Mamas Uncut

30 Fun Baby Shower Games

Are you looking for the best baby shower games to throw at your party? Having fun, unique activities will give everyone something to do and a chance to get a little silly as they help celebrate the coming of a little one. These games provide entertainment and the best part? They’re completely free and easy to arrange.

Baby shower games are conversation starters, excuses to laugh, and most importantly, they spread joy. As with any party game, some of your guests will be jaded. But, by sticking to the baby theme with these games, they won’t be able to deny the cuteness of the moment and remind them of the reason for the gathering. Now, it’s time to celebrate that expecting mama (which might be you! Congrats!) with some awesome baby shower games!

Check Out Our Favorite Baby Shower Games!

Baby Shower ABC’s

30 Fun Baby Shower Games

All you need is paper and pencils for this fun game that’s good for small gathering or big baby showers. Ask all of your guests to write the alphabet down the left side of a piece of paper. Then, tell them they have one minute to come up with a baby-related item for each letter. The person with the most correct items after a minute wins!

Don’t Crack the Baby

One of the most fun baby shower games only requires an egg for each guest. Hard boil the eggs and allow to cool. Hand an egg to each guest and then ask them to decorate it (or not, but it’s something to do). Each guest must keep up with their egg for the entire party. Those who manage to keep their eggs from cracking throughout win!

Baby Charades

It’s like normal charades but with a theme! Have your guests to write down tasks associated with caring for a newborn baby. These can be things like changing a diaper, nursing the baby, etc. Play charades!

How Many Baby Names?

You can split your guests into two teams for this baby shower game. One will be team pink and the other team blue. Set a time limit and ask each team to come with a baby name for every letter of the alphabet. The catch? Blue team can only choose names for boys and the pink one only names for girls. The team with the most names written down wins!

Name that Price

This is one of the best baby shower games for lovers of The Price Is Right! Quiz your guests on the price of common baby care items to see who can get the most right!

What Mom Should Know

A very meaningful game involves you asking your guests to fill out a card with their best piece of parenting or life advice. Collect the advice cards and choose to keep the messages private or share them with the entire group. The expecting parents will be touched, no doubt!

When Will the Baby Arrive?

Yes, your doctor has given you an estimated due date but they are rarely spot-on. Have your guests guess which date your baby will actually be born. You can do this with a chalkboard or a large calendar (but it’s not necessary). Let your guests know they are competing for a prize (or not)! Whoever guesses the correct date wins and gets to collect their prize after your little one has arrived.

Guess the Circumference

If the expecting parent is not too self-conscious about their body, you can ask guests to guess how big the pregnancy belly is. Whoever guesses closest to the actual circumference of the belly, wins!

Baby’s First ABC’s

This is a bit different from the other baby shower games on this list but it is a meaningful and sweet activity for the party. Give each guest a letter from the alphabet (potentially more than one per person depending on the size of the gathering). Ask guests to draw a picture (or pictures) with their letter(s) to create your baby’s first ABC book. It’s something you and your child will treasure forever.

Complete That Celebrity Family

One of the best gender reveal games for lovers of pop culture is a celebrity guessing game that’s tons of fun! Create a list of celebrity parents and a separate list with the names of their children. Ask your guests to correctly match the celebrity baby with their famous parent(s).

Rhyme Time

This is one of the baby shower games that seems like it’s going to be easy until you actually start playing. Make a list of lines from nursery rhymes starting with the best-known rhymes followed by more obscure ones. Leave out a word from each rhyme and ask your guests to correctly complete them. The guest(s) who correctly guesses the most words from the rhymes wins!

Don’t Say The B-Word

Here’s one of the classic baby shower games that never disappoints. You can play this one a number of ways, but a great way is with clothespins (but you can use safety pins, poker chips, pacifiers, tokens, whatever you’ve got). Give each of your guests one clothespin (or whatever item you are using). Instruct them that the word “baby” is off-limits for the party.

Whenever a guest is talking to someone who says “baby,” they then take that person’s pin and puts it on themselves. Whoever has the most clothespins at the end of the party wins. 

Name That Disney Mama

For lovers of Disney, this game should prove plenty of fun. On a sheet of paper, write down a list of all the characters from Disney movies that have named moms. Quiz the guests to name the Disney baby that goes with each mom. The person or team with the most correct ones wins!

Hello, My Names Is Diaper

This is one of the funniest baby shower games that always seems to be hit. As each guest arrives, ask them to name a baby-related item. For instance, they might say “diaper.” Then, write the word on a name tag and put it on them. For the duration of the party, they can only go by this name. If someone slips up and uses their actual name and not “diaper,” they will have to put a penny (or quarter or dollar) into a jar.

What She’ll Say

This is one of the baby shower games that requires a little planning, but nothing too over-the-top. You will just need to designate someone to write down things without mama knowing. When it’s time to open the gifts, have that person write down each thing the mom-to-be says after she opens a gift. “Oh, how fun!,” “How cute!,” “This is going to come in handy!,” etc.

After all the gifts are opened, the person who wrote down what mom-to-be said, should announce: “This is what she said the morning she gave birth.” Then, ask each person to read a remark. They will be out of context and very funny!

Keep Scrolling for Even More Baby Shower Games!

Strange Cravings

You can play this as charades or, at least, in the spirit of it. Ask the mom-to-be to act out or describe the weird things she’s been craving without saying the actual thing. Guest must try to guess the food she’s describing or acting out.


You will need a pencil and piece of paper for each guest. Aloud, quiz your guests to come up with ten words associated with babies and then, ten words that have nothing to do with babies. After your group has come up with the lists, tell them that they have five minutes to create a story containing all twenty of the words they come up with.

This might seem like a chore at first, but after your guests read their stories, you’ll understand why this is one of the funniest baby shower games ever. Just imagine having to work the word “chainsaw” and “bib” into the same story!

Not the Best Advice

Have your group sit in a circle. You will needs pencils and index cards (or pieces of paper) for this one. Have each person write down a common question a new mom might have. Things like: “How do I take a baby’s temperature?” or “How do I prevent diaper rash?”

Now, after each guest has written their question, instruct them to flip their card over and pass the card to the person to their right. Each person must write the answer to the question they had originally written on the other side of the card. Mom gets to collect the cards to receive the bad advice to each question. It’s one of the most entertaining baby shower games that can get rather absurd.

Baby, Who?

Instruct guests to bring a photo of themselves as a baby to the shower. Then, display the photos and label each one with a number. Give the guests 5 minutes to match the baby photos to the guests. The person who identifies the most people correctly wins!

Name That Tune

Creating a playlist is the only real prep you will need for one of the most musical baby shower games on the list. There are many songs with the words “baby” or “babe” in the lyrics. Choose a dozen or so and put them on the playlist. Next, play a snippet of each song and ask guests to guess the name of the song and the artist. The person who can name the most songs/artists correctly wins.

RELATED: Let Gerber’s Childrenswear Line Help You Prepare a Great Baby Shower Gift

The Outdoor Don’t Crack the Baby Game

This time you want raw eggs, not boiled ones! You can draw a little face on the eggs if you want, but that’s not necessary. Pair up your guests. Now, each person in the pair stand toe to toe. One person then hands the egg to their partner. After each handoff, they must take a step back, further away from each other. Very soon, they will have to resort to throwing the egg to one another. The pair that gets the furthest apart without breaking their egg, wins. It’s one of the best baby shower games to play outdoors!

Spill the Secrets

This is one of the most engaging baby shower games that can be used to break the ice among a group of people. Ask each person to write a secret about parenting, childhood, babies, etc. Then, each person should fold up their secret so that it’s anonymous. Throw the secrets in a bowl and mix them around. Read, to learn all the secrets.

You’re a Star Now

This game is best played with sticky notes or name tags but you can improvise! Write down the name of a random celebrity on each name tag. As your guests arrive ask them to turn around so that you can put the name of the random celebrity on their back. Guests get to ask “yes” or “no” questions to guess what celebrity’s name they have on their back.

Baby 20 Questions

On many pieces of paper write down random baby items (you can ask your guests to do this for you). Throw the pieces of paper in the cup and pick a person to be “it.” They draw a piece of paper and keep it to themselves. Then, guests have twenty “yes” or “no” questions to ask to try and guess the item that’s been chosen.

How Long Am I Pregnant?

One of the very best baby shower games for an animal-themed shower, this activity only requires some paper and a bit of research. Find out the gestation period for a variety of animals. On one side of a piece of paper, list about a dozen or two dozen animals. Then, mix up their corresponding gestation periods (in days) on the other side of the paper so that guests have to match the correct gestation period for each animal. The person who gets the most correct wins.

How Old Was She?

Here’s one of the cutest baby shower games that puts a spotlight on mom-to-be. Ask her to provide pictures of herself from various different ages. Then, quiz guests on how old she appears in each photo. The person who guesses the most correct ages wins.

How Many Baby Items Can You Name?

This is similar to the ABC version we told you about earlier on this baby shower games list. Simply set a timer for one minute and ask teams to name as many baby-related items as they can in that time. The team that names the most wins!

Paper Baby

Have mom-to-be leave for this first part. Hand each of your guests a piece of paper and no other supplies. Using only their hands, they must tear out the shape of a baby. It’s much harder than you think! After each person is complete (you can set a timer if it takes too long), have them write their name on the back of the piece of paper. Have mom-to-be return to pick the best baby of the bunch.

Diaper Bag Guessing Game

Ask each of your guests to bring something small with them to the party that is often found in a diaper bag (think baby clippers, diapers, pacifiers, etc.) As your guests arrive ask them to put their item in the diaper bag but don’t let them see the other items in it. Once every guest has put in their item, have each one try to guess the contents of the bag. The person who guesses the most items that are actually in the bag right wins. This is also one of these baby shower games that can be turned into a bingo situation if you’re so inclined!

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Diaper Raffle

This is one of the most classic baby shower games. All you will need for it is a prize. As any parent will tell you, diapers are the one item always in short supply. So, this game is a winner for the parents-to-be. Ask each guest to brink a pack of diapers. For each pack, they get a raffle ticket (or a number). After everyone has a ticket, draw to see gets the prize.

There you go! We hope you found some fun baby shower games for your party. Even if you’re game-averse, we encourage to come up with baby shower games for your party as they are a great way to make the day feel even more special. Plus, many of the baby shower games on this list will make you laugh a lot and get to know your friends better. Have fun at your baby shower! Congrats!

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