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25 Baby Names Inspired By Our Favorite HBO Characters


HBO is home to some of the greatest fictional characters of all time. The channel boasts a roster of TV classics like The Sopranos, The Wire, and Sex and the City along with new blockbuster series like Game of Thrones and True Detective. Each one of these television shows is fueled by phenomenal characters that we love, hate, and will always remember.

HBO is launching a new streaming service called HBO Max that will go live on May 27. In anticipation of all the quality streaming content that we’ll soon be able to access on the platform, we decided to take a look back at some of our favorite characters from the best HBO shows to inspire some baby names. Here are 25 baby names that are HBO-greenlit and fan-approved.

25. Christopher

25 Baby Names Inspired By Our Favorite HBO Characters

The name Christopher only works if you say it in a thick, New Jersey accent. Christopher, pronounced chris-tah-fa, Moltisanti from The Sopranos has a very good name and it sounds the sweetest when it’s being uttered by Carmela. The troubled character was a joy to watch as he climbed the ranks of the DiMeo crime family.

24. Selina

Selina Meyer from Veep made us laugh more over the course of the last decade than anyone else on TV. While she never was able to clench and maintain the presidency, watching Selina fail over and over again was pure joy.

23. Aidan

Aidan Shaw from Sex and the City damaged us so good. We wanted him to build us a coffee table before Carrie bungled their relationship (twice). Aidan is a very handsome name and would be perfect for fans who never got into Mr. Big.

22. Cersei

That dragon show might have left us wanting much more, but Game of Thrones did make an impression over its 8 seasons and 73 episodes. One of our favorite villains from the show, Cersei Lannister was so maniacal! But, we are rather fond of the name.

21. Seth

Seth Bullock the very good Sheriff of Deadwood was a delight to watch as he squared off with various swashbucklers that ended up in the town. HBO has a thing for its antiheroes (Tony Soprano, Nucky Thompson, Omar Little, etc) but Seth almost always stayed on the right side of things.

20. Claire

Six Feet Under‘s Claire Fisher was a resilient and resourceful character that just wanted to find some meaning in life. We were so hopeful when she started attending LAC-Arts and started to pursue her career as a photographer. Alas, Claire ended up with a boring office job in a relationship with her boring (sorry) boss.

19. Rust

They really named a character Rust Cohle and it turned out fine. Rust from season one of True Detective was a mysterious loner who turned out to be way more interesting than his partner Marty Hart. We still remember the nonsense ramblings about time and circles fondly. Rust is a name with a bit of an edge and we think it would work out well for a little guy.

18. Issa

Issa Rae’s Issa Dee from Insecure is one of the most endearing and funniest characters ever to appear on HBO. Issa embodies every millennial who is trying to navigate the ins and outs of professional life as well as the complex politics of interpersonal relationships. We started doing mirror-raps after the very first episode.

17. Nucky

Should you name your child Nucky? Probably not. But, Nucky Thompson from Boardwalk Empire wore it well. If you want your child to grow up to be a well-dressed gangster who ends up running Atlantic City, you could no better than naming him Nucky.

16. Carmela

Our two favorite characters from The Sopranos are Carmela Soprano and her husband’s therapist Jennifer Melfi. The characters brought so much humanity to the series and helped make a show about a mafia boss truly believable. Carmela is a great name!

15. Andy

Detective Andy Bellefleur from True Blood never ceased to surprise us. He delivered some of the best one-liners on the campy and soapy vampire drama. “You weren’t on any d*mn gay cruise. If you were, you’d have come back with more pizazz not less!” Still makes us giggle.

14. Brienne

Brienne of Tarth from Game of Thrones was THE reason to watch the show. If you were inspired by her warrior skills, consider the name Brienne. You can leave off “of Tarth” or “ser.” Brienne as a standalone makes more sense outside of the seven kingdoms.

13. Anne

You might have missed HBO’s Gentleman Jack and if you did, you’re missing out on the story of Anne Lister. Lister was a real woman and LGBTQ trailblazer who lived her authentic life in the early 19th century. Anne is a fine name and would be perfect for a little girl with big plans.

12. Roman

Roman Roy, like all of the characters from Succession, is disgusting. Entitled, unhinged, and absolutely hilarious, Roman is one of the best characters from the show. Although the character Roman is deeply flawed, his name is very handsome!

11. Jules

If you want to worry about the state of adolescent behavior, the show Euphoria about teenagers is terrifying. Honestly, the show is billed as a drama and it should be considered horror. The kids are not all right! The character, Jules Vaughn skates so closely to the edge the entire first season of the show it’s hard to watch. The name Jules is gorgeous!

10. Renaldo

Los Espookys is a Spanish language gem that premiered on HBO last year. The off-beat comedy features the character, Renaldo who has a love for horror movies and practical special effects. The name Renaldo sounds regal and rolls right off the tongue.

9. Susie

Susie Greene from Curb Your Enthusiasm shines in every single scene she appears in. Abrasive, commanding (we mean that in a good way), and never afraid to tell it like it is, Susie is one of HBO’s best characters. The name Susie has fallen out of fashion, but we’d love to hear more of it.

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8. Barry

Barry Berkman of the show, Barry is a lovable assassin who just wants to follow his dreams of becoming a part of LA’s theatre arts scene. Barry is a great name that is both playful and a classic at the same time.

7. Shiv

Shiv Roy, sister to Roman who also made this list, is a power player who can’t seem to figure out how to stay on top. Politically savvy and unafraid to play dirty, Shiv is a fantastic character from Succession. Shiv sounds like a contraband knife crafted in prison known as a “chiv” and we love it so much!

6. Omar

The Wire provided fans with some of the best character names ever written. Omar Little, Stringer Bell, McNutty, ‘Kima, Bunk, and Marlo Stanfield all come to mind. The name Omar is so special and belonged to one of our favorite characters from the show. “You come at the king, you best not miss.”

5. Arya

Arya Stark from Game of Thrones was a fierce fighter and probably the most courageous character on the entire show. We loved watching her journey! Not only is Arya a wonderful character, but she’s also got a lyrical name. Arya became the 119th-most popular for girls in the US because of the character.

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4. Bernard

Is it Bernard or is it Arnold? Westword‘s Bernard is a sad and solitary character who you know you shouldn’t trust, but can’t help it. Most of the time we don’t know what’s going on in Westworld, and we feel like Bernard doesn’t either. Bernard is a great old-fashioned name that’s primed for a comeback.

3. Angela

Angela Abar AKA Sister Knight from Watchmen filled us with delight. We loved watching her put together the pieces of the puzzle the show handed her. Angela is a strong name and would be perfect for a daughter.

2. Ziggy

Okay. So, we know the little boy from Big Little Lies is not like a major character, but he does have one of the best names ever. Ziggy is a weird and fun name for a child and we love when parents go bold with their name choices. Amabella was a choice! Ziggy is also a nod to David Bowie and his alter ego Ziggy Stardust which is wonderful.

1. Nora

The Leftovers is a show we try and get people to watch and they never do. Perhaps we’re pitching it wrong by suggesting the show is a meditation on grief, death, and loss. That doesn’t exactly paint a sunny picture! Tortured like all the other characters on the show, Nora Durst’s motivations are hard to pin down which makes her so addicting to watch. Nora is a beautiful name for a girl that means “light.”

There you have it! 25 baby names inspired by some of the best characters from HBO. We’re all spending a lot more time at home these days. If you’ve been looking for something new to watch or haven’t caught up on a season of a show, now’s a great time. HBO Max will be launching at the end of the month too with tons of content for your eyeballs. We look forward to meeting some new characters!

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