RIP Jerry Springer: Here Are the 20 Wildest Moments from ‘The Jerry Springer Show’

For years, “The Jerry Springer Show” shocked and entertained viewers with its wild and often unpredictable guests and topics. From fights to love triangles to shocking revelations, the show became infamous for its outrageous and sometimes bizarre moments that kept audiences on the edge of their seats. It made the show’s host, Jerry Springer, a household name and one of the biggest stars of daytime television. Springer died on April 27 at the age of 79. A spokesperson said that he died peacefully in his home in the Chicago suburbs.

To honor his memory, we’ve rounded up the 20 wildest moments from “The Jerry Springer Show“, featuring some of the show’s most memorable and controversial episodes. Get ready to take a trip down memory lane and relive some of the craziest moments from this beloved daytime talk show.

Warning: Many of these ‘Jerry Springer Show’ clips contain adult themes and language.

This One Takes a Turn

This one starts out sweet and then turns salty. Fidelity is a hard concept for so many people who appear on this wild talk show.

A Walk Down Memory Lane

When your baby’s daddy cheats with your best friend, things turn ugly. This woman looks so proud of herself.

Who Remembers ‘Jerry Beads?’

Well, we had forgotten about the whole Jerry beads thing but here it is. The mother and daughter pair showing off their chest really takes the cake.

Not So Sisterly Love

Is the tell of a good TJSS episode when wigs start flying off? Perhaps. These sisters really do not get along and that revenge probably is not tasting so sweet right now.

When the Stripper Heels Start Flying…

Fellow strippers who do not get along really do put up a serious fight in this clip. We’d like to see more love in the club.

Is He Grown Though?

This fight was not only physical it was very verbal as most portions of it are a prolonged bleep. Is this the most bleeped TJSS moment? Could be!

“What Would You Find In His Shoes?”

This clip is remarkable for a couple of reasons but a woman who suspects that her boyfriend is cheating has been checking his shoes. You’ll never guess why.

The Hair Flips

We love this Jerry Springer moment because when Micah steps onto the stage, she immediately does some impressive hair flips. The man the two women are fighting over is not getting much love either.

He Wants Her to Do What With Her Sister!?

Well, this is just beyond the pale. What is this guy thinking? Only the best come on “The Jerry Springer Show.”

The Proposal That Went Spectacularly Wrong

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We were excited for a bit of genuine romance but then, as Springer’s guest are prone, the beans get spilled. Yikes!

Stirring That Pot

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Well, the two dudes fighting over this woman were not helped by the comments she made off to the side. So much drama!

Coming Out Swinging

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It’s never a good sign when one of the guests enters the stage running. This turned into a real brawl in a matter of seconds.

Does He Know Where He Is?

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It takes a moment to get there but this is some next level shade. Even Springer had to walk off set after this one.

Record Scratch


— ???? (@nottodayyoubum) April 27, 2023

A woman wants to come clean about her cheating but things quickly go in a different direction. This is bananas!

She Comes Out of Nowhere

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This fight happens out of nowhere and it gets so violent that producers of the show, in addition to the guards have to step in to break it up. Ouch!

David, Meet Goliath

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This fight follows the admission by his significant other that she has been cheating because their sex life has not been fruitful. Then, the man she’s been having an affair with steps out and he’s not what anyone in the audience expected.

When the White Supremacists Appeared

Say what you will about Jerry Springer. But nobody else would invite KKK members onstage so guests could punch them in the face. Respect.

— panic! attack at the disco (@tomposting_) April 27, 2023

Well, this is one of the most infamous “The Jerry Springer Show” episodes ever. Springer invited members of the KKK on and a huge fight ensued.

And, Again, But Even Wilder

jerry springer was a legend for this one

— flexin (@topflexin) April 27, 2023

Yes, it could get even more violent. For many, it was nice to see these hateful people get beat up.

RELATED: Longtime Legendary Talk Show Host Jerry Springer Dead at 79

Oh, the Webs We Weave

RIP Jerry Springer.

He held kids down a lot of suspended days home from school. A lot of days on punishment when mom took the game out the room.

— Nerd Nash (@NerdAtCoolTable) April 27, 2023

And, for good measure another clip of cheating that is pretty messed up. These women really shocked the audience with how hard they went.

“I Married a Horse”

Some highlights of the banned Jerry Springer episode “I Married a Horse”
by u/HelloGuysIAmNewHere in television

This is probably the best known and wildest (not being figurative here) moments ever on “The Jerry Springer Show.” If you haven’t seen it, prepare to cringe. It was so controversial that it never made it on the air!

There you go! What did you think of the wildest “The Jerry Springer Show” moments? We hope it took you back to a simpler, trashier time. RIP Springer, you legend.

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