Mamas Uncut

Seven-Year-Old Goes Viral With Very Creative Explanation of Where Babies Come From

Most parents eventually find themselves fielding awkward questions from their kiddos about the birds and the bees. But one mom was just so blown away by her young daughter’s procreation explanation, that she had to capture the moment on video. 

“On the way to the trampoline park, my 7-year-old regurgitated what her older sister told her about how babies are made,” the mom said, according to Fatherly. “I was so shocked to hear her say this that when we arrived, I asked her to repeat what she had said while I videotaped it.” And the video has now gone viral.

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Girl Goes Viral Explaining Where Babies Come From

The explanation starts off very matter-of-fact. “You get a boy and then you get a girl,” the girl begins explaining. “And then the boy sticks his long pee-pee into the girl’s vagina.”

That’s when things take a creative turn. “Then if they want one baby, they wait for 5 minutes; if they want 2 babies, they wait for 10 minutes, if they want 3 babies, they wait for 15 minutes, if they want 4 babies they wait for 20 minutes, and it goes on and on.”

7-Year-Old Goes Viral Explaining Where Babies Come From

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In an effort to explain the labor and delivery process, the girl takes things a step further. She continues:

“Then they rush to the hospital when the belly gets this big,” she says as she gestures with her hands. “The baby starts kicking really fast,” adding that when the woman is 9 months pregnant “they get the baby out from her vagina or belly.”

As Fatherly reports, while it’s clear that the girl’s parents have taken the time to explain where babies come from, we appreciate her creative spin on the process.

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