Mamas Uncut

11-Year-Old Caught Jacking School Bus, Police Chase Lasts 45 Minutes

An 11-year-old boy from Louisiana was caught in Baton Rouge after he started a school bus and then fled from police when they attempted to stop him.

According to authorities, the pursuit lasted an entire 45 minutes.

11-Year-Old Caught Jacking School Bus, Police Pursue Him
Image via Instagram

Cops reveal that the kid taunted and flipped off officers as they chased him before he eventually crashed into a tree.

The child was physically fine but was arrested. Cops also reveal he hit 3 other vehicles along the way but no one was seriously injured.

He was then placed in handcuffs at the scene.

Image via Instagram

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It was not clear how the boy obtained keys to the bus, as most schools are closed on a weekend.

The Baton Rouge Police Department says the bus belongs to a private owner who subcontracts with Head Start. They additionally noted how the bus is a push to start.

Joy Gradney captured the chase on her cell phone. She said she was not expecting a young person to zoom past her.

Image via Instagram

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“As he got closer and closer and closer, I saw it’s a little boy in there and he was laughing. He was like giggling on the way across Florida as he goes right past me. I’m like I can’t believe it’s a little boy,” said Gradney.

“I’m thinking what in the world is going on and my first thought is that it was a lot of kids on the bus. Thank goodness he was okay he was safe, but it was not your typical Sunday afternoon occurrence for sure. So, we’re blessed that it didn’t do any more damage than it did,” said Smith.

BRPD has charged the 11-year-old juvenile with theft of a motor vehicle, aggravated flight, three counts of aggravated damage to property, and aggravated assault.

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