Mamas Uncut

5-Year-Old Suffers From Snake Bite, Mom Urges Other Parents To Be Cautious

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Cyndi Spell is urging other parents to educate their children about wild snakes after a bite from one left her 5-year-old daughter fighting for her life.

Maisy Lamica, who just celebrated her kindergarten graduation, was playing with her cat in her father’s backyard in Georgia. It was then she noticed her kitty was eyeing a timber rattlesnake, and while curiosity did not kill the cat, it almost killed Maisy.

5-Year-Old Suffers From Snake Bite, Mom Urges Other Parents To Be Cautious224
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The venomous snake bit her leg three times and not too long after, she went into anaphylactic shock. Maisy’s dad called 9-1-1 and while her health care providers were not sure what caused the reaction, they believed it was because she was allergic to rattlesnake venom.

That being said, the local hospital was unable to treat Maisy, so they transported her to Shands Children’s Hospital in Gainesville, Fla., where she was admitted to the facility’s pediatric intensive care unit.

In a Facebook post, Cyndi revealed how Maisy had been given 37 vials of anti-venom throughout the ordeal. While the swelling went down each time a vial was administered, it would reappear later in the day.

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“We are all running on little to no sleep, quite a few tears, and prayers that this is just the final hurdle of a horrible snake race for our little one,” Cyndi wrote.

But 24 hours and four more vials of anti-venom later, thankfully, there appeared to be light at the end of the tunnel for Maisy.

“She’s a lot better,” Cyndi told TODAY Parents. “The doctors are blown away at how she has pulled through. Her leg finally quit swelling. There was a moment we were unsure if orthopedic doctors would need to cut it open to relieve the swelling.”

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“I look back and wonder [if] instead of telling my child, ‘Beware of snakes, snakes are scary, and snakes are dangerous,’ maybe informing her more of what to do when she actually came across one might have helped some,” Spell says.

Today, Maisy is safe and sound at home. Spell posted to Facebook with message of thanks, saying:

“We are home. Now [excuse me] while I bubble wrap all my kids and take a month long nap. Again, love and appreciate everyone near & far for your prayers, donations, calls, messages, and support for my sweet Maisy. God is good!”

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