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25 Funny Tweets From Husbands About Their Wives That Are All Too Real

25 Funny Tweets From Husbands About Their Wives


Marriage is a difficult endeavor requiring tons of patience and understanding that many of us are not equipped with. Luckily, most of us turn to our favorite coping mechanism, humor to express our observations and frustrations with married life. Now, the best place to do this might not be a public forum like Twitter, but thankfully husbands share their funny thoughts there for us all to ogle at.

We decided to find some of the best tweets from husbands about their wives and this strange living arrangement many of us have adopted called marriage. Some tweets will make you uncomfortable while others hit so close to home that it might get hilariously personal. We hope you are ready for a good dad pun or two! Go forth and enjoy some tweets!

25. Chapped Lips Aren’t Cute

This man clearly doesn’t understand the necessity of lip moisture. If he can’t handle the balms, he should stay out of the console.

24. A Lot of Thought Went Into It

Giving a gift is a reflection of intimacy. Returning that gift is always a mistake.

23. Don’t Waste the Melon

If you’re not eating a slice of watermelon all the way down to the bitter rind, are you even really living? This is cause for divorce.

22. Living for the Moment

This is sound advice.

21. Moms Know What They’re Doing

While not all moms are cooking wizards, you better believe they’ll do their very best to get a nutritious meal on a table. These contrasting meals tell you everything you need to know about the work moms are putting in.

20. There’s a Method

Marriage is all about compromise except when it comes to using household appliances.

19. Butter Pecan for the Win

When you’re turning into your dad.

18. Times Are Tough

Celebrating an anniversary is always a challenge. So, why do it?

17. Valid Point

Cheese is one of life’s great pleasures. The self-control this must take is baffling.

16. Lil’ Joker

Please give that woman a moment’s peace.

15. Thoughts on Open Marriage?

God is love, so they say.

14. A Haircut and Color is Hard to Come By

We’re all learning a lot about our significant others in quarantine and a few husbands are surprised by their findings.

13. Texting While Married

When sexting goes wrong…

12. A Husband Who Knows His Place

This is the tweet right here.

11. Twisted

Revenge can take many forms in a relationship and this right here is a strange plot.

10. Organization is Key

“Honey, where’s my…” is the most uttered phrase my married men. Why? Inconsistency. Husbands, please put the things where they belong so precious time is not waisted.

9. A Birthday Message

This man is clearly lucky to be terrified by Margaret.

8. Crumbs in the Sheets

Eating in bed should be avoided at all costs. Please stop trying.

7. Just Don’t

The audacity. This tweet is violence.

6. Not a Bad Deal

Convenience is key right now!

5. When You’re the Task Master

There’s no shortage of chores to go around, so be sure to identify and complete or else suffer the instructions that make a house run.

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4. A Breathtaking Admission

It’s important to make smart life choices and mature wisely.

3. What a Troll

What would you do if your partner caused a scene like this?

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2. The Truth Hurts

You don’t know unless you know.

1. Dizzying

This is a hilarious tweet for the ages.

There you go! 25 gut-busters from twitter about marriage from very relatable dads. We all need a good laugh sometimes and knowing how ridiculous other couples’ marriages are is so comforting.

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