Mamas Uncut

My 10-Month-Old Won’t Hold His Bottle — or Really Bring Anything to His Mouth: Should I Be Concerned?

A first-time mom writes in asking for advice about her 10-month-old baby. She says her son won’t hold his bottle or sippy cup himself, won’t bring food to his mouth, or even put his pacifier in his mouth. This mom is concerned that something may be wrong and wants to know if this behavior is normal.

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A member of the community asks:

“My almost 10-month-old doesn’t hold his bottle yet: Advice?

I need some advice, please post anonymously. I have a 9-month-old, almost 10 months, but he won’t hold his bottle or sippy cup, bring food up to his mouth, or put his pacifier in his mouth himself. Am I doing something wrong? Is this normal? Any advice would help! 1st-time mom and just going off of other kids I’ve babysat.”

– Mamas Uncut Community Member

Community Advice for This Mom Whose 10-Month-Old Baby Won’t Hold His Bottle or Sippy Cup

To see what advice the Mamas Uncut Facebook community has for this mom in need, read the comments of the post embedded below.

Advice Summary

My 10-Month-Old Won't Hold His Bottle — or Really Bring Anything to His Mouth: Should I Be Concerned?

The community offered this mom in need a lot of great advice. Read some of their responses below.

“I would have him evaluated for developmental delays. If not, if he gets hungry enough, he will do it on his own out of necessity.”

“They learn at their own pace. You’re doing a great job when you give him a bottle, maybe guide him by helping him hold it and put it to his mouth.”

“My son never held his. He refused. He wouldn’t tip up a sippy cup either when I switched him. Had to get the straw kind. He’s 6 now and drinks from a regular cup fine.”

“Kids do things in their own time. I had to learn not to compare my kids to other kids.”

“My daughter didn’t hold her bottle till after she learned to walk. Sometimes it’s the knowing that you will help them that makes them resistant to do it them selfs. If your baby was a lot older than 10 months it might be something to look into.”

“Don’t do it for him if there are no other underlying problems. Sometimes it is just them not wanting to do it for themselves.”

“Talk to your child’s doctor. It’s likely he’s just a ‘late bloomer’ but it’s always better to be on the safe side.”

“He’s ten months old, he should be doing all of this on his own. I would try encouraging him to do it more and more. He’s still a baby, but he should be capable. Even if it’s him picking up a bite and feeding you, then himself. I would definitely work on it and try breaking the habit, re-directing him as much as possible and take it from there. Did he go to his 9-month checkup? Did you tell his doctor? I know a lot of kids develop on their own, but some are also lazy, spoiled, etc- I’m not saying you, just in general. I give you props for asking, I’d be skeptical myself. I’d def keep paying attention!”

“I would have him evaluated for developmental delays. They do learn at their own pace but these are basic things I would be concerned about.”

“Some babies are stubborn. I wouldn’t stress. Try putting it in their mouth and walking away, they’ll struggle for a little bit but they’ll figure it out when they realize you’re not going to do it for them. If you’re really concerned just talk to their doctor and they can give you some ideas or let you know if it’s something else.”

Do you have any advice for this mom? Leave a comment to help another mom out!

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