My Fiancé Flipped Out About Me Breastfeeding in Public, Even Though I Covered Up: Any Advice?

A mom writes in asking for advice. Her fiancĂ© flipped out about her breastfeeding in public, even though she was planning on covering up. Earlier, her fiancĂ© was perfectly okay with it. However, that day they were planning to go out to eat, and he flipped out. She doesn’t understand anymore and doesn’t know what to do. Any advice for this mom?

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A member of the community asks:

“So I have a question about breastfeeding in public. I am totally okay with it. My fiancĂ© initially told me he was okay with it. Out of respect for him, I intended to cover up while feeding. Well, today, we were planning on going out to eat, and I said I would probably have to feed her while we were there.

He flipped. He said it’s disrespectful and slutty. He justified it by saying there are too many creeps in the world. I told him I was gonna cover-up. Needless to say, we aren’t going out to eat anymore because he was pissed. How would you handle this situation? I’m furious.”

– Mamas Uncut Community Member

Community Advice for This Mom Confused with Fiancé

To see what advice the Mamas Uncut Facebook community has for this mom in need, read the comments of the post embedded below.

Advice Summary


There were some conflicting comments for this mom whose fiancĂ© doesn’t like the idea of her breastfeeding in public. Some felt that it was perfectly normal too, why others offered other alternatives to make both people happy. One said, “Why argue? If he feels disturbed, can’t you pump ahead and put it in a bottle? There are many who feel uncomfortable with public breastfeeding.”

Another agreed by saying, “So why can’t you feed the baby before you enter a diner. Put baby on schedule so the baby does not interrupt any dinners with your fiance. I’m sure your man would like your full attention.” One suggested, “Breastfeeding is a private thing between you and your baby, nobody else needs to watch. You shouldn’t be breastfeeding in public.”

Other commenters disagreed and thought because it is a natural thing it should be okay. One shared, “It’s a natural thing to feed your child. Never be ashamed or embarrassed.” Another agreed, “That’s ridiculous! If your baby is hungry when you’re out, then you feed them! You also said you would cover-up. I don’t see why that would be an issue since you’re doing what’s best for your baby.”

Some commenters shared their personal experiences. One commented, “I would literally not have had a life for the last year. My baby is almost a year and has always breastfed a lot. He won’t take a bottle or allow me to cover. You do what you have to do to make it work.” A mom also said, “I would have put my baby in the car and gone without him. Then I would have emailed him some educational material to read while I was gone.”

Do you have any advice for this mom? Leave a comment to help another mom out!

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