Mamas Uncut

10 Covid-Conscious Family Activities You And Your Kiddos Will Love

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With the cold weather upon us, finding family activities for you and your kiddos that are covid-conscious can prove to be a challenge.

We have complied a few ideas below to keep you and your kids entertained, safe and sane during this crazy time…

10 Covid-Conscious Family Activities You And Your Kiddos Will Love
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10. Drive-In Movie Theater

Who said you have to watch a movie at home? A drive in theater will not only be a fun adventure but also you can bring as many snacks as you want. Plus, kids can be strapped to their seats so you don’t have to worry about all the wiggling or running through the movie theater aisles. Did we mention you can also leave at anytime if no one is a fan of the movie without any awkwardness? We call that a win-win.

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9. Blanket Forts

If you want to stay close to home but impress the kiddos and you’re feeling cozy and comfortable — you can’t go wrong with a blanket fort! You can make it as big as you’d like and let yourself get creative! Use pillow cushions, as many pillows as possible, every sheet you can find, duvets, throws, you name it! The more you have to work with, the more fun the challenge! But it doesn’t have to stop there! Maybe include a flashlight or glowsticks to give your kid’s new hideout some light sources.

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8. Plants, Bugs And Dirt, Oh My!

Should the weather permit, digging in the backyard is a super fun activity for all family members, regardless of their age. You can teach your kiddo to plant a few of your favorites or, you can explore your backyard together! Purchasing a disposable camera where you and your kids can take photos of eye catching creatures, growths or specimens living in your backyard can not only create a wonderful memory — but also, when it’s time to clean up, the shower isn’t too far away!

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7. Get Cookin’ In The Kitchen

Maybe you have family recipe you’d like to share with your kiddo or maybe they have been asking you to make a certain dish. Cooking in the kitchen is not only a great way to bond with your family, but also empower your kids by teaching them new skills. Also, sharing a meal together that everyone had a hand in creating may becemo a tradition that will stand the test of time.

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6. Backyard Obstacle Course

If your little ones have more energy than you know what to do with, this option is for you! Don’t be deceived thinking you have to go out and spend a bunch of money either for this activity! You can easily scrounge up a few items in the garage. An old pool noodle you haven’t looked at since 2019? BAM! Now it’s a wiggly worm that your kid needs to hop over. A garden hose? CONGRATS! It’s now a super soaker that will shower your kids with water once they make it through the track. Old car mats? WOO-HOO! These are now “bases” your kids can jump to and fro while racing to the finish line…which could be a spare jump rump or a hoola-hoop that stands upright. Have fun with it!

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5. Orgami

If you’re looking for a zen afternoon with your kids, crafting orgami with them can not only help refine their motor skills, but they can also create their own decorations for their play spaces. You could take it another step further and create a family art piece where everyone creates their own orgami section and display it on the mantle or the front door.

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4. Nature Walk

If the cold never bothered you anyway, this is a fantastic option to not only get some fresh air but also soak in the vitamin D. Taking a simple walk in the backyard, through a local park or conservatory can not only teach kids to stop and smell the flowers — it can also allow you time and space to hold meaningful conversations as a family as you soak in the sites.

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3. Dance Party

There is nothing like a timeless dance party. Maybe your fmaily adores Dance Dance Revolution or maybe, you like to put on a show in the living room while factiming Grandma. Either way, it’s a great way to get energy out, bump up the heart rate and be silly with your family.

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2. Art Show

If your kiddos love to craft, this is the activity for you and yours. Whatever the medium, put on your very own exhibit! Maybe even have your kids dress up and presents their works to everyone while you sip on apple juice. Or, watch a movie while everyone paints what they feel as they watch a film. The sky is the limit, so get colorful!

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1. Spa Day

And last but certainly not least, crafting an at home spa day with your kids can be a luxurious experience for all. Pick up some bathbombs, slice some cucumbers and warm up your towels in the dryer for a relaxing and rejuvenating experience. If you’re feeling ambitious, you could craft your own face masks with your kids, dip strawberries in chocolate or pull out the nail polish and go to town.

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