Mamas Uncut

10 of the Most Hilarious School Pictures

Picture day at school is always a pretty big deal – you pick out the outfit, you make sure your kid’s hair is done (or at least not sticking up all over the place) and you remind them to smile – no funny faces! But, in the end, you can’t actually be there for the photos which mean the results are … mixed … to say the least. Sometimes kids have their own ideas of what makes a good photo, and the school pictures that result are pretty hilarious.

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PopSugar rounded up some of the most hilarious school photos that showcase the kids’ true personalities. If any of these look familiar, we feel you!

Absolutely shocked that today is school picture day.

10 of the Most Hilarious School Pictures | PopSugar rounded up some of that best school photos that showcase the kids’ personalities and the results are hilarious.

Suspicious of the the school photographer’s photo skills.

Open-mouth photos are preferred, sir.

All the cool kids are rocking this hairstyle.

NOT on board with this photo theme.

I am a tree and the tree is me.

There’s always the option of not smiling at all…

Be cool, man, just be cool.

This counts as smiling, right?

Does this give me a double chin?

Got your own hilarious school photo fail? Tell us about it in the comments!

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