex but I would buy her one. Wanted to explore her own body is not a bad thing and I think if you say no she will just find another way or maybe actually have sex… be proud she came to you and just have an honest conversation.
  • That would be a hard NO.
  • Either that or she goes and explores and doesn’t come to you again, pick your choice.
  • I don’t see why not. It kept me from seeking it from guys and saved me a lot of drama and trouble. It’s safer than her having sex.

Parenting Question: Am I teaching my kid too much too young?

15 Most Jaw-Dropping Parenting Oopsies We've Ever Heard | We all make mistakes, but some parenting mishaps take the cake. See the wildest ways parents have messed up so badly that they desperately needed advice.

Best Replies:

  • He should know that word. Same with penis. They aren’t bad words. You aren’t teaching him too much. You’re doing great! Tell your husband to grow up. If the words bother him then maybe there’s something with your hubby.
  • My daughter is almost 3 and she learned all that at a young age. I’d rather them know early and be able to speak up if something happens than not know anything at all.
  • I honestly think it’s best to teach kids what everything is called as early as they can comprehend it, without using other words in place of them.
  • Teaching children the proper name for body parts is super important.

Parenting Question: We are struggling to parent our teen who is also a parent

Teens Say the Darnedest Things: 15 Times Parents of Teens Were Totally at a Loss
MU Community Forum

Best Replies:

  • Your treating her like a regular sixteen year old… she isn’t. Let her learn the hard way. She wanted to grow up fast and be a parent. Let her see how hard it is.
  • My daughter is 16 and bought her own $500 phone. Best believe I’m taking it when she ain’t acting right. If you are grounded from electronics it don’t matter who paid for the damn thing it’s gone. I would turn the wifi off because she can’t use it without the wifi unless it’s hooked up to a phone plan. But like I said I’d take it. And give her no option. Tell her to get her shit together and until she does so she can’t see/talk to the boyfriend. Homework first.
  • I’m sorry but you can’t treat a mom like a child.
  • What a tough situation. Im sorry, you’re going through this. If it was my house my rules would be followed. If the rules aren’t followed… Time to move out, get a job, and pay their own bills while they still know everything.

Parenting Question: What to do about a terrifying step child?

15 Most Jaw-Dropping Parenting Oopsies We've Ever Heard | We all make mistakes, but some parenting mishaps take the cake. See the wildest ways parents have messed up so badly that they desperately needed advice.

Best Replies:

  • This child sounds like he’s in early stages of being a sociopath or psychopath. You need to get him into therapy treatment or to see psychologist. Do NOT neglect this behavior, it can become very serious. I don’t think it’s safe to leave your other children alone with him ever. He needs serious help. Abusing animals and hurting other children is main aspects of an onset psychopath. He’s showing he lacks empathy and compassion for others, that’s sociopathic tendencies. I hope you find help.
  • Dad needs to get him in therapy ASAP! This is a normal behavior to say I wish they weren’t here but it’s usually jealousy… his situation sounds far more serious though and now is the time to turn things around for this little guy or it will never happen.
  • I wouldnt be having him in the same room as my child if I’m not in the room u need 2 tell ur husband before something seriously happens.

Parenting Question: How can I get my two year old to stop swearing?

15 Most Jaw-Dropping Parenting Oopsies We've Ever Heard | We all make mistakes, but some parenting mishaps take the cake. See the wildest ways parents have messed up so badly that they desperately needed advice.

Best Replies:

  • You’re reacting too big. Just casually say “that’s not a nice word. We don’t say that.” You can give him an alternative. When my son was a young 2, he picked up “oh shit” which we told him to replace with “oh gosh” When he was closer to 3, he picked up “what the fuck” but had no idea it was bad. So I just told him “we don’t say that word” and he said okay. He used it a few more before he got the picture, but we never reacted big to either or else he would have tested us more or kept doing it for the reaction.
  • You give him a new word to use and correct him when he doesn’t. Often times, ignoring it is best.
  • The best thing you can do at that age is not acknowledge it. If they know they will get a reaction from you, they will continue to do it.
  • Please dont pinch his lip. Dont do what you are not ok with him doing. Are you wanting him to go to daycare and pinching other kids.

Parenting Question: I caught my teen looking at half naked women on tiktok: Advice?

Teens Say the Darnedest Things: 15 Times Parents of Teens Were Totally at a Loss
MU Community Forum

Best Replies:

  • Time to bust out the seggs talk.
  • It’s normal at that age, don’t think it’s anything to make a big deal out of.
  • Normal… won’t be long now till you find crusty socks and washclothes under the bed.
  • Talk to him. This is pretty age appropriate behavior… we talked to my son about the dangers of surfing the web for things and how most the time what he’ll find is an inaccurate description of acts/women. ( I.e porns and such) we talked about consent and how he was still to young to be looking at things but it was normal. Don’t make them feel shamed or abnormal for it… it’s absolutely normal and you really want to open the door for honesty.
  • Consider kids are starting way earlier than that now and days. You should of had a sex talk with him. My god my brother hid playboys under his mattress he bought at school (people sell them out of their lockers) in 6th grade :joy:.

Parenting Question: My 7 year old has accidents when my boyfriend babysits, should I be worried?

15 Most Jaw-Dropping Parenting Oopsies We've Ever Heard | We all make mistakes, but some parenting mishaps take the cake. See the wildest ways parents have messed up so badly that they desperately needed advice.

Best Replies:

  • Youre not gunna want to hear this, but… …get him checked for sexual assault. Thats one of the biggest signs, having accidents around certain people.
  • As a mental health therapist, I’m warning that’s a sign of trauma. Get him checked out.
  • My mom always told me accidents happen after sexual assault and from experience it’s true…
  • Yeah. At 7 this is not okay. He shouldn’t be left with the boyfriend again. Ever.

As you’ve seen, parenting is not for the faint of heart! It’s an experience that tests your limits, pushes you to your breaking point, and yet rewards you with some of life’s greatest joys. Our hope is that these stories from real parents have given you a glimpse into the challenges and triumphs of raising children.

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