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15 DIY Baby Shower Games Everyone Will Actually Enjoy Playing

15 DIY Baby Shower Games Everyone Will Actually Enjoy Playing

Image via Shutterstock

If you’re planning a baby shower featuring games that people will actually enjoy, we have the perfect list for you.

According to the subreddit Baby Shower Games That Don’t Make You Want To Cringe, these were the top-rated. Enjoy!

15. Celebrity Babies

“My SIL used to morph together our faces, and then each of us with several celebrities, to create about 8 potential babies. Then they were printed, laminated, and hung on a string, and guests had to guess which one was ‘ours.’ I am pretty anti-game but it was pretty funny, and I found out Brad Pitt and I would make a super pretty baby!”

14. My Water Broke!

“My Water Broke! Get a pack of tiny plastic babies at a craft or party store. Freeze one into an ice cube for each guest. After the guests have arrived they all get a cup with the cube in it to keep an eye on during the party. You can either allow or prohibit “artificial induction methods” like holding the cup under a lamp, warming it with one’s hands, or breathing on it. The first person whose ice has melted so that her baby floats freely in the glass shouts “My water broke!” and wins the game.”

13. The Price Is Right

“We did a price is right game for things like diapers, wipes, formula etc…but it was a couples shower and the favorite game we played was the ‘nipple master’ we got a bunch of cheapo bottles online and put 2 oz of white russian in each (I obviously didn’t play) but the first one to get it down was the nipple master. Infant bottles are surprisingly hard to get anything out of!”

12. Baby Tunes

“I’ve played the song game at a couple of showers and it has been a hit. Especially at the co-ed one.

-Pick about 8-10 songs that have baby in the lyrics

-let people pair up or team up (makes it more fun IMO)

-play about 15-30 seconds of each song

-players get 1 point for the title and 1 for the artist

I make sure to pick a variety of genre’s and decades so everyone has a fighting chance. Some favorites are, Love to Love you Baby, Ice Ice Baby, Born to Run, Hey Baby, Baby Love.”

11. Pin The Sperm On The Egg

“Pin the sperm on the egg. A posterboard-sized cutout of a uterus, with two fallopian tubes and ovaries. Then have a bunch of cutout sperms. Blindfold a guest and set them towards it. Its just ‘pin the tail on the donkey.'”

10. Celebrity Baby Name Game

“Best game I played was naming celebrity babies. The babe’s were shown alone and you just had to name them. Person with the most points wins. It’s fun because the kids look familiar but they are often named crazy things.”

9. Baby Shower Scattergories

“I have hosted a number of showers. The one game I always do at showers is Baby Shower Scattergories. It’s easy to DIY this game, and if you search for it online you’ll find a ton of ideas for the categories to use and the rules (if you don’t know Scattergories rules). I like it because it’s not awkward/gross, it’s easy for anyone to learn, and people usually enjoy it.”

8. Baby Sock Match Up

“Baby sock match-up! We had a blast playing that at my shower.”

7. Baby Food Experiment

“Taste test of baby food. Paste something over the labels, give each one a number, give everyone lots of spoons & a piece of paper, they taste/sniff & then write down what they think each one is. Then someone looks over the papers & marks the answers. 1 point for correctly guessing 1-ingredient food, 3 points for 2-ingredient food, 5 points for more complicated food. Highest score wins a prize. This sounds way more complicated than it is. But it was fun & got people talking to each other.”

6. Clothespin Necklace Game

“Make a necklace out of ribbon for each party guest. Clip 3 clothespins to the necklace (we used the tiny wooden ones, but you can use whichever you like). Give everyone their necklace when they arrive. If a guest hears someone say the word ‘baby’ they get to take a clothespin from that person’s necklace and add it to their own. It’s that simple – say baby, lose a clothespin. The person with the most clothespins at the end of the game (set a time for when the game will end) wins a prize! This game’s really fun because it gets guests who might not know each other talking and keeps the energy up during the shower.”

5. Who Is Closest To Baby’s Due Date?

“Pretty self [explainatory] and there’s no material needed!!! Just ask whose birthday is closest to the due date and they win a prize!! If you want to double-check just ask to see driver’s license to confirm (although I don’t know who would lie at a shower lol).”

4. Advice Envelopes

“I hate all the games too,” one user admitted, except for one: “Advice Envelopes: You have a bunch of small cards with envelopes. Everyone can write a bit of advice on a card, and seal it in an envelope. On the envelope, they write when to open it. ‘First time baby cries for no reason, First time you have to leave baby with a babysitter,’ etc.”

3. Diaper Raffle

“My favorite showers are the ones where there are no games. Where we can just visit and eat at our leisure, then [watch] the gift opening. However, at my SIL’s shower, I threw a diaper raffle. If anyone brought a pack of diapers, no matter the size, they got their name in a [drawing] for a Scentsy. I was surprised to see how many people participated and said it was a refreshing change to the usual games.”

2. Sperm And Egg Cornhole

“My best friend sent me on Pinterest a cornhole-type game where you throw beanbags into the hole, but the beanbags were sperm-shaped. It was pretty amusing.”

1. Pinata Smash

“My awesome friend got a pinata for my co-ed baby shower and that was the only group activity we did. It was amazing to smash that frilly paper-mache baby stroller to bits! She stuffed it with candy and small baby things like socks, mittens, and pacifiers. But as long as there’s good food and drinks, guests don’t need to play games.”

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