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7 Ambitious Eye Makeup Looks We’re Tempted to Try

7 Ambitious Eye Makeup Looks We're Tempted to Try


Dramatic eyeshadow and stunning eye makeup looks are all the rage right now. We’re all after the wow-factor when it comes to the eyes. You can easily lose hours of your life scrolling the millions of makeup looks on Instagram and Pinterest. People are coming up with the most fascinating shapes and shades for their peepers. A desire to have stunning eye makeup has most likely increased since the CDC suggested we all start wearing facemasks. The eyes are all we have left!

We decided to roundup some thrilling eye makeup looks that we’re tempted to try. We use “tempted” because we know we’ll never decorate eyes as good as these professionals. Here are 7 ambitious eyeshadow trends that we really want to try, but we’re not entirely sure we can pull off. These fabulous looks are perfect now that we have to stand at least six feet apart from each other!

Rainbow Colors

More color everywhere, yes! This dazzling eyeshadow look contains every color of the rainbow. We love how the bright colors seem to fade as they meet the brow. This looks so neat and clean! It would probably look like a rainbow exploded on our face if we tried it.

Taking it All the Way to the Hairline

This eyeshadow goes and goes and goes! It extends all the way back to the hairline. We’ve never tried anything quite this dramatic. The pop of yellow contrasts beautifully with the warmth of the red and pink. The artist that shared this image said she was inspired by Lady Gaga‘s new album, Chromatica.

Multiple Metallics

There’s so much shimmering goodness going on here. Honestly, more comfortable taking the shadow to the edge of the brow. This offers drama without being dramatic. Could this work for a night out? What even is a night out?

Avocado Do or Don’t?

Would you shade your eyes to look like a sliced avocado? If they looked this good, 100%. This very strange trend also has people painting their eyes like watermelons and other fruits and veggies. What would a banana eye look like?

A Colorful Ombre

These lashes are everything! The ombre eyeshadow includes color pairings that you wouldn’t think go together but absolutely do. Green, purple, and pink shadow give this a retro 1980s vibe but the burnt orange above tones those down. A remarkable look.


We would probably skip the little paw prints, but an animal print eye is very appealing. We’d probably need to skip coffee for a few days so our hands would be steady enough to even try it. The contrasting baby blue liner on the lower lid is breathtaking.

YOU MIGHT ALSO LIKE: 25 Absolutely Beautiful and Wild Makeup Looks We’re Too Scared to Try

Somewhat Monochromatic

Neon orange and monochromatic looks deceptively simple. But, we know to get this one right, you’d need a great deal of skill. We love the way these lashes stand out in front of that vibrant neon color. Maybe just maybe this one is possible.

There you go! 7 ambitious eyeshadow looks we desperately want to try and probably fail at.

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