Mamas Uncut

51-Year-Old Grandma Offers To Be Daughter’s Surrogate

For Julie Loving, becoming a grandma is the most precious journey — especially so, as she herself will be giving birth to her very own grandchild.

51-year-old Loving is carrying a child for her daughter Breanna Lockwood, 29, and her husband Aaron as the Lockwood’s parenthood journey has not been an easy path.

51-Year-Old Grandma Offers To Be Daughter's Surrogate
Image via Instagram

The pair spent years battling infertility, with Lockwood going through multiple miscarriages, an ectopic pregnancy, multiple surgeries as well as several in vitro fertilization embryo transfers.

And while it has been exhausting both physically and mentally, when the time came to look for a surrogate, Lockwood’s own mother didn’t hesitate to offer.

“Breanna had wanted to be a mom since she was little,” Loving shares with The Post“When you see your child struggling with infertility, you do whatever you can to help.”

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“After the first miscarriage, I mentioned to my husband that if she continued to struggle with fertility, I would be her surrogate,” Loving revealed.

It was not until her daughter suffered the loss of twins and subsequent damage to her uterus during a surgical procedure that Loving brought up the idea to her daughter. Doctors revealed that the experience was traumatizing and left her unable to carry a baby in the future and Lockwood grieved for a period of time before exploring surrogacy.

“I don’t have any sisters or friends who would be a good candidate for a surrogate,” Lockwood said. “That’s when my mom started saying, ‘Well, what about me?'”

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And while most surrogates are younger than Loving, tests proved she was in fact, a perfect candidate.

For Lockwood, having Loving carrying her grandchild is a blessing. She says how her mother is her best friend and due to the Lockwoods currently moving to a new house, they currently staying with the Lovings right now — which means the mother and daughter are experiencing the pregnancy together.

Come November, the Lockwoods will welcome a baby girl — which means another generation of strong mother-daughter bonds to come!

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