25 Character Names from ‘Lord of the Rings’ to Consider for a Baby

Are you an expecting parent looking for a special name to give your baby? If the stories of Middle-Earth have been close to your heart since you were a child, and now, at this wonderful time in life, you’d like for that connection to live on – then you have come to the right place. Fantastic character names from J.R.R Tolkien’s beloved Lord of the Rings series could perfectly fit your little one.

With unique monikers such as Aragorn, Galadriel, and Pippin, many appellations are options from the prized books. The only question is: are these names too fantastical for a baby born today? Read through our favorites, and you can be the judge. Now, let’s find one name to rule them all!


Character Names from 'Lord of the Rings' to Consider for a Baby

Aragorn is a human ranger who plays a central role in the Lord of the Rings trilogy. He is known for his wisdom, courage, and strength and is one of the few humans who can speak the Elvish language. Aragorn is also a skilled swordsman and fighter, and he eventually becomes the king of Gondor. This name translates to “noble valor.”


Character Names from 'Lord of the Rings' to Consider for a Baby

Arwen is a charmer and one of the most beloved characters from Lord of the Rings. Arwen is an elf-princess in the books who falls in love with Aragorn; a human descended from royalty. Arwen has a heroic nature; she gives up her immortality so Aragorn can continue his quest for the One Ring without fear of dying first. Her name reveals its ancient origins, derived from Old English and translates to “noble maiden.” It serves as a fitting appellation for Arwen, whose heroic action propels Aragorn to make choices he otherwise wouldn’t have made.


Character Names from 'Lord of the Rings' to Consider for a Baby

Bilbo is a major character from J.R.R Tolkien’s Lord of the Rings, first appearing in the book The Hobbit in which Bilbo is a key figure. Bilbo Baggins, a hobbit, is a brave and resourceful adventurer tasked by Gandalf to aid Thorin Oakenshield’s quest to reclaim Erebor from Smaug the dragon. Bilbo carries out his role with wisdom and courage. His legendary status within Middle-Earth results in folk tales of his fall into Mirkwood, where he finds The Ring and battles Gollum in an underground lake. Bilbo translates to “ring-bearer.”


Character Names from 'Lord of the Rings' to Consider for a Baby

Boromir is a beloved character in The Lord of the Rings. He is a member of the nine walking members and the son of Denethor II, the Steward of Gondor. Boromir is an important figure in the story; he initially disagrees with his companions on their quest to destroy The Ring, yet tragically sacrifices himself in defense of his fellows at Amon Hen. Boromir’s fond interactions with Frodo Baggins and wise counsel to Aragorn demonstrate his honor and dignity. We imagine his name means “war and peace.”


Character Names from 'Lord of the Rings' to Consider for a Baby

Celeborn is an iconic character from Lord of the Rings. Celeborn first appears in The Fellowship of the Ring as a wise elf lord who desires to do what is best for his people. He rules over Lothlorien, a beautiful land filled with magic and mystery. Celeborn comes across as being wise and helpful throughout his appearance in the books, giving invaluable advice and counsel to Frodo Baggins and his companions, ultimately aiding them greatly in their quest against Sauron. Celeborn means “silver tree.”


Character Names from 'Lord of the Rings' to Consider for a Baby

Déagol is a character from Tolkien’s Lord of the Rings who substantially alters the plot. Déagol is a hobbit from the Shire, keeper of the One Ring. Déagol discovers the One Ring while fishing with his friend Sméagol, who then murders Déagol and takes it for himself. Déagol plays a pivotal role in allowing Frodo Baggins to take on the quest of destroying the ring, which would never have happened if Déagol hadn’t been tragically taken out of action by Sméagol. His name means “secret.”


Character Names from 'Lord of the Rings' to Consider for a Baby

Denethor is a powerful character featured in the Lord of the Rings trilogy who can be seen as a tragic hero. Denethor is the Steward of Gondor and ruler of the city Minis Tirith. Initially, Denethor holds a commanding presence and exudes strength and power despite his aging body. However, as Denethor’s grief for his sons clouds his judgment, he begins to spiral downhill into madness. His name means “lithe and lank.”


Character Names from 'Lord of the Rings' to Consider for a Baby

Elendil is one of the most iconic names from Lord of the Rings. Elendil appears in the story as a Númenorean king who escaped with his sons Isildur and Anárion when his nation was destroyed. Elendil eventually lands on Middle-Earth and founds its two greatest kingdoms: Gondor and Arnor. Elendil also wields one of the three Elvish Rings of Power, further endowing him with strength and endurance. This name means “elf friend.”


Character Names from 'Lord of the Rings' to Consider for a Baby

Elrond is one of the most iconic characters in The Lord of the Rings trilogy. He is an Elven leader and a powerful, wise man who serves as an ally and mentor to Frodo Baggins on his quest to destroy the One Ring. Elrond is brave, wise, and organized, always having a plan for dealing with any threat that arises. Elrond is also a healing force in the books; he renews Elvish spirit by calling for a council in Rivendell where representatives from all races of Middle-Earth are invited to help determine their ultimate destiny. Elrond means “star dome.”


Character Names from 'Lord of the Rings' to Consider for a Baby

Éowyn is introduced as the niece of Théoden, the King of Rohan. Éowyn is known for her daring spirit and fearlessness in battle, even when faced with immense challenges. Éowyn was able to thwart an evil lord in single combat. Éowyn’s character is an inspiring example of bravely facing whatever challenges life throws our way. Her name means “horse lover.”


Character Names from 'Lord of the Rings' to Consider for a Baby

Faramir is a great character in The Lord of the Rings saga. Faramir, a human character and brother to Boromir, is the leader of Gondor’s Rangers and serves as a loyal steward to his father, Denethor. Faramir shows extraordinary courage in his efforts to protect Gondor from Sauron’s forces and battles against overwhelming odds, ultimately helping Frodo and Sam on their quest to destroy The Ring. Faramir serves as an example of duty over temptation when he turns The Ring down. This name means “sufficient.”


Character Names from 'Lord of the Rings' to Consider for a Baby

Frodo is one of the most iconic names in fantasy, cemented in the shared imagination by Frodo Baggins, a Hobbit and protagonist in Lord of the Rings. Frodo first appeared as Froda (or “wise one”) in Norse mythology and was later adapted into Frodo in Westron language, used by Hobbits in Middle-earth. His bravery throughout the trilogy, which famously saw him travel from The Shire to Mordor with his faithful companions, made Frodo a cherished character.


Character Names from 'Lord of the Rings' to Consider for a Baby

Galadriel is one of the very best character names from Lord of the Rings. Galadriel was a prominent figure in Tolkien’s saga, being one of the most powerful Elves in Middle-Earth. Galadriel’s name has several meanings associated with it; it comes from two words meaning “maiden crowned with a shining garland”, which resonates with Galadriel’s glowing presence throughout the trilogy and beyond. Galadriel’s wisdom and alliance served an integral role in the events of the books.


Character Names from 'Lord of the Rings' to Consider for a Baby

Gandalf, also known as Gandalf the Grey or Gandalf the White, serves as a mentor to Frodo Baggins and his group of friends, who are on their quest to destroy the Ring of Power. Gandalf’s wisdom helps guide them through dark terrains filled with danger during their epic adventure. His powerful magical skills prove invaluable to their mission, making Gandalf one of the most important characters from The Lord of the Rings franchise. Gandalf is an established name from Norse mythology, meaning “wand elf.” Nice!

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Character Names from 'Lord of the Rings' to Consider for a Baby

Gimli is a valiant warrior who pledges his loyalty to humanity’s quest to defeat Sauron and save Middle-Earth. He is brave and determined and uses a great axe to fight against the forces of evil. Gimli also travels with Frodo on his mission to destroy the Ring, developing an unlikely friendship between the Hobbit and the Dwarf along their journey. Gimli becomes an iconic character throughout The Lord of the Rings series as he represents strength, courage, and perseverance in any struggle. Gimli’s name means “fire.”


Character Names from 'Lord of the Rings' to Consider for a Baby

Glorfindel is an extraordinary character from The Lord of the Rings novels. Glorfindel was an elf-lord of immeasurable power and courage whose immense strength and loyalty may have surpassed even the greatest of the human warriors of his time. Glorfindel was one of Middle Earth’s most renowned defenders, famed for his skillful swordplay, intelligence, and compassionate leadership at that time of crisis. Glorfindel valiantly fought against both Orcs and forces sent by Sauron to save Rivendell from destruction. Glorfindel ultimately sacrificed himself for the safety of others. His name means “golden hair.”


Character Names from 'Lord of the Rings' to Consider for a Baby

Isildur had a major role in the Lord of the Rings trilogy, as he was the one to cut off Sauron’s finger and take away the Ring. Isildur is remembered as an important figure throughout Middle-Earth as even long after his death. Isildur’s Bane (the Ring) was ultimately responsible for Sauron’s defeat. Isildur himself is remembered as a great warrior and leader with immense courage who held onto the Ring of Power despite its dangerous energy. His name means “servant of the moon.”


Character Names from 'Lord of the Rings' to Consider for a Baby

Khamûl, known as the “Shadow of the East” and the “Black Easterling,” was one of Sauron’s nine Dark Númenorean Ringwraiths and second-in-command. He got the epitaph Khamûl the Black Easterling due to his origins from Rhûn, a region east of Mordor which was originally inhabited by Men from Rhovanion and Easterlings. Khamûl served as an enforcer for Sauron, hunting for anyone who had discovered more about The One Ring than they should have. This character name from Lord of the Rings would be a rather sinister choice for a baby.


Character Names from 'Lord of the Rings' to Consider for a Baby

Legolas is a memorable elf character who captures the imagination of readers. Legolas is incredibly skilled in archery and travels with Frodo Baggins and his companions throughout their journey to Mount Doom. Legolas is a bit of an oddity when compared to most elves since he has been inspired by human poetry and sincerely enjoys their company. Legolas’ fiery temperament is tempered by his frequent reminders of the wisdom and beauty found in nature. The name means “crown prince.”


Character Names from 'Lord of the Rings' to Consider for a Baby

Pippin, or Peregrin Took, was one of the original nine members chosen to accompany Frodo in his quest to destroy the Ring of Power and provided much-needed comic relief to a story that could be quite dark at times. Pippin’s enthusiasm, naivety, and unwavering loyalty made him an endearing hero who held a special place in many hearts. Pippin is a name of German origin, meaning “awe-inspiring.”


Character Names from 'Lord of the Rings' to Consider for a Baby

Radagast the Brown appears in Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit. Radagast, also known by his full name Radagast Aiwendil, was an Istar, that is a powerful wizard tasked with safeguarding Middle-Earth from evil forces. Radagast possessed a powerful affinity for animals and kept several different beasts as his companions, including the Great Eagles and a thrush named Zavrosh. He lived near Mirkwood in Rhosgobel, cultivating and studying herbs of great healing powers. Radagast means “brown wizard.”


Character Names from 'Lord of the Rings' to Consider for a Baby

Samwise is a fan favorite in The Lord of the Rings series. Samwise was Frodo Baggins’ loyal gardener and closest friend. Sam served as both a confidant and protector during Frodo’s journey to Mount Doom, time after time, risking his life to keep the Ringbearer safe from harm. Samwise may have been small in stature, but he had a big heart filled with courage and a will to continue on their quest no matter the personal cost. This name means “half wise.”


Character Names from 'Lord of the Rings' to Consider for a Baby

Saruman is an Istari Wizard, originally sent to Middle-Earth to bring support against the forces of darkness and act as an advisor to the free peoples. He was given extraordinary intellectual powers that could communicate with animals and forge weapons out of mithril, a magical metal stronger than steel. Saruman eventually succumbs to his own pride and ambition and chooses allegiance with Sauron, the dark ruler. The name means “cunning.”


Character Names from 'Lord of the Rings' to Consider for a Baby

Sauron is a central antagonist of Lord of the Rings, described as a demonic spirit of pure evil, and his ultimate goal is to conquer Middle-Earth and make it his own kingdom. Sauron first appears in disguise as an unnamed advisor to the King of Numenor; this disguise works until Sauron’s loyal servant, the Witch-King of Angmar, creates the One Ring that Sauron uses to declare himself ruler of Mordor. Sauron carries his immense power with him at all times, as he wears the One Ring on his finger for centuries throughout Middle-Earth. The name means “necromancer.” This would be a scary choice for a baby.

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Character Names from 'Lord of the Rings' to Consider for a Baby

Théoden, the ruler of Rohan in Lord of the Rings, is made King just before Saruman, an evil wizard, has overtaken much of Middle Earth, and Théoden must transform himself spiritually and militarily to drive out evilness from his kingdom. Théoden shows immense mental and physical courage throughout the story as he learns to trust in others again despite multiple unfortunate events that made him fearful and pessimistic. Ultimately Théoden contributes heavily to restoring peace to Middle-Earth. The name means “king.” Thanks to the popularity of the name Theo, this might be the most acceptable LOTR character name for a baby born today.

There you go! What did you think of these character names from Lord of the Rings? Will any of these appellations from Middle-Earth work for a baby boy or girl born today? We hope you found at least one worth considering. For even more baby name inspiration, keep reading. We’ve got the most whimsical baby names to share with you!

Whimsical Baby Names for Girls

Whimsical Baby Names for Girls That Start With A

Whimsical Baby Names
  • Arria – A name of Latin origin, meaning “thin,” a character with the name played a role in a tragic ancient myth
  • Anouk – A popular French or Dutch form of the name Anna, from Hebrew, meaning “grace”
  • Abra – A feminine form of the name Abraham, from Hebrew, meaning “father of multitudes”
  • Avril – A French form of April with the same springtime meaning

Whimsical Baby Names for Girls That Start With B

Whimsical Baby Names
  • Bebe – A diminutive from of Beatrice or any other B-name, also a French term of endearment, meaning “baby”
  • Bex – A diminutive form of Rebecca with an edge, meaning “to bind”
  • Breah – A name of Old English or Welsh origin, meaning “from the hill”
  • Byrd – An English surname-name meaning “bird”

Whimsical Baby Names for Girls That Start With C

Whimsical Baby Names
  • Cosima – An Italian feminine form of Cosmo, from Greek, meaning “order”
  • Carys – A gorgeous Welsh name, meaning “love”
  • Channing – An English or Irish unisex name, meaning “wolf cub” or “of the Cana people”
  • Cyan – A delightful color name that works just as well for boys as it does for girls, meaning “green/blue color”

Whimsical Baby Names for Girls That Start With D

Whimsical Baby Names
  • Devi – A unisex name of Sanskrit origin, a goddess name, meaning “divine”
  • Deja – A name of French origin, meaning “again”
  • Dorit – A great literary name if spelled Dorrit, a short form of Dorothea, meaning “gift of the ocean” OR of Hebrew origin, meaning “this generation”
  • Dot – A diminutive short form of Dorothy or Dorothea, meaning “gift of the ocean”

Whimsical Baby Names for Girls That Start With E

Whimsical Baby Names
  • Elodie A French name from German, meaning “foreign riches”
  • Emmylou – A combination name from Emmy + Lou or German and French origin, meaning “universal” + “renowned warrior”
  • Eowyn – A literary name from The Lord of the Rings, meaning “shieldmaiden”
  • Enya – A name of Irish origin, meaning “fire”

Whimsical Baby Names for Girls That Start With I

Whimsical Baby Names
  • Ireland – The country takes its name from Old Irish Ériu, a goddess in Irish mythology, meaning “flowing water”
  • Izetta – A name of Irish origin, historically found in the Appalachian region, meaning “famed beauty”
  • Ioni – A name of Greek origin, meaning “violet stone”
  • Isby – An Amish diminutive form of Elizabeth, from Hebrew, meaning “pledged to God”

Whimsical Baby Names for Girls That Start With J

Whimsical Baby Names
  • Jovana – A Serbian female form of John, from Hebrew, meaning “God’s gracious gift”
  • Jamilla – A name of Arabic origin, meaning “beauty” and “grace”
  • Joni – A unisex English name and form of John, meaning “God’s gracious gift”
  • Joneva – A name of French origin, meaning “juniper tree”

Whimsical Baby Names for Girls That Start With M

Whimsical Baby Names
  • Maple – An English tree name originating in Latin, meaning “cloth”
  • Mahalia – A name of Hebrew origin, meaning “tender affection”
  • Marceline – A French form of Marcel, meaning “little warrior”
  • Merle – A unisex name of French origin, meaning “blackbird”

Whimsical Baby Names for Girls That Start With O

Whimsical Baby Names
  • Opal – A name of Sanskrit origin that’s quietly on the rise today, meaning “gem”
  • Ozara – A name of Hebrew origin, meaning “treasure”
  • Ombra – A name of Italian origin, meaning “shadow”
  • Orestilla – A name of Latin origin, meaning “from the mountains”

Whimsical Baby Names for Girls That Start With P

Whimsical Baby Names
  • Padget – A unisex occupational name of English and French origin, meaning “page”
  • Poet – An English word name for a writer
  • Penny – A short form of Penelope from Greek, meaning “weaver”
  • Peony – A Latin flower name, meaning “healing”

Whimsical Baby Names for Girls That Start With R

Whimsical Baby Names
  • Rosenwyn – A name of Cornish origin, meaning “white rose”
  • Rune – A name of German and English origin, meaning “secret”
  • Revel – An English word name meaning “to rejoice”
  • Rhapsody – A French term from Greek, meaning “enthusiastic expression” or “epic poem meant for recitation”

Whimsical Baby Names for Girls That Start With T

Whimsical Baby Names
  • Tempest – A unisex word name of English origin, meaning “storm”
  • Thalia – A name of Greek origin, meaning “to flourish”
  • Tarot – A French name, meaning “card game”
  • Turquoise – A French name, meaning “Turkish stone”

Whimsical Baby Names for Girls That Start With Z

Whimsical Baby Names
  • Zemora – A name of Hebrew origin, meaning “branch”
  • Zosia – A form of Sophia, from Greek, meaning “wisdom”
  • Zendaya – A name of Shona origin, meaning “to give thanks”
  • Zarina – A name of Persian origin, meaning “golden chalice”

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Whimsical Baby Names for Boys

Whimsical Baby Names for Boys That Start With A

Whimsical Baby Names
  • Astor – A Provencal name, meaning “hawk” OR an Icelanding name, meaning “god of thunder”
  • Azel – A name of Hebrew origin, meaning “reserved”
  • Artemis – Originally belonging to a Greek goddess, this name has potential for both girls and boys, meaning “butcher” or “Apollo’s twin”
  • Akiro – A name of Japanese origin, meaning “bright boy”

Whimsical Baby Names for Boys That Start With D

Whimsical Baby Names
  • Dov – A Hebrew name, meaning “bear”
  • Delmar – A Spanish name, meaning “of the sea”
  • Durango – A Spanish/Basque name meaning “water town”
  • Doyle – A name of Irish origin, meaning “black stranger”

Whimsical Baby Names for Boys That Start With E

Whimsical Baby Names
  • Elio – An Italian and Spanish name, from Greek, meaning “sun”
  • Eden – A unisex name of Hebrew origin, meaning “pleasurable place”
  • Eliseo – A Spanish and Italian form of the Hebrew name, Elisha, meaning “my salvation is God”
  • Eldon – A name of English origin, meaning “sacred hill”

Whimsical Baby Names for Boys That Start With G

Whimsical Baby Names
  • Gemini – A name of Latin origin, meaning “twins”
  • Garnet – A jewel name from French, meaning “pomegranate”
  • Giovani – An Italian form of John, from Hebrew, meaning “God is gracious”
  • Gabin – A French name from Latin, meaning “from Gabium”

Whimsical Baby Names for Boys That Start With H

Whimsical Baby Names
  • Hero – A unisex name of Greek origin, meaning “demi-god”
  • Honor – An English word and virtue name
  • Horace – A name that once belonged to an Ancient Latin clan, meaning “timekeeper”
  • Hidalgo – A name of Spanish origin, meaning “nobleman”

Whimsical Baby Names for Boys That Start With J

Whimsical Baby Names
  • Janus – A name of Latin origin, belonging to a god of transitions, meaning “doorway”
  • Juniper – An English name from Latin, belonging to the tree, meaning “young”
  • Joss – A unisex name and short form of the English name Jocelin, meaning “happy one”
  • Jinx – An English word name, meaning “bad luck”

Whimsical Baby Names for Boys That Start With L

Whimsical Baby Names
  • Loki – A unisex name from Norse mythology, meaning “mischief”
  • Lander – An English name from German, meaning “territory”
  • Laszlo – A name of Hungarian origin, meaning “superb ruler”
  • Leaf – A unisex nature name that you can also spell Lief

Whimsical Baby Names for Boys That Start With M

Whimsical Baby Names
  • Miro – A name of Slavic origin, meaning “peace”
  • Manju – A name of Sanskrit origin, meaning “pleasant”
  • Midnight – An English word name
  • Moss – An English name meaning “of Moses”

Whimsical Baby Names for Boys That Start With O

Whimsical Baby Names
  • Orion – A Greek mythology name, meaning “boundary”
  • Osias – A name of Greek origin, meaning “salvation”
  • Oz – A name of Hebrew origin, meaning “strength”
  • Oberon – Shakespeare’s King of the Fairies, of English origin, meaning “noble” or “like a bear”

Whimsical Baby Names for Boys That Start With R

Whimsical Baby Names
  • Rumi – A unisex Japanese name that can mean “beauty” or “flow”
  • Reon – A name of Maori origin, meaning “language”
  • Rye – An English diminutive form of Ryder, meaning “cavalry” or “messenger”
  • Rogue – An English and French word name

Whimsical Baby Names for Boys That Start With S

Whimsical Baby Names
  • Spike – An American nickname-name
  • Saturn – A Roman mythology name belonging to the god of agriculture
  • Scipio – A name of Latin origin, meaning “staff”
  • Seamus – An Irish form of James, from Hebrew, meaning “supplanter”

Whimsical Baby Names for Boys That Start With Y

Whimsical Baby Names
  • Yannis – A Greek form of John, from Hebrew, meaning “gift of God”
  • Yew – A splendid tree name
  • Yoshi – A unisex name of Japanese origin, meaning “respectful”
  • Yordani – A form of the name Jordan, found in Cuba and South America, from Hebrew, meaning “flowing down”

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Whimsical Baby Names for Boys That Start With Z

Whimsical Baby Names
  • Zvi – A name of Hebrew origin, meaning “deer”
  • Zolten – A name of Hungarian origin, meaning “ruler”
  • Zeus – A name from Greek mythology belonging to the king of the gods
  • Ziga – A name of Slovenian origin, meaning “victorious protector”

There you go! Now you have some amazing whimsical baby names to add to your shortlist.

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