Tori Roloff Shares New Photos of Baby Lilah Ray, Who Is Honestly Too Cute for Words

The stars of Little People Big WorldTori Roloff and Zach Roloff, had their second child on November 19th. The beautiful baby girl named Lilah Ray is the couple’s first daughter.

Tori took to her Instagram to share the good news and some photos of the newborn. If you need a dose of cuteness today, be sure to look at these adorable photos.

YOU MIGHT ALSO LIKE: Jackson Roloff Is a Big Brother! Tori and Zach Roloff Welcome Second Child Into the World, a Baby Girl With a Beautiful Name

Say hello to Tori Roloff’s new baby, Lilah Ray.

Tori Roloff Shares New Photos of Baby, Lilah Ray
toriroloff / Instagram

In an Instagram story, Tori shared a picture of both her children sleeping soundly. She wrote, “Both kids sleeping away.” How tender!

She shared a couple of more photos of pure motherhood bliss.

Tori Roloff Shares New Photos of Baby, Lilah Ray
toriroloff / Instagram

Look at that sweet little hand. We’re living for this too!

Even the family dog is in awe of Lilah.

Tori Roloff Shares New Photos of Baby, Lilah Ray
toriroloff / Instagram

Just precious! We can’t wait to see Lilah playing with the pup.

Lilah Ray was born Tuesday, November 19th.

Tori posted the first photos of her baby a few days ago. She captioned this one, “Lilah Ray Roloff, Born on November 19th at 6:52pm, 8 pounds 9 ounces,18 1/2 inches long. Welcome to the family sweet baby girl!”

Welcome to the world, Lilah Ray!

We got another Lilah update after her very first bath.

Look at Lilah all bundled up! Tori captioned the photo with the hilarious anecdote, “Lilah girl got her first bath today! She liked it so much she blew out her pants to earn herself a second!”

Also, how cute is that the dog, Murphy watches over her?

Dad, Zach Roloff shared his excitement on Instagram too.

What a beautiful family.

We know Tori must be relieved.

Back in August, Tori shared that pregnancy is a struggle for her. She captioned this stunning photo, “I really didn’t want to take maternity photos. Im not one of those women who loves being pregnant. In fact there’s not a lot of times I do love being pregnant. Don’t get me wrong. I thank God for this amazing gift every single day and I know how blessed I am but it definitely hasn’t made me feel my best. However, I am so freaking thankful I was talked into maternity photos by friends and family.”

In another post about her pregnancy struggles, Tori shared more.

Tori says in the post, “This pregnancy hasn’t made me feel my best…”

We can relate. Being pregnant is different for everyone. We’re elated that she’s got something to show for it!

Tori’s oldest, Jackson must be excited too.

Jackson Kyle, who is two-years-old, must be thrilled to be a big brother.

Uncle, Jeremy Roloff seemed really excited.

Jeremy posted a photo of himself holding his new niece and captioned it, “Welcome to the family, Lilah Ray Roloff. I’m so excited to get to know you.”

Grandfather, Matt Roloff looks over-the-moon.

In the photo, Matt holds his granddaughter. He captioned the picture, “Another absolutely precious grand baby.”

We couldn’t agree more.

Grandmother, Amy Roloff is glowing.

Amy Roloff congratulated Zach and Tori and had this to say about her new granddaughter, “My grand-daughter has my heart and is loved ???? so much already. She’s beautiful and precious and a blessing to our family. I’m so looking forward to watching baby girl grow up, see Jackson and Lilah hang out and spending grandma time with them.”

Tori is going to be a supermom.

You might not know that Tori was a kindergarten teacher before she was on TV. She’s got tons of experience with kids and we bet she’s going to raise little Lilah to be a smart, independent woman.

Baby Lilah will be in good company.

In addition to Jackson, Lilah will have a cousin to hang out with.

Look how similar Jackson looked to Lilah when he was born.

Can you believe it’s been two years since Jackson was born? We can’t believe how much he and Lilah resemble one another.

In fact, she’ll have plenty of friends and family to play with.

Look at all these babies!

If you think we’re exaggerating, think again.

Like Tori says in the post, “It truly takes a village.” Tori and Zach certainly have it!

She’s here just in time for the holidays.

Do you think Lilah will get to enjoy some Roloff Farm’s pumpkin baby food? Pumpkin purée?

The Roloff’s will have a very special Christmas this year.

Lilah’s first Christmas will be in less than a month. We bet Tori and Zach are thrilled about that.

We couldn’t be happier for Tori and Zach.

Tori Roloff Shares New Photos of Baby, Lilah Ray
toriroloff / Instagram

And Tori Roloff hasn’t stopped with the baby Lilah photos!

TLC, which airs Little People Big World, shared a color version of the photo Tori shared announcing Lilah’s birth.

“Congrats to Zach, Tori and Jackson on their newest addition!‍” the caption reads.

TLC also shared this gorgeous family photo of Tori, Zach, and Lilah.

Tori loves dressing her kids in matching outfits!

She posted this photo of Jackson and Lilah wearing matching flannel, and we can’t even!

“This is what it’s all about… matching outfits and cheesing big. I love these two so much,” she captioned the photo. SHe also posted this iconic #twinning photo for the sports fans out there:

Seahawks fans, we see!

Lilah celebrated one month with what might be the cutest photo ever taken?

“This sweet thing is one month old today! No clue how that happened! We have loved getting to know our Lilah Ray this past month,” reads part of the caption.

Here’s another great photo of the Roloffs in matching Christmas pajamas.

In the caption, Tori says, “My Christmas has already been made by my family. Especially the fact that Jackson touched his sister in this photo (he’s been a little stand offish and only wants to admire her from afar). I hope you and your family remember what’s truly important this Christmas season… family and being present!! Merry Christmas from our family to yours!”

Baby Lilah was on board for all of the family’s winter activities.

In the caption of this photo, Tori talks about struggling with her postpartum body.

The Roloffs made a trek for the perfect Christmas tree.

Look at little Lilah, all bundled up! She’s already done so much fun stuff despite being just two months old!

Lilah celebrated her first Thanksgiving.

“So much to be thankful for this year! Happy Thanksgiving from our family to yours!!” Tori said when sharing this photo.

There was also this great stork photo.

This was taken shortly after Lilah’s birth.

Two weeks later, Tori was already counting the countless ways she loves her daughter Lilah.

“How are you two weeks old already Lilah Ray?!,” Tori captioned the photo. “You have been such a joy. It’s like our family always had a place for you. These two weeks have gone way to fast and I wish I could slow it all down. I thank God for you each day and fall more in love every moment I spend with you.”

Lilah also celebrated her very first Christmas Eve!

Not a creature was stirring, indeed!

Lilah already has a No. 1 fan!

Zach Roloff posted this photo of their dog, Murphy, watching over baby Lilah. He also credits Tori for taking the beautiful photo.

Grandma Amy Roloff shared some family snaps from Thanksgiving weekend, many of which featured Lilah.

Tori Roloff Shares New Photos of Baby Lilah Ray, Who Is Honestly Too Cute for Words
Amy Roloff / Instagram

The whole fam together! The way it should be!

We love this family selfie too.

Tori Roloff Shares New Photos of Baby Lilah Ray, Who Is Honestly Too Cute for Words
Amy Roloff / Instagram

Little Lilah is front-and-center, just like she should be. You love to see it.

It was a big day for Lilah.

Tori Roloff Shares New Photos of Baby Lilah Ray, Who Is Honestly Too Cute for Words
Amy Roloff / Instagram

You can see that she needed to take a little nap. Holidays are exhausting!

Grandma Amy also joined Tori, Zach, Jackson, and Lilah when they went to get a Christmas tree.

It’s always nice to have Grandma around, right? Especially if she later shares beautiful photos of. the adventure like this!

Amy Roloff also shared this photo from the family’s Christmas tree adventure.

Tori Roloff Shares New Photos of Baby Lilah Ray, Who Is Honestly Too Cute for Words
Amy Roloff / Instagram

You can see mama Tori keeping baby Lilah warm and cozy in the background.

Here’s yet another adorable photo of Lilah!

We’d never seen that one before!

Zach Roloff recently shared a few more photos of his family ahead of the Christmas holiday.

Tori Roloff Shares New Photos of Baby Lilah Ray, Who Is Honestly Too Cute for Words
Zach Roloff / Instagram

Lilah’s first Christmas must have been so special! For her and her entire family!

And here’s one with just mom and baby.

Tori Roloff Shares New Photos of Baby Lilah Ray, Who Is Honestly Too Cute for Words
Zach Roloff / Instagram

Baby Lilah makes her mom Tori so happy! It’s so easy to tell.

And that, dear friends, is pretty much every photo (so far!) of baby Lilah. What an incredible couple of months it’s been!

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