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Watch the Moment Clara Bowcut, a 5-Year-Old-Girl, Decides She Wants to Be a Vegetarian to Help Save Animals

Watch the Moment Clara Bowcut, a 5-Year-Old-Girl, Decides She Wants to Be a Vegetarian to Help Save Animals

via Instagram (@roshyatt)

Clara Bowcut was just a 5-year-old girl who found herself stuck in a conundrum most of us can relate to. While sitting down at the dinner table with her family, Clara broke down because she couldn’t decide what to do – she didn’t like how animals got killed for food, but she really enjoyed eating bacon and chicken. 

Her emotional outbreak was caught on video and uploaded to social media by the little girl’s mother, Rose Hyatt. While she has less than 5,000 followers on Instagram, the video racked up more than 469,000 likes since being uploaded on April 7. “Four years ago today. I can’t stop crying. You’re welcome,” she wrote in the caption.

“Because then, other animals like chickens and cows and pigs and other animals that get killed for food. I don’t like that. Because I like nature. Because nature is beautiful and animals are part of nature,” the little girl continues,” Clara says during her breakdown – all while her mother attempts to calm her down. 

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Rose tries to reason with her child by telling her she will never force her to eat animal-based foods if she doesn’t want to – which Clara acknowledges, but struggles to come to a decision. “OK, but I love bacon and chicken so I can’t decide if I should never eat them again or eat them,” she tells her mother. 

In a further attempt to calm Clara down, Rose explains that she doesn’t have to make a decision today and, in fact, can make a different decision every day – it’s 100% up to her. Meanwhile, her father can be heard in the background telling her she’s only five and three quarters years old – nothing is concrete yet. 

After a brief moment, Clara comes to a final decision. “I never want to be fed another animal again. Either plants, fruits, but no animals,” the 5-year-old tells her parents, still sobbing and fighting back tears. She proceeds to eat her green beans as her parents agree to her request – which appears to calm her down. 

Clara Bowcut Loves Animals and Has Quite the Personality

In an interview with Good Morning America, Rose Hyatt talked about her daughter, Clara Bowcut, and how her personality has always shined through – ever since she was born. More specifically, she opened up about her daughter’s vegetarian moment, which has captured the eyes and hearts of thousands. 

“We’re having just baked barbecue chicken, asparagus. All of a sudden she just gets really upset and so I was like, Clara, tell us why you’re upset. And her little self just came out. And then you can see this existential crisis go on in her head,” Rose said as she laughed at her daughter’s unique personality. 

She went on to explain how Clara has always ‘known who she was’ and has always been ‘very articulate verbally’ – adding that it’s ‘just who she is.’ The family gets such a kick out of her that they started writing down and recording the things she says – no matter how random or other-worldly her statements can be. 

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“We need to teach children to trust themselves,” Rose says. “And the only way to do that is if we trust their decision-making. When we give children the ability to not be pigeonholed at that age, then we can practice the art of trusting our own decisions and trust in ourselves. And don’t we want that for our children?”

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