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Kid Who Loves Drinking and Critiquing Shirley Temples on Instagram Goes From 300 Followers to Over 150,000 Followers in Just Three Days

Kid Who Loves Drinking and Critiquing Shirley Temples on Instagram Goes From 300 Followers to Over 150,000 Followers in Just Three Days

The Shirley Temple King/Instagram

Six-year-old Leo Kelly loves drinking Shirley Temples almost as much as he enjoys creating videos of himself critiquing them.

While scrolling through Instagram, People‘s food editor, Shay Spence, stumbled upon an Instagram page called “The Shirley Temple King.” The feed is filled with videos of an adorable little boy, who orders a Shirley Temple every time he goes out to eat with his family.

However, as Spence pointed out in his tweet, he doesn’t just drink the tasty beverage, he also critiques them.

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Spence wrote, “Just found this Instagram account that’s a kid who calls himself the Shirley Temple King and goes to restaurants and gives brutally honest reviews of their Shirley Temples. It’s so pure and I love him so much.”

After Spence’s tweet went viral with over three million views, 24,000 retweets, and 192,000 likes, The Shirley Temple King himself also reaped the benefits. As the editor pointed out, “When I posted this last night, our King had 300 followers and now he has over 16K and is on pace to surpass me today.”

Spence joked, “I’m not saying I’m jealous of a 6-year-old, I’m just saying you’re also legally required to follow me [because] I showed you him.”

Six-Year-Old Boy Who Reviews Shirley Temples on Instagram Goes Viral

As People reports, little Leo is very particular about the Shirley Temples he drinks. The youngin grades the drinks on a scale of one to 10 and “he has strong opinions about grenadine ratios and maraschino cherry minimum requirements.”

Currently, the self-proclaimed King is 169,000 followers and counting. And as he shared in a video posted to his page, he is very thankful for Spence putting him on the map.

Leo said, “Hey guys, It’s the Shirley Temple King, guess what? So when I was at bed last night, I had 300 followers, which is cool. But when I woke up, I got over 4,000 followers. That’s just mind-blowing. Thank you, all my followers, and especially you, Shirley.”

He later added, “THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! You guys are the best and I’m honored to be your Shirley Temple King. Epic reviews to come… 123K followers – ‘Woohoo to that!'”

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And what better way for Leo to celebrate is success than with a Shirley Temple. Take a look:

And according to the Shirley Temple King, Blackstone Restaurant makes a pretty mean drink. However, despite having three cherries (his perfect number), the right amount of ice, and good color, it didn’t have quite enough bubbles. So he gave it a score of 8.1.

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