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Three New Studies Confirm COVID Vaccines Are Safe For Children

Three new studies published this past Thursday by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention confirmed that COVID-19 vaccines for children are safe.

The studies reflect both the effectiveness of the vaccine in children as well as its safety.

Three New Studies Confirm COVID Vaccines Are Safe For Children
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A study of 42,000 children ages 5 to 11 found that “serious adverse effects” from the Pfizer-Biontech vaccine, including myocarditis, a form of heart inflammation, “were rarely reported” among the age group. 

While a second study conducted in Arizona between July and December 2021 determined the Pfizer vaccine was about 92% effective in preventing COVID-19 illness in children ages 12 to 17. 

And finally, a third study found that nearly all children ages 5 to 17 hospitalized with COVID-19 in July and August 2021 — more than 99% — were unvaccinated.

The three studies further continued to prove the need for kids to get vaccinated against COVID-19.

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Like most adults, children usually experienced side effects from the COVID-19 vaccine on the day of vaccination, per the first study. The most commonly reported symptoms were injection site pain, fatigue, headache and fever. The study reported just 11 verified cases of myocarditis among 42,000 kids, seven of which had recovered.

It should be noted however that there were two deaths reported during the study, both in children that researchers said had “multiple chronic medical conditions.” The study authors also stated how they do not believe their deaths were related to the vaccine.

In the second study, kids that tested positive for COVID-19 were more likely to report not wearing a mask as much while interacting with the community at large, including at schools.

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The third study noted how pediatric hospitalization rates climbed this summer when the severe delta variant became the dominant COVID-19 strain in the United States and about one-third of all children age 5 and up reportedly had more than one viral infection during that time.

At the six hospitals studied in Arkansas, Florida, Illinois, Louisiana, Texas and Washington, D.C., nearly 15% of unvaccinated pediatric patients required ventilation and about 1.5% died, per the study.

To learn more about the vaccine for children, click here.

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