Mamas Uncut

7-Year-Old Writes Strongly Worded Letter in Blue Magic Marker to the Virus That Cancelled His Birthday

Image via Facebook

Most are overwhelmed when the word “coronavirus” pops into conversation.

The World Health Organization declared the coronavirus to be a global pandemic on March 11 and with it, the world essentially went on pause.

7-Year-Old Writes Strongly Worded Letter In Blue Magic Marker To The Virus That Cancelled His Birthday
Image via Shutterstock

Americans have since been encouraged to stay home and reduce contact with others in hopes of “flattening the curve” and slowing the rate at which the virus is spread.

But by doing so, the pandemic canceled big and important life events — including birthday parties. And one 7-year-old was ticked after learning his birthday would be canceled due to the threat of the virus.

And let’s just say Lukas did not hold back how he really felt about not being able to ring in his 7-year-old-status.

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Recently, he shared his strong words to the coronavirus with some colorful language in blue magic marker and honestly, it is a mood.

The post was shared by his two moms, Tessa and Lizzie Perry-Clark, on the Glebe Gardens Facebook page a family-run restaurant, public garden, and events venue in Baltimore, Ireland.

For obvious reasons, Lukas was ecstatic to celebrate his 7th birthday – so when his party was canceled he was beyond angry. So angry, he had a message to the stubborn virus.

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“It’s my son, Lukas’ 7th birthday tomorrow,” the post caption read. “He made this note for the attention of the coronavirus after we told him that he can’t have his friends around tomorrow.”

“To Corona Virus,” the letter began. “You destroyed my birthday.” He then added: “You are the F word.”

Kid, you are preaching to the choir on that one.

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