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My 19-Year-Old Son Just Joined Tinder, But I Think It’s a Terrible Idea: Any Advice?

My 19-Year-Old Son Just Joined Tinder, But I Think It's a Terrible Idea: Any Advice?

A mom writes in asking for advice from the community after her son, 19, told her he joined the dating app Tinder. The mom says her son likely doesn’t have a whole lot of other options in terms of meeting women, but she thinks him being on the app is a bad idea. Let’s see what the community had to say about this mom’s dilemma.

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A member of the community asks:

My 19-year-old son made a tinder and I am not sure it’s a good idea: Advice?

So today, my 19yo Son comes home from work and tells me he joined Tinder!!! He has dated a few girls here and there from school but says he’d like to meet girls outside of our small town. His job is all men, so no chance of meeting someone there. I’m not really sure this is a good idea!! What do you mama’s think about this and any other suggestions on a good place to meet girls? Thanks in advance.”

Mamas Uncut Community Member

Community Advice for This Mom Who Is Unsure if Her Son Joining Tinder Is a Good Idea

To see what advice the Mamas Uncut Facebook community has for this mom in need, read the comments of the post embedded below.

Advice Summary

Advice from the community was fairly unanimous this time around. The verdict? The son is 19-years-old and therefore an adult, which means he can and should make his own decisions about his love life.

“He’s 19. Mama bear is always on high alert, but you can’t fix everything. Make sure he’s being safe and just let him do his own thing,” one comment reads.

Another more flippantly-worded response reads, “He’s 19, he’s an adult, leave him alone.”

Some commenters who felt he was old enough to make his own decision here also offered a little more to help this mom out: “I mean he is an adult… Just remind him on how to be safe with it. Tell him not to send nude pictures to women. Remind him to respect it if he gets rejected. If you try to stop it, he’ll just hide it from you or lie about it. Let him have his fun but make sure he’s safe. And tell him to always meet somewhere public like coffee or the mall and to bring a friend with him just in case things go downhill. Have him call or text when he gets where he’s going and when he heads back home just in case.”

A few commenters suggested the mom push her son towards church and community groups, where he may be able to meet women, but mostly things came back down to this:

“It’s time to ‘cut the cord.’ If he is safe and smart, he knows what he is doing. Got to let them make their own mistakes or they will never learn.”

Do you have any advice for this mom? Leave a comment to help another mom out!

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