Mamas Uncut

My 1-Year-Old Constantly Fights Me During Diaper Changes: Advice?

A mom writes in asking for advice about diapering. She says that her daughter, who is 1-year-old, always fights her when this mom goes to change her diapers. “She wiggles and kicks everywhere,” this mom says. She adds that this is her first child, so the whole experience is still somewhat new to her. Have any other moms experienced their children putting up a fight when changing diapers? What did you do to change the behavior?

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A member of the community asks:

“My 1-year-old fights me during diaper changes: What can I do?”

“My 1-year-old daughter fights me when I change her diapers. She wiggles everywhere and kicks. I’m not sure what to do? This is my first daughter, so it’s different for me. Have y’all moms had this issue? What did y’all do!”

– Mamas Uncut Community Member

Community Advice for This Mom Whose 1-Year-Old Daughter Fights Her During Diaper Changes

To see what advice the Mamas Uncut Facebook community has for this mom in need, read the comments of the post embedded below.

Advice Summary

My 1-Year-Old Constantly Fights Me During Diaper Changes: Advice?

The community offered this mom in need a lot of great advice. Read some of their responses below.

“I let mine hold my phone because it was a battle with all of mine. It lasts about 4 to 6 months.”

I’ve learned because I also have a 1-year-old daughter… talk to her… keep her interested in a conversation. We used to lightly spank her on her butt but it didn’t work. But having a conversation with her helps us so much!!! She’s more focused on listened and/or responding that wiggling isn’t her mind.”

“I have 3 kids and they all stop wearing diapers at 9 and 10 months… but you can talk to her and tell her to hold still in a fun voice or make up some song while you’re doing it so she’s distracted.”

“Sing to her. I work with 1-year-olds at my job and I sing to them and it helps keep the focus on you.”

“Hold on tight & be fast lol.”

“Time to start potty training. Let her sit on the potty a bit. Also, try real panties.”

“I give mine a toy to distract for a minute and just be fast and keep one hand on the tummy!”

“My two-year-old still does this. I just threaten to take her iPad and iPhone away. It usually works.”

“I have to change my daughter on her changing table; it’s a tight spot so there’s not so much room for her to move around like a fish out of water.”

“Comes with territory lol, but I would give my son something to hold and look at so he would stay occupied.”

“I started using a handheld small bubble blower (has music & lights too) and I hold it with one hand and baby lays for bubbles while I change him with my free hand! He just turned one and he doesn’t like being still or diaper changes so the bubble redirect was a lifesaver for me.”

Do you have any advice for this mom? Leave a comment to help another mom out!

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