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12 Reasons to Wait For The Man Who Chooses You Every day

Instead of trying to change a man to fit your ideal guy, try waiting for the man who has no problem making you a priority without any prompting from you.

Women like to find a man they believe is perfect and try to convince these men that they are the women for them. (Guilty of this by the way, because hey! Some guys just seem so awesome, right?).

Well, the truth is, men can’t be convinced to love someone and to be honest, no girl should want a man like that anyway. So, here are the reasons you need to wait for a man who chooses you, and only you, every day!

1. He is ready to commit

You deserve a guy who isn’t around to play games. Someone who is ready to settle down because you are the girl he wants to be with. You need relationships like this or guys will just come and go because they aren’t ready and they will end up just ripping your heart to pieces.

I’m not saying you shouldn’t date, but make sure if you decide to settle down that you are with a guy who is serious about you and wants to make you happy.

2. He has fallen in love with who you are 

You are his dream girl. He can’t seem to get you off his mind and being with you is never a chore. You are his first priority and he makes sure you know it! This is a man who chooses you and deserves to have you.

3. He isn’t there to use you 

He cares about you and would never think of hurting you by using you. Especially, using you for sex, because he knows you aren’t an object and he respects you as a person.

4. He wants to have a real relationship with you

Friends with benefits or just benefits are not even in his vocabulary. You are the only girl he has eyes for and he will make that known.

5. He see’s a future with you

You are a girl he can imagine proposing to and starting a family with and that means something. Wait for the guy who didn’t want kids but since he has met you decided to change his mind because he loves you so much. There is a man out there that is meant for you and truly would do anything if that meant he was with you.

6. He doesn’t want to be with anyone else

A man who finds a woman he wants to be with knows that she is the one. Men can’t be convinced, so why not wait for a man who will never waiver on his feelings for you.

7. He proves to you every day he cares

Talk is cheap and with a man who chooses to be with you, every day, he makes it his mission to prove to you with actions how much he cares for you. There is never, he said, she said because he always makes sure to show you how much he really does love you.

8. Showing you off is something he loves to do

You are his everything, and he knows he is lucky! You deserve to wait for a man who knows this and treats you great because of it.

9. Supporting you and your dreams is important to him

He is with you because he sees your strength and determination to be successful and that’s what he loves about you. So, he does everything in his power to help you reach those dreams and goals because that is something he loves about the person you are. Even if that means he suffers a bit.

10. He isn’t selfish

In his eyes, you will always come first, even if at times it may not seem like it to you. He is always putting your happiness before his own and that is what real love is. Doing things that make the other person happy even if it doesn’t make you happy.

11. Hurting you hurts him too

He tries his very best never to hurt your feelings, because when you are upset or sad, so is he. He loves making you happy and if there is one thing he can’t stand, it is knowing that he is the reason you cried. You need a man like this, a man who respects your feelings and cares.

12. He chooses you every day because you are his person

Wait for the guy who makes you his person, his best friend. Don’t be the girl who get’s tied up with a guy who only has you around when he is lonely and needs someone to talk to or…. you know.

You deserve a man who loves you unconditionally and really wants to share his life with you. Don’t settle for anything less than a man who chooses you and your love every day.

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