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15 Hilarious and Brutally Honest Tweets About Parenting That Will Make You Laugh, Cry, or Laugh Then Cry

Funny Parenting Tweets

Parenting is many things. It’s fun. It’s hard. It’s amusing. It’s frustrating. Mostly, it’s just… a lot. It’s easy sometimes to feel like we’re in this alone, and sometimes it’s tempting to let the bad moments win out over the good ones. Thankfully, one of the nice things about the internet is that we’re all connected and can share our stories, commiserate together, and learn to find the humor in all the madness.

Because when you get right down to it, us parents are all going through similar things. It may be absurd, it may be difficult, but we can get through it, and have a few laughs along the way.

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We’ve rounded up 15 absolutely hilarious tweets about parenting that aren’t just funny: they’re real. Very real.

A Magical Time

Science Doesn’t Lie

A Lot of Personal Information is Divluged in Public Bathrooms

The Scariest Costume of All

Do You Not Understand How This Works?

Just So There’s No Confusion

A Typical Parent’s Vacation

Sounds a Lot Like Demons

Sometimes It’s More Like 75%

That Ominous Feeling

Guess I’m in Here for a Few More Minutes at Least…

They Haven’t Quite Caught on Yet

Can’t Give It Away for Free

College Isn’t for Everyone

A Kind Reminder

Dressing Up Isn’t Just About Aesthetics

Keep checking back for more funny parenting tweets!

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