Mamas Uncut

8-Year-Old ‘Hero’ Saves Choking Baby Sister’s Life With Lesson He Learned from John Cena

An 8-year-old boy is being celebrated as a “hero” after he swiftly came to his little sister’s after he noticed her choking on a chicken nugget. He knew exactly what to do thanks to WWE’s John Cena, of all people, who he had seen on a Nickelodeon television show, according to WBRE.

Jaxon Dempsey likely saved his baby sister’s life using a tip he had learned from an episode of The Substitute in which Cena disguises himself as a substitute teacher to give kids valuable advice and life lessons.

Jaxon Dempsey, an 8-Year-Old Boy, Loves His Little Sister Layla and Knows What It Was His Duty to Save Her from Choking.

8-Year-Old 'Hero' Saves Choking Baby Sister’s Life With Lesson He Learned from John Cena
Jaxon Dempsey / WBRE

Layla, Jaxon’s little sister, is just 20-months-old and in an interview, he detailed his feelings for her. “My favorite part is, you get to take care of her and when you’re bigger and she loves you and she gets to talk,” the boy remarked. “You can give her a bottle.”

After picking up food from McDonald’s, Layla and Jaxon sat in the backseat as their father drove. The kids began eating their meals when Jaxon noticed his sister struggling to get a chicken nugget down.

Jaxon Dempsey / WBRE

“It made me feel scared because I thought she was going to die, but then this thing came into my mind,” the second grader explained. “I told my dad to pull over then I started to pat her back.”

He remembered a choking tip he had seen on TV and went to work. Using the heel of his hand, he slapped his sister’s back directly between her shoulder blades.

Matt Dempsey / WBRE

“I noticed her face was bright purple and red and she wasn’t really breathing. Jaxon sprung into action before I even opened the door,” Matt Dempsey, Jaxon and Layla’s dad, told the outlet.

After thirty seconds of slapping his sister’s back, Jaxon was able to free the nugget and clear his sister’s throat for air.

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“I couldn’t believe it. I mean he’s always been a really good big brother, but I never knew he would know what to do with that,” Matt admitted. “Most kids might panic and just start yelling.”

It’s no secret that many of us love WWE superstar John Cena, and we have him to thank, in part, for Jaxon’s heroic effort. Cena appeared on the Nickelodeon show, The Substitute, where he dresses as a substitute teacher and teaches kids about choking and what to do in an emergency.

John Cena / Shutterstock

“I feel like a hero so much in my heart,” Jaxon said. He also feels like all kids show know the lifesaving technique should they find themselves in a similar situation.

“So if they have a little sister and she’s choking, their parents should teach them how to pat them on the back,” young Jaxon advised. “And, watch the very first episode of The Substitute on Nick.”

Jaxon & Layla Dempsey / WBRE

In addition to being thankful for his sister’s wellbeing, he also expressed gratitude to Cena, “Thank you for being on that show and for teaching me how to save someone’s life.”

After the big brother’s school learned of his actions, they recognized his bravery and applauded the 8-year-old.

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We must also applaud this brave young boy’s quick thinking and swift action to help save his little sister from choking on a chicken nugget! Great job, Jaxon!

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