Mamas Uncut

You’ll Never Believe How Many Missouri Hospital NICU Nurses Are Pregnant At The Same Time

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The nurses in the neonatal intensive care unit at Saint Luke’s Hospital in Kansas City, Missouri, are all pregnant with their own babies! A total of 14 members of their staff became pregnant and are all expecting lil’ babies at around the same time.

You’ll Never Believe How Many Missouri Hospital NICU Nurses Are Pregnant At The Same Time

14 Missouri Hospital NICU Nurses Become Pregnant At The Same Time
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“It’s a baby boom!” Saint Luke’s posted on Facebook earlier in June, revealing that more than a dozen of its labor and delivery unit NICU nurses were expecting or had recently delivered.

One of the nurses told “Good Morning America” recently that she broke the news of her pregnancy to her fellow nurses before even telling her family.

“Don’t tell them, though,” Ellie Kongs, who is due in October laughed. The nurses said it began with just a few nurses, and then, over time, a few more of the women would reveal their baby news.

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“It was awesome because I thought I was the only one that was trying to get pregnant,” nurse Caitlin Hall said. Some of the nurses even delivered their babies, revealing what it was like to have their colleagues by their side throughout the process.

“I ended up in an emergency C-section, so it wasn’t what I planned on, but having all my co-workers here and the support that I had was amazing,” Hall told the outlet. “I can’t imagine delivering without knowing all these people,” she added.

Initially, the hospital said in a Facebook post about the pregnancies that the nurses were all expecting their babies between May and December.

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“We can’t wait to spoil these moms and babies just like we do with every special delivery at Saint Luke’s,” the hospital said. And while fourteen pregnancies may seem like a lot, the NICU team isn’t quite done with surprises this month…

“It’s still very early, but I’m pregnant!” nurse Kristen Lutz, who also works in the labor and delivery unit, revealed on the show. One commenter praised the nurses, saying, “And all of you will be part of bringing joy and expertise to the young mothers and the babies.”

Followed by another user who shared their own experience, “Wow! When I was pregnant with my first child while working at SLH on the plaza way back in 1993, we had several who were pregnant at that time! I believe it was somewhere around 8 of us. This has to be a record! Congrats to all the Moms! And as always, Continue to let your Light Shine and God will do the rest.”

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