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25 Bright, Sunny, Summer-Themed Names for Boys and Girls


Baby names inspired by Summer capture the sunkissed moments we all love the most. Eating ice cream and spending time at the beach or at a lakefront are pastimes we cherish every year once it warms up. Names that bottle up those sun-soaked days are very attractive to many parents. Summer-themed names are especially winning for babies who are expected to be born in the Summer months.

Summer is a time to relax and truly enjoy the warmth and togetherness that it provides. Names of the season should reflect its friendly nature and laidback appeal. These 25 casual, yet cool Summer baby names will hit the spot.

25. Summer

25 Bright, Sunny, Summer-Themed Names for Boys and Girls

To kick things off let’s look at a moniker that’s the name of the game! Summer is a gorgeous name for girls that started becoming popular in the 1970s. Now, it’s one of the most popular names for girls consistently in the top 500 baby names.

24. Julio

Julio is not only a handsome name that’s fun to say, but it’s also a name that means “youthful.” Does any other word capture the feel of Summer than youth? Julio is a popular Spanish name and many there are many famed Julios in the world. For instance, the NFL’s Julio Jones is one such example.

23. Zaria

The name Zaria sounds as sweet as a song. It’s an Arabic name that means “rose.” We especially love the spelling of the name Zaria. However, its other two variations, Zariah and Zariyah are more popular forms.

22. Bentley

Not just a fancy car, Bentley is also a very popular name. It’s growing in popularity for girls and quickly becoming a favored gender-neutral name. Bentley, of course, is an English name that means “meadow with coarse grass.” If your ideal summertime activity is running through an open field with your arms outstretched, you can honor that sensation with this wonderful name.

21. Leya

While most will associate the name with Princess Leia from Star Wars, Leya is actually a classic name for girls. It has Spanish origins and means “the law.” However, the name is also popular in Hindi and means “lion.” If you’re expecting a baby girl to be born under Leo (July 22 – August 22), this name could be an understated choice.

20. Malik

The Arabic name Malik is a popular choice for little boys. The name means “king” and by naming your son Malik, he’d become the king of Summer. While most associate the name with its Arabic meaning, the name is also common in Greenlandic and means “wave.” What’s more Summery than the sound of waves crashing on the shore?

19. Pearl

Pearl is a beautiful Summer-kissed name that is extremely popular among celebrities. Maya Rudolph and Paul Thomas Anderson named their daughter Pearl Minnie. Other celebs like Jack Osbourne, have used it as a middle name. Busy Philipps has a Cricket Pearl and Jake Owen loves his Olive Pearl.

18. Sunny

For a bright and cheery boy, you could choose no better name than Sunny. Sunny started its run as a nickname, but it’s enjoyed favor as a proper name in recent years. Sunny evokes the radiant and bright days of Summer. It’s a very common nickname in India where it’s often used in place of Sunil, Sundeep, or Sunita.

17. Ula

Be bold! Ula is an uncommon name in the US, but it’s beautiful and carries with it great meaning. The Celtic name means “gem of the sea.” This offbeat name is not only heard in the UK. It’s also very common in Scandanavian countries where it’s used in place of Ursula or Ulrika.

16. Taj

Like the ocean’s tide, Taj has ebbed and waned in popularity in the US. It’s two biggest years were 1976 and 1998. Much of the name’s surge here is attributed to Aerosmith’s Steven Tyler who chose the name for his son. Taj is a name with Sanskrit origins that means “crown.” This easy, breezy name would be perfect for a little boy or girl.

15. Daphne

Daphne is a Greek name for girls that means “bay tree.” In Greek mythology, Daphne was the nymph daughter of Peneus, a river god. Peneus saved Daphne from Apollo’s romantic obsessions by transforming her into a tree. This nature-inspired name is perfect for a Summer baby.

14. August

While you could go full Augustus, we’re more fond of the name August. August has been a very popular name across Scandanavia since antiquity. The Latin name for boys means “magnificent” and also belongs to one of the warmest months of the year in the US. August is a stately name for a little boy and think of how cute the nickname Gus would sound.

13. America

Independence Day and Labor Day are two quintessential American holidays celebrated in Summer. As a name, America has been given to both boys and girls since colonial times. The name America makes us think of fireworks and Summer celebrations.

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12. Austin

We’re in the midst of an A-name moment on this list! Another form of Augustine, Austin, enjoys vast appeal as it is both a place name (the city in Texas) and a common surname. While the name Austin feels contemporary, it’s actually been in use as a first name since medieval times. In the US, the name hit its peak in the 1990s, but we think it’s ready to make it back in the top. The name means “great.”

11. June

June is derived from Latin and refers to the Goddess Juno. While Juno is a perfectly suitable name, we love the ease and warmth of June. June was very popular for young girls born in the 1910s and 1920s and became associated with housewives by the 1950s a la June Cleaver from Leave it to Beaver. This vintage-sounding name is ready to bring its sunny sound to a baby girl.

10. Lake

Lake is becoming a popular choice for parents who want a unisex name that conjures images of nature. Boating on a lake is a very common Summer activity and the name Lake would certainly inspire memories of warmer times in the cold months. Not too distant from the popular name Blake, Lake is a trendier name that simply fits.

9. Ruby

For a name that dazzles like a precious stone, choose Ruby. Ruby, of course, refers to the deep red stone. The name was first popularized in America at the turn of the 20th Century, but now, it’s most popular in other English-speaking countries like Australia and the UK. Like June, Ruby is a warm name with vintage appeal.

8. Caesar

Caesar or Cesar was the official title to denote Roman emperors and inspired titles in other languages like Tsar and Kaiser. The name of Latin origin means “long-haired.” This name for boys carries with it a sense of nobility while still sounding very cool. It also reminds of the warm and timeless open-air markets and streets of Rome.

7. Poppy

The name Poppy is English but it has roots in Latin and means “red flower.” Floral names are a great nod to nature and the vibrant colors of Summer. In 2016, Poppy hit the top 1000 chart for girls in the US for the very first time. The name has been a favorite in the UK, however, for decades. The name is commonly bestowed on little girls born with red hair.

6. Cosmo

Is there anything better than stargazing on a warm Summer’s night? If you enjoy looking up at the twinkling night sky, consider naming your little boy Cosmo. This playful name comes from Greek origins and means “order” or “beauty.”

5. Sky

While we’re talking about the space seen from earth, let’s consider the girl’s name Sky. The name Sky peaked in 2013. Before that, it enjoyed favor from Hippie parents in the mid-century. A clear, blue sky is one of the grandest things in Summer. This nature-inspired name would be a beautiful choice for a girl.

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4. Elio

Elio is a popular boy’s name in Italy and France. It has Greek origins and comes from the Greek sun god, Helios. Elio perfectly captures the sun’s affection for the earth. While it sounds close to Leo, Elio offers a touch more sophistication and nuance.

3. Daisy

The daisy flower opens its petals at daybreak and the name for the flower comes from the phrase “day’s eye.” Daisy is a precious floral name that captures the warmness of the Summer months. Like Ruby, Daisy is very popular in the UK. In the US, it’s making a comeback after being in hibernation for decades. Perhaps actor Daisy Ridley is to blame?

2. Birch

Birch is an uncommon English name that we’d love to hear used more often. In the US, the name has never taken off, but it did belong to Indiana Senator Birch Evans Bayh. In Winter, the birch tree is known for its white bark. The tree stands tall and vibrant green every Summer. In Russia, the birch tree is the national tree and it was once worshipped as a goddess. We think Birch would make a fine and unique name for a Summer-loving little boy.

1. Kira

The name Kira and its various forms are popular in many languages. It’s Persian for “sun” and Latin for “light.” The Greek version of this baby girl’s name, Kyra, means “noble one” and in Russian, it means “throne.” There are a ton of varied spellings and cognates that include: Keera, Kiera, Kierra, Kirah, Kiri, Kiria, Kiriah, Kiro, Kirra, Kirrah, Kirri, Kirya, and Kyra. We love the name for its many happy meanings and its beautiful ring.

There you have it! 25 baby names for girls and boys that perfectly capture the sweetness of Summer. If you’re expecting a baby this Summer, consider these names or get inspired by them. Choosing a name that coincides with your baby’s birth season adds extra meaning and a touch of charm.

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